Babysitter Val Will Teach You How To Spank

Valerie 1844-332-2639 Ext 243

It must be so taxing to be in trouble all the time—as if you can’t do anything right! Your mom is always yelling at you, your teachers are forever scolding you, and we won’t even get started on your father! Have no fear, though; my little friend, your babysitter, sees how hard you are trying to be good.

No one else thinks so; they think you WANT to be bad. But you don’t, do you? You’re so tired of ALWAYS being the one who gets spanked! For once, YOU want to do the spanking. Well, I don’t think things have been fair either. Come into my bedroom, and babysitter Val will teach you how to spank.

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Anna 844-332-2639 EXT. 203

Miss Anna had a long day, and after doing all of her chores and helping her naughty boy with his homework, it was time for bed. ‘’No!’’ said the naughty boy. ‘’I don’t want to go to bed! I’m not tired!’’ Miss Anna insisted, but the naughty boy ran throughout the house. Miss Anna proceeded to her bedroom to get changed, as she knew this would be quite the chase. That’s when she suddenly heard her kitchen drawers flying open and shut.

Continue reading “Anna’s Naughtiest Boy Pt. 2”

Mama Felicity 1844-332-2693 Ext 270

“Have you put him in the wheelbarrow position?” I asked Mary who was complaining that her adult baby wasn’t responding to her punishment techniques. Debbie nodded and pointed at me.

“That’s a great suggestion. I bet the little wise ass would smarten up then!” We laughed, but Mary shrugged, a little defeated by how bad her baby was. I’m sure she hated how we all knew it, too.

“I don’t even know what that position is.” There was a sadness in her voice that had me putting my arm around her and pulling her in close. As her best Mommy friend, I’d be sure to show her how to get that boy in line!

Continue reading “Wheelbarrow Position Spanking”

  Punishing A Little Theif

Lea 1844-332-2639 Ext. 244

One year, I had this job at the corner gas station. It was a good gig till I got fired for punishing a little. This lil hoodrat would come through after school, pants hanging lower than his tight little ass. He’d have to hold his belt when he waddled to keep them from falling to the floor.

I knew he was too young to be buying adult beverages but that didn;t stop the slick dick from trying. He would turn on the charm, smile at me, and say, “Just this today, Mrs. Lea.” I’d take it from him and tell him to get, but one day, he got real brave.

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Vivian 844-332-2639 ext. 254
Naughty BabyBoy, that’s what Client R is, even though we call him Baby Ry-guy. He usually is a sweet baby and I always enjoy his cuddles and kisses but lately he has just been too much. You will never believe what he did yesterday with the babysitter. He has a spanking coming but he doesn’t know it yet!
Now, I know what you are thinking…. What could have Babyboy did that bad that Mommy Vivian is so upset with him? Maybe she can give him a talking to or time out instead? But trust me, Baby Riley has to learn to be a good boy and a spanking is very well needed.
You see, Mommy Vivian had to do groceries yesterday and decided to leave him with Babysitter Kayla. Kayla is the best babysitter on the block and Mommy Vivian knew her Babyboy would be safe with her. She told Kayla that Baby R. already had a diaper change and that all that was needed was a bottle and a nap.
When Mommy Vivian got home she was expecting a quiet house. She wasn’t expecting squeals and giggles coming from her baby’s room. She finished unpacking the groceries and went to investigate. Not knowing what to expect but curious to find out she was shocked with what she found!

When Mommy Vivian walks into her babyboy’s room she finds Babysitter Kayla attempting to place a diaper on him. I say attempting because she was unsuccessful. Why? Because BabyBoy Riley pitched a tent in his diaper and it just won’t close! Babysitter Kayla was laughing and teasing him telling him that she was going to tell Mommy on him. He was squealing and begging her not to.


Continue reading “Naughty BabyBoy Needs a Spanking”


Anna 844-332-2639 EXT. 203

Mommy Anna was having guests over and she sent little Ronnie to the store to bring back a pannetone. She laid out her special doilies, with espresso and cookies, and her pannetone was going to be the star of the dining table. Ronnie rode his bike to the store, but when he got there, he got distracted from the lineups, noises, crying babies and elderly ladies haggling at the deli, he grabbed the first pannetone he saw, paid for it with the money mommy gave him and out the door of the bakery he went as the bells and chimes of the door jingled with it shut.

Continue reading “Mommy sends Ronnie to the store”

You better behave for Mommy, Naughty boy won't eat brussels sprouts

Anna 844-332-2639 EXT. 203

Mommy had organized a beautiful Thanksgiving dinner and invited family over. She set the table, made sure the center piece was just right, and decorated the entire home so festively. She had planned this for weeks on end and made sure every last detail was perfect.

Continue reading “You better behave for Mommy”

Birthday Girl Kayla 1844-332-2639 Ext 357

I really am such a lucky girl. The night before my birthday, Zoey called me up. “Get dressed bitch. I’m taking you out!” I was lounging in just my frumpy pjs, not expecting this invite at all, so I asked her how I should dress. Her reply? “Don’t worry, just whatever. You won’t be wearing it for long!” And with her infectious giggle in my ear, she hung up!

You can imagine how excited and nervous I was, but Zoey is one of my very best friends, and if she was behind the planning wheel, I knew it’d be nothing but sexy, sexy fun! I showered, shaved, and dressed to impress. Just as I was sinking my nylon toes into my tall heels, she rang the doorbell.

Continue reading “Kayla’s Birthday Surprise”

Ronnie 1-844-332-2639 Ext 443

After my spanking ordeal, word got around school that I was a bad girl and Mr. R had spanked me. I was only partially humiliated by this. It also kind of made me feel naughty, and I’m finding, I LIKE to feel naughty.

A few days after the rumors calmed down, Rebecca called. “Hey girl, I heard you got spanked by Mr. R. You need to be careful because he gets excited by it. Like REALLY excited. If it happens again, peek around the corner when he enters the back room, and you’ll see what I mean.” Her warning confused me. Did Mr. R get excited by giving spankings the same way I do? Was he touching himself after? I had to find out.

Continue reading “Homework Is Optional”

Ronnie 1-844-332-2639 Ext 443

I haven’t been here long, and this is all new to me, but I’m loving learning so many new things! We never had talk like this back on the farm, but I’ll be darned if it hasn’t been a great time. It’s like my own little college for sex! I heard from some of the other girls that y’all even like spankin’ a gal during a romp in the hay.

Continue reading “Spankin’ Good Time”