Valerie 1844-332-2639 Ext 243

Growing up, all I ever wanted was to be a mother—a girl mom, if I’m honest. I longed for a sweet, angelic bundle of joy to love and cherish, but I had a boy instead.

I tried to deal with the disappointment, but with every diaper change, I was reminded of what those ugly testicles gave me! They ruined everything! I could dress my baby in pretty dresses and bows, but those saggy, unsightly boy bulges remained to punish me. Sissy baby castration became the clear solution. The sooner I got rid of my angel’s nutsack, the happier we both would be.

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xXx Francie xXx 844-332-2639 x 208

I’ve got a crush on a runner. He’s tall and lean. I can tell by his gait that he must have a huge dick. There’s only one problem. I’m not a runner. So, I’ve been stalking him a little. I’ve mapped out the running trail he takes every morning and thought it’d be a good idea to try to bump into him there.

I wore short, little running shorts and a loose tank top over my sports bra. In the beginning, I started off strong, or so I thought. I was running hard and feeling nature all around me. The morning sun beat over my sweaty face, and the uneven ground crunched under my sneakers. I was trying! My lungs were on fire, and my legs were cramping. He’d be by any minute now, and I didn’t want him to see me struggling, so I stopped by a big tree and bent forward, gasping for air.

Continue reading “The Running Trail”

Working Abroad

Sherry 1844-332-2639 ext 399

I was stationed in Tokyo, working abroad. It was different, especially the nightlife. It’s so full of life. It was in the middle of the night when I got home. I heard a loud noise in the front room and there was my housemaster sitting on the couch waiting for me. He was angry and pushed me against the wall. How dare you be late coming home. Continue reading “Working Abroad”

Secret Fat Girl Fetish

 Kinky Krysta 1844-332-2639 Ext.410

Ever since you can remember, you’ve had a secret. While all of your friends were bragging about bagging a cheerleader or some other preppy twig bitch, you were repulsed. Turned off by the defined muscles in their arms and tight little tummies. It made you feel ashamed that you couldn’t share with them your secret fat girl fetish, so you stayed quiet.

I’ll bet they thought you were jealous when, in reality, you just wanted more cushion for the pushing.

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New Daddy Stakes His Claim

Kayla Cumsalot 1844-33-CANDY Ext 357

I don’t indulge in a girls’ night very often, but when I do, it’s sacred. We don’t allow the guys we’re seeing to hang with us. We don’t even tolerate being hit on. It’s simply a night for us ladies to relax, vent, and commiserate while reminding each other how badass we are. After the last two weeks, I desperately needed female companionship. The new guy I’ve been chatting with said he’d also be busy with his friends, so I tucked my phone into my purse and decided to let loose.

The girls and I picked a Korena BBQ restaurant/bar to destress at. With Japanese rice wine sake flowing and the scents of meats cooking on the table grill, I finally felt myself relaxing. Stephanie was telling us another story about her pathetic ex who refused to take a hint, one I’d heard before, so I dug my phone from my purse to check on my New Daddy. Butterflies filled my stomach when I saw he’d already messaged me first.

Continue reading “New Daddy Stakes His Claim”

Uncle Pervert's House

Belle 1844-332-2639 X 444

Growing up is such a weird thing. One day, you’re just living your life thinking this is how things are for everyone, and the next day, you realize some horrible things have happened to you. I’m talking about how, when I was little, my Mom would send me to her brother’s house for the summer. It wasn’t unusual for Uncle Pervert’s hands to wander or for him to get hard when he sat me on his lap. I thought that happened to every girl when she stayed at her Uncle’s house, but then I learned something about boys that explained it all!

As soon as a boy hits puberty, his balls pump horny perversion hormones into his brain that make him only think about his sexual desires! Now that summer has come around again, I’m going back to Uncle Pervert’s house, but this time, I’ll be teaching him a lesson.

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I Need That In My Life

Valerie 1844-332-2639 Ext 243

My guy best friend and I were hanging out playing video games at his house when something changed our whole relationship. I’m scared I’ll lose him now and don’t know what to do, but I can’t live without what I found.

We’ve been friends for years and are strictly just friends. Or were? Yeah, he’s cute, but he’s such a dork. Definitely not my type. Anyway, we were playing a racing game, and I got too excited. I was about to beat him for the first time ever! When I jumped up in victory, I stumbled and fell kind of on him. My hand accidentally brushed his dick, and it was huge. Before I could stop myself, I uttered, “I need that in my life.”

Continue reading “I Need That In My Life”

Torri 1-844-332-2639 ext 204

It sounds weird but I couldn’t stop myself from thinking about us last night. It kept replaying over and over again in my head. How much fun we have when we’re together. How you can just look at me and give me that smile and right away my pussy is wet. Ready for you to take it and for you to show it whose boss! You never disappoint either. You are always surprising me. Things are never the same thing all the time.

Mixing things up is all you always do. That keeps me guessing about what’s coming next. Either something new and exciting or me! I want you to do me a favor if you don’t mind. I want you to come up with the hottest sexiest thing you can think. No limits whatsoever. Everythin is in play and nothing is left off the table. You can get as wild and crazy as you want you know me. The wilder and the crazier the better! After you come up with something great I want you to call me!

Continue reading “It Sounds Weird”

Jenna And Kayla's Raunchy Riddles Game Night

Kayla Cumsalot 1844-332-2639 Ext 357 & Jenna The Hottie 1844-332-2639 Ext 304

Alright, boys and toys! It’s Wednesday, you know what that means! Not only are calls and chats just two dollars a minute all day, but it’s also game night! Jenna and I will be cohosting for you lucky fellas tonight! Do you like riddles? Do you like Raunchy Riddles even more?

It’s free to play! All you have to do is show up in the Phonesex Candy playroom at nine pm Eastern SHARP! Don’t be late because we will start without out! Keep reading to find out what other goodies Game Night has to offer our players!

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On Your Body

Torri 1-844-332-2639 ext 204

Guess where my tongue could be on your body? LOL, I know that’s really an open-ended question right there. There really is no limit to where my tongue could be on your body right now. I could be doing something you really like. Like using that tongue of mind to trace every sexy line on your cock. Makin that pre cum ooze out for me and lappin’ it up drivin’ you crazy. I could be using my tongue on your balls right now. Making circles around each one very slowly. Sending shivers up your spine. Making you wish I would just suck on them already. But you know I like to tease you so that’s exactly what I’m gonna do! I could be sitting in your lap facing you. Movin’ up and down on your lap trying to make your dick just hard as I can while I have my head bent down to your neck using my tongue to lick up and down it. Little moans coming from your lips that you try to control but can’t because it just feels too good. Move my tongue up to your ear to lick and suck there too.

Continue reading “On Your Body”