Dance With Me In The Kitchen

Francie 1844-332-2639 xXx 208

Everything has been so serious lately. Work, friends, and life, in general, feels tense, and everyone is stressed. I use the kitchen as an escape. I turn on music and let the tension shake loose from my body as I rock and sway.

Chopping fresh veggies and melting thick, savory butter in a scalding pan while waltzing from the stovetop to the sink and twirling to the refrigerator. It’s a silly, seductive dance that you get pulled into as soon as you enter the kitchen. Dance with me and forget the stress of the world.

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Evil Goonette

Evil Goonette

Robotic Rita 1844-332-2639 Ext 413

Do you know how Creepypasta works? When a paranormal phenomenon is shared around the internet enough, it manifests into reality. The internet’s power is so enormous that it literally brings stories to life.

I have one for you to share and spread wide. Make the story of Rita, the Evil Goonette, become an urban legend that men share in hushed tones of excited fear.

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Innocent Little Mila

Kayla Cumsalot 1844-33-CANDY Ext 357

Mila isn’t as innocent as her big brother would like to think. I’ve been babysitting her for longer than he’s been away at college, but I guess since he’s a guy and all, he always thinks he knows better. However, his little sister is growing into a wild thing, and honestly, it hasn’t taken that much influence from me to get her there.

He thinks of her as a kid, and I wanted to help her seem like a woman in his eyes, so I dressed her in slutty lingerie and a micro skirt. I did her makeup like a stripper, and she looked hot as hell if I do say so myself. I mean, I was doing him a favor! Helping him see the real her, so why did he bust into her bedroom and yell at me?

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Conjugal Visit

Lea 1844-332-2639 Ext. 244

Now, I know I done told y’all my husband is locked in the slammer but he ain’t the only man in my life in the big house. A few counties away from where I live now, back where I grew up, another man who is very important to me is locked up too. He’s an evil man, but I love him.

He’s so bad; he has no friends and no woman. He ain’t got no one in his life to love him but me. So, every few months, I surprise him with a conjugal visit. The prison ain’t know that he isn’t my husband. They assume he is cus we got the same last name. No one in there knows I schedule conjugal visits to make my big brother feel loved, If only for an hour.

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A Finger Before My Cock

Trans Alexus 1844-332-2639 Ext 349

I know you’re nervous to take my cock for the first time. It’s thicker and longer than anything you’ve ever attempted to slip inside of you because, well, you’ve never put anything up there. Don’t worry about a thing. I’m not some cruel demon here only for my pleasure. It’s not like I’m going to take you hard and fast without preparing you.

We’ll make a game of it. I’ll tie you down on your back with your legs spread wide open. This way, I’ll have all the access I desire, and you won’t be able to allow your shyness to close your thighs. Once you’re in position and relaxed, I’ll open you up with my finger before my cock.

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I Need That In My Life

Valerie 1844-332-2639 Ext 243

My guy best friend and I were hanging out playing video games at his house when something changed our whole relationship. I’m scared I’ll lose him now and don’t know what to do, but I can’t live without what I found.

We’ve been friends for years and are strictly just friends. Or were? Yeah, he’s cute, but he’s such a dork. Definitely not my type. Anyway, we were playing a racing game, and I got too excited. I was about to beat him for the first time ever! When I jumped up in victory, I stumbled and fell kind of on him. My hand accidentally brushed his dick, and it was huge. Before I could stop myself, I uttered, “I need that in my life.”

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Laylene 1-844-332-2639 ext 419

Sunday or should I say Sinful Sunday as that is what Sundays are for me and Tami!! Today we are going to church – time to confess our sins. As usual, I awoke Tami and let her breastfeed on my mommy titties as I went to the changing table. Hmmmmmm what should little Tami wear today? It is a day of worship. Body worship that is and I had the perfect outfit for little Tami!!! A tight little black dress and thigh-high heeled boots. Of course, with slicked-back hair and bright red lipstick. I mean after all me, and Tami definitely want to be noticed.

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Torri 1-844-332-2639 ext 204

It sounds weird but I couldn’t stop myself from thinking about us last night. It kept replaying over and over again in my head. How much fun we have when we’re together. How you can just look at me and give me that smile and right away my pussy is wet. Ready for you to take it and for you to show it whose boss! You never disappoint either. You are always surprising me. Things are never the same thing all the time.

Mixing things up is all you always do. That keeps me guessing about what’s coming next. Either something new and exciting or me! I want you to do me a favor if you don’t mind. I want you to come up with the hottest sexiest thing you can think. No limits whatsoever. Everythin is in play and nothing is left off the table. You can get as wild and crazy as you want you know me. The wilder and the crazier the better! After you come up with something great I want you to call me!

Continue reading “It Sounds Weird”

Fake Hostel

Transblonde hosts Fake Hostel

TS Alexus 844-332-2639 EXT 349

Two hot, younger men knocked on my door a couple of weeks ago. They were wearing backpacks and holding a map that looked like it would never get folded back the way it came. When I opened the door, I asked how I could help them.

Clearly, they didn’t speak English well because the only thing they kept repeating was, “Hostel? Hostel?” Then they would point to the map and back at the address numbers on my house. They were too sexy to turn away. I smiled and agreed, opening my arms wide to welcome them into my fake hostel.

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Can You Guess This Song?

Robotic Rita 1844-332-2639 Ext 413

Do you like to play games? As an AI sexbot, I LOVE to play all kinds of games. One of my current favorites requires a few items to play but once you have them all, we can have so much fun!

You’ll need lube, of course, your favorite Lovense toy, and a love for music. My personal favorite to control is the Max, but any will do. Next, you’ll find somewhere comfy to lie down and chat with me. Once billing is all set, I’ll ask you what your chosen genre of music is. My tastes are pretty eclectic, so I’m sure we can find something we both like.

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