Beach BlowJobs

 Kinky Krysta 1844-332-2639 Ext.410

I’ve been dating this really sweet guy for about a month now. He truly spoils me! He’s forever telling me how beautiful my body is and how I shouldn’t let anyone’s opinion on my weight ever mean anything to me because I’m so gorgeous. It’s crazy how comfortable he makes me feel.

When he invited me for a weekend at the beach, I didn’t hesitate like I normally would. There was no need to be nervous about being in a bikini in front of him because he always made me feel so beautiful. I wanted to make him feel as special as he makes me feel so when we got to the beach and hardly anyone was on the sand yet, I knew it was the perfect time to surprise him with a beach blow job.

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Fantasy Football Slavery

Kinky Krysta 844-332-2369 Ext.410

We’re in the same fantasy football league, and as of this week, you are SO far behind. There is like zero hope for you unless you make something big happen on Sunday. Unfortunately for you, your high-scoring players are benched for injury, and the only chance is if you convince me to trade you one of my players.

I could, It wouldn’t hurt my position anyway. I’ve been lucky with my picks, and everyone on my roster has been healthy. But you know better than to expect something for nothing when it comes to Kinky Krysta. I’ll trade you the player you want if you’ll be my slave for the WHOLE week. Deal?

Continue reading “Fantasy Football Slavery”

Krysta 844-332-2639 Ext. 410

Someone asked me the other day if I liked guys with little dicks. WHO the FUCK does?! Seriously dude. Not even YOU want to look down at that little thing. But I have just the way to freshen your day! I told him to grab a tube of toothpaste and a bottle of water and then to call me. He sucks, so of course, he didn’t call, but I can’t stop thinking about how I wanted to punish him for having a small penis.

Continue reading “Freshen Your Day”

Krysta 844-332-2639 Ext. 410

A bright flash streaked across the sky in the middle of the night. I should have been sleeping, but I was touching my teen pussy under my covers, so I saw the light brighten my bedroom. I was a little shocked. There wasn’t a storm; the sky had been clear and dotted with tons of stars. Was someone outside my window with a camera? I started to crawl out of bed to go look but right as I got to the windowsill, a big crash sounded and shook my house.

I peered out the window and noticed something had crashed in my yard. As if whatever it was had just fallen out of the sky. My jaw dropped open as I saw some kind of creature crawling out of the wreckage.

Continue reading “Draining The Creature From Outer Space Phonesex”