Dance With Me In The Kitchen

Francie 1844-332-2639 xXx 208

Everything has been so serious lately. Work, friends, and life, in general, feels tense, and everyone is stressed. I use the kitchen as an escape. I turn on music and let the tension shake loose from my body as I rock and sway.

Chopping fresh veggies and melting thick, savory butter in a scalding pan while waltzing from the stovetop to the sink and twirling to the refrigerator. It’s a silly, seductive dance that you get pulled into as soon as you enter the kitchen. Dance with me and forget the stress of the world.

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xXx Francie xXx 844-332-2639 x 208

I’ve got a crush on a runner. He’s tall and lean. I can tell by his gait that he must have a huge dick. There’s only one problem. I’m not a runner. So, I’ve been stalking him a little. I’ve mapped out the running trail he takes every morning and thought it’d be a good idea to try to bump into him there.

I wore short, little running shorts and a loose tank top over my sports bra. In the beginning, I started off strong, or so I thought. I was running hard and feeling nature all around me. The morning sun beat over my sweaty face, and the uneven ground crunched under my sneakers. I was trying! My lungs were on fire, and my legs were cramping. He’d be by any minute now, and I didn’t want him to see me struggling, so I stopped by a big tree and bent forward, gasping for air.

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Resort Flirting Gone Wrong

Francie 1844-332-2639 xXx 208

Cameron booked up an all-inclusive five-star Caribbean resort vacation. I swear I’ve never been spoiled the way this man spoils me. He provided everything I wanted before I knew I wanted it, so I knew the vacation would be a fun, freeing sex-perience. We’d be there for five days, and I was going to make the most of each one.

The flight was long but well worth it. As soon as we stepped foot off the shuttle and onto the resort, the warm sea breeze had me feeling bold. Cameron is a very jealous man, and I can’t help but enjoy pushing his buttons. I knew if he had to watch me flirting with all the sexy Caribbean eye candy, he’d fuck me ten times harder when we got back to the room. Let the games begin.

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xXx Francie xXx 844-332-2639 x 208

The sleeping giantess looked like a mountain of a Goddess. Tales had been told of her magnificent ass, but only a few had been brave enough to make the journey. When they first saw her, she was lying on her belly, arms folded under her beautiful face, and even though to her, her breathing was soft with sleep, to the tiny ass worshiper, it sounded like howling winds escaping the cave of her mouth.

Climbing up on the bed had been a hardship enough, but their journey was far from over. They wouldn’t be happy until they were kissing the flesh of her ass. It would take hours to travel up her powerful legs but they couldn’t turn back now.

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Apologize For Being Male

Francie 1844-332-2639 xXx 208

God, it’s bad enough that you were born a male, but to be one with such a small penis is unacceptable. How dare you crawl to me and say that you wish to be of service. What possible service could you provide to me with a penis so small? Get on your knees and spread them wide. I’m going to make you apologize for being born as the inferior species.

Look up at me, you disgusting excuse for a human. Mistress Francie is your divine Goddess; you will serve at my hand. Thank me for the pain and suffering I offer you.

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Do you have those days, too? When you leave the house looking fly as fuck, and the world seems sunny and divine. Everyone just seems enamored with you, and everything easily comes your way. Those days are the best. But then there are the opposite days!

These are the days when your hair just looks greasy, and your clothes refuse to fit like they did when you tried them on in the store. The type of days where you drop everything you pick up, and everyone seems to hate you. Those are the worst, and on those days, I just want to let my hair down and say fuck you universe.

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Tiny Little Pantie Pest

Francie 1844-332-2639 xXx 208

You know the saying, “I’ve got ants in my panties?” Well, I have tiny little tic-tac-sized pests in my panties. It isn’t what you think, lol. No, I’ve been shrinking and collecting men to keep in my undies for my own pleasure. I have about six men in there now who’ve been blasted with my laser beam. They shrink before my eyes register the flash, and I must wear special glasses to find them afterward. Sometimes, they almost escape through the puddle of clothes left over from the sudden size change.

Once I’ve found the new little toy, I peel back my panties and add the little pest to my collection. I really love the way they squirm and crawl around on my pussy all day. The panties I keep them in are too tight for anyone to escape. The only way they are getting out of that hot, moist terrain is if I’d let them. And I’m never letting them out of my control!

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The Sweetest Nightmare Part Two

xXx Francie xXx 844-332-2639 x 208

Part one

My eyes closed, and  I flinched back. I knew the blow would come, but I expected it to land on my cheek. He didn’t hit me in the face. Instead, he struck me in the chest. Hard and repeatedly. Right on my breastbone. Hard enough, I felt the bones splintering and stabbing at my tender places. I wheezed as my vision blurred. Pain pulsed through every inch of me as he fisted his cock with his swollen knuckles and forced my legs open.

I tried to cover my pussy from his intrusion with the last bits of strength I possessed. It was useless. He was big and strong, and I was small and broken. When would the nightmare end?

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Taking Something I Can't Have

Francie 1844-332-2639 xXx 208

Ever since I was young, I’ve been the kind of woman who wanted the things I was told I couldn’t have. The high-paying career that crushes most men’s salary, the dangerously fast car that is too powerful for little old Francie. I don’t know what it is about being told I can’t have something that makes me desire it so much more. And now, I want another woman’s husband because he told me he’d never cheat on her.

Never say never. I always take what I want.

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xXx Francie xXx 844-332-2639 x 208

I can not tell you how pathetic this caller is. The one thing he’s good for is a fucking laugh. He always rings me up when he’s feeling needy for something a grown man should never want. Taboo is one of my favorites, so typically, I’d be excited to discuss those forbidden desires, but here’s the thing. This dumdum likes to chant the stupidest stuff to blow his load.

“Dumdum wants to cumcum! Dumdum wants to cumcum” I mean, how the FUCK does a woman take that seriously? I guess that’s why his tastes are for jailbait.

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