Adult Baby Phone Sex

XXOO Laylene 1-844-332-2639 ext 419 – XXOO Anna 1-844-332-2639 ext 203

Adult Baby Phone Sex

I walked into the living room for the second time of the morning, yet to only find Tim still on the sofa. He was in a trance still playing video games only this time with a blanket draped over his lap and a faraway gaze, in his eyes, Tim!!! Tim!!  I shouted startling him. I asked you to get ready, we have errands to run. My phone rang as I walked out of the room to take the call. It was my college friend Anna, who was a psychologist. She was also an avid hater of men and was now in the early stages of helping me rid myself of this burden, and giving me total control over Tim and the much-needed happiness I so desired.

Are you going to still meet up with me as we planned at my conditioning center? Yes, I said I am working on getting him moving. Anna told her, to get him up and dressed and give him a little special encouragement to get him on his way. You will soon be taking care of all his needs and deep down all men are just big babies. Nodding and smiling wickedly I hung up and walked back into the room and there was Tim.

Adult Baby Phone Sex

Tim!! I shouted yet again and oblivious to my calls, I pulled away the blanket horrified to find his hands firmly wrapped around his pathetic excuse for a penis. With its tiny grapelike sac, tufts of hair, and shriveled to the size of a baby carrot that was never good for anything, at least anything that ever pleased me. He was a poor excuse for a lover and boyfriend I thought to myself. A faraway gaze still in his eyes, WHAT IN THE HELL, I am going to get ready, and I guess by the look of things have to get you ready as well. Leave me alone it’s my day off and I want to play. Play with what I sneered. I cannot believe how pathetic you are.

Let’s get going and drink this.

I smirked taking him to the bedroom. I helped him dress as he became groggy and wobbly from my little drink that me and Anna came up with. Full of psycho tropic mind altering fun which would make him much more receptive to our plan which was working so well. Before finishing dressing him I gave a few rubs to the front of his underpants, cringing with every stroke and leaving him at the point of climax. Dribbles was more like it, and abruptly stopping, like he did to me so many times. Things came to life as Tim smiled Ah Ah uh uh I quickly said with a smirk. Understand I am in control now and what I say or do goes. Do you understand me as he drank the sweet liquid, becoming more and more disoriented. Seeing Tim in this state I smiled wickedly. It’s working I thought to myself as I led my lifeless boyfriend to the car.

I know you can’t wait for Part Two so click here to read it.