London  1844-332-2639 ext 439

Me and Kayla love to share cocks. But our favorite thing to enjoy is pussy boys. I love our 2 girl calls. Especially when there is a whimp or sissy boy on the line. Something about us putting on our strap-on cocks and stretching out a tight ass excites me. We have a game we play called Pass the pussy boy.

It’s where we take turns using a cock sucker. Passing him back and forth. Until his hole gapes wide open. And he is begging for mercy. But no mercy will be given. Our only mission is to crush losers. Watching her pound an ass is such a treat. My anticipation builds while I’m waiting for my turn.

I stand there rubbing my strap while chanting take it bitch. Watching her bury her cock deeper and deeper inside him. Until I can’t wait any longer so I push my strap down his throat. Dirty boys need to be treated like sluts. So we never miss a chance to go ass to mouth. Making sure he cleans the cock to perfection. Yes, lick your ass juice off our dicks. Like a well-trained whore. Continue reading “Pass The Pussy Boy”

Krysta 844-332-2639 Ext. 410

Good morning baby bedwetter. Look what you’ve done! You lost control during the night for one reason or the other, and you’ve woken us both up in a puddle. My thread count is far too high for you to be soaking them through and through, but since you have, now I’m going to make you fuck this silky smooth wet spot.

That’s right! You’ve made this bed, and now you’ll be forced to lie in it. Roll onto your tummy and fuck my sheets!

Continue reading “Fuck My Sheets For Me”

extreme phone sex

Extreme Phone Sex

Hello horny readers. Guess who just hit the lottery. You! My favorite guys!! That’s right, we have a new, unsuspecting, vulnerable, naive little girl to introduce to all of you today. Hannah is her name, and her therapy was quite an adventure. So, sit down, relax, and get ready to get hard. If you enjoy hearing about a silly girl getting molested, you are gonna want to bookmark this page and call me call me call me. If you think reading about this is fun wait till, I whisper in your ear all the blow-by-blow details of little Hannah’s first molestation.

Continue reading “Extreme Phone Sex – Meet Hannah Part 1”

Catfight with Sammy and see what she's made of. Hard slaps, red cheeks, and hot insane sex. Don't miss out.

Call Sammy Now 1 (844) 332-2639 ext.421

Catfights and Sammy do mix. Anytime one of the other girls would get jealous of me because their boyfriend wanted to fuck me, they always turned to violence. Thinking that a fight would deter me, but it did the exact opposite. The heat of the catfight grew hotter when we close in on each other’s faces turn me on so much. The heavy breaths lifting the other girl’s tits up and down. The insane eye contact, like we’re silently telling each other that we’re going to rip each other apart.

Her arm cocks back, and SLAP! A sharp hot sting lands on my face. My hand instinctively flies to my cheek and I stare daggers back at her. How dare she? Does she know how mad she’s made me? I cock my arm back and deliver a backhand on her beautiful face. We’re both staring at each other, breathing hard, and ready to attack.


Continue reading “Catfight Finds Sammy”

xXx Francie xXx 844-332-2639 x 208

You’ve heard pain is pleasure, but you didn’t think to ask, “Whos.”

Your pain is my pleasure. I want to make it hurt, and I’ll delight in doing so. Lay yourself bare in front of me, vulnerable and open to destruction. There is no line I won’t cross. With me, you have no safe haven. Oh, you filthy little fuckwhore. Even the mention of pain is making you tremble with anticipation. You crave it, or so you think you do. You’ve yet to have someone really deliver. I fucking promise, I won’t disappoint.

Continue reading “I Want To Make It Hurt”

extreme phone sexExtreme Phone Sex

Hello horny readers. So, what a response for Maggie’s first visit to therapist Laylene’s couch. The way her uncle touched her all over – outside and inside – really struck a happy place with my favorite guys. And I loved hearing about your views on the magic third inch, whether her uncle was smart to leave before sleeping beauty woke up (yes was the unanimous answer, wives are for waking up next to, slutty whore nieces are strictly for pumping and dumping), and what was so important about that special spot in the room where Maggie just had to stand while receiving her uncle’s third leg attentions.

Of course, the one question I got from everyone was “When can we hear about your next therapist’s session with Maggie?” When I’d say, “Laylene is a busy lady, I’ll do my best” the response was “Please hurry, hearing about a helpless girl having her brain programmed to associate a p uncle molesting her as sheer happiness is just bliss.”

Continue reading “Extreme Phone Sex – Maggie’s Rough Uncle Comes Back For Round Two – Part 1”

xXx Francie xXx 844-332-2639 x 208

It’s a curious thing when you start exploring the occult. Most don’t know what is real and what is movie magic. Well, I’m here to tell you that what you’ve seen is nowhere near what you are going to get! So you decided to search authentic occult bookstores, and you did your research. Had to go on the dark web to find the authentic forums that will help you find legitimate shops. Congrats, but that’s literally just step one. If you want to meet me, you’re going to have a lot more work in front of you!

You go alone, at sunset, just as you were instructed. You walk around a corner to a suddenly alien and unfamiliar part of town. You’ve lived in this city for so long and have never seen anything like this! When you find the shop, not by address but by description, you hesitantly walk in.

Continue reading “A Curious Thing”

No Penetration

No Penetration

TS Alexus 844-332-2639 EXT 349

This thing between us started as a joke. After we ended up watching sissy porn together, I dressed up like a bimbo and told you how fucking pathetic I thought sissies were when they acted like this. Then I crossed my eyes, stuck out my tongue, and begged for your cock.

I was shocked when you slapped it on my mouth and let me suck it, but it felt good for both of us. I turned over on my hands and knees and pushed my ass in the air. “Just grind it between my ass cheeks, dude. It’s not gay if there’s no penetration.”

Continue reading “No Penetration”

Hello horny readers. Sometimes a door closes. Your favorite co-star in my blogs, Shannon, has retired. Maybe she has a retirement gift for us in the future, but fear not my dear readers. What’s the saying? Every time a door closes a young and helpless girl’s legs open – sometimes by the choice of someone who should know better! And when little girl legs open some things fill faster than others, but eventually therapist Laylene’s couch fills, too.
So, a big Laylene welcome to Maggie!! I absolutely loved her, I’m sure you guys will too. Remember, some details are too hot to blog, but call me up and I’ll let you know every last little bit – especially the stuff that young Maggie hasn’t really “processed” yet.
How does one process your first date, your first kiss, your first blowjob, and your first fuck all coming on the same night? Different ways, I guess. If it’s with a nice boy who loves, you then you probably process it with a grin and some bragging to your girls.

Continue reading “Extreme Phone Sex – Say Hello To Maggie Part 1”

Private session with my trainer

Private session with my personal trainer  xoX TorrenceXox (844-332-2639) ext 415

Summer is around the corner, so it’s time for me to start perfecting my summer bod. I booked a private session with my personal trainer at the gym and I couldn’t be more excited! His name is Cole, and today is my first time ever seeing him. He rounded the corner from the locker room, and my jaw hit the floor. There was a 6’1” beast walking towards me, with the most powerful back and chest I’ve ever seen on a human. He casted a shadow over me as he approached. After introducing himself he told me to follow him, i’d follow him right down the rabbit hole if he told me to.  Continue reading “Private session with my trainer”