Sherry 1844-332-2639 ext 399

I needed a new outfit to go out with my girlfriends. So I decided to go to the mall and shop the day away. I started at the food court for a fruit smoothie and a cookie. As I began to browse the stores I was not feeling the vibe of any dress I saw. Three stores down and nothing. The mall was 2 stories so I had many shops to choose from. As I got in the elevator to go up this couple followed along.

Continue reading “Chronicles of Sherry – The Mall Part I”

                                                                   Anna 844-332-2639 EXT. 203

Miss Anna had gotten a new neighbor. He was a tall, dark, handsome man and had a young son, who was in his 20’s. He often worked long hours, but Miss Anna would try and catch him any time she could, while gardening outside, smoking, or simply bringing in her groceries. One day, that tall, dark handsome man had to go away for a couple days and asked Miss Anna if she could watch over his son. Simply pop in to say hello, make sure he was going to school and eating properly, as well as doing his chores.

Continue reading “Miss Anna’s newest recruit”

Valerie 1844-332-2639 Ext 243

Growing up, all I ever wanted was to be a mother—a girl mom, if I’m honest. I longed for a sweet, angelic bundle of joy to love and cherish, but I had a boy instead.

I tried to deal with the disappointment, but with every diaper change, I was reminded of what those ugly testicles gave me! They ruined everything! I could dress my baby in pretty dresses and bows, but those saggy, unsightly boy bulges remained to punish me. Sissy baby castration became the clear solution. The sooner I got rid of my angel’s nutsack, the happier we both would be.

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Sherry 1844-332-2639 ext 399

I whispered into his dreams putting him at ease. As I turned him into the little girl he wanted to be he giggled even though my friends startled him. He was still happy. I looked over to my son when he finished twirling I said Baby your girl’s name is going to be Tiffany. Today is your birthday to become a little girl. How do you like your new name? Tiffany ran to me with open arms, giggled, and just gave me the biggest hug and said thank you, Mommy, I love my name.

Continue reading “Chronicles of Sherry- Training Day – Part II”

The Park Bench

Sherry 1844-332-2639 ext 399

It’s in the middle of spring walking along the parkway. I am wearing a stunning purple strappy sundress and tan wedged heels. My hair was all curly and pulled up in a sexy bun wearing my glasses. I can smell the manly musk in the moonlight air, wondering where it will lead me too. The night is still so young, should I give in to my urge or should I wait?


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Rita and Avery Put You In Panties

Robotic Rita 1844-332-2639 Ext 413

As soon as Avery and I discovered you had a tiny little stiffy, we forced you into panties. We couldn’t stop giggling because you were so flustered and nervous by two hot brunettes pushing you around. It was easier than it should have been, honestly.

When Avery said you were cute and I touched your arm, we almost thought you would cream your undies before we put you in panties. It was my idea to peel off Avery’s panties; I just slinked them down her legs under her short skirt without revealing any of her sweet pussy. Even though you wanted to see it so badly! You know you’d never even have a chance with either of us, so you let us bully you!

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Dinner Feast

Sherry 1844-332-2639 ext 399

It was a brutal day at work and I needed some stress relief.  I decided to gather my friends for a dinner feast.  I picked up sushi and some other finger foods to enjoy. When I got home, carried all the groceries in and called my little pansy to come over. I started thinking about the dinner feast as I got in the shower.

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The Neighbor

Sherry 1844-332-2639 ext 399

I smelled horrible after cleaning my apartment all day. So I decided to take a shower. After my shower, I slipped into something comfortable poured myself a glass of wine, and turned on some smooth Jazz. I could feel the wine taking over and my body heated up. I could see my neighbor across from me looking through the window. Well, we all know I like to be watched. It’s a game to me.

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Puppet Master

Sherry 1844-332-2639 ext 399

In the hidden corners of your mind lies a world of carnal taboo that reigns supreme where lust and pleasure intertwine in a dangerous dance.  A place where desires run wild and inhibitions are left at the door. This world is a paradox, both thrilling and terrifying in its intimacy. I am the puppet master of strings of desire and lust. 

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Zesty Zoey 1-844-332-2639 Ext 403

Professor Zoey teaches sissies and fem bois like you to earn you MRS degree.  It’s important for budding sissies to take their education seriously.  You’ll never be a CEO of a Fortune 500 company.  Not everyone is cut out for that sort of position.  Some of you are softer and gentler than those sort of cutthroat personalities.  I’m here to help you understand that your goals in life should be far different.  The best position for you is on your knees serving those around you.  Your goal should be finding a rich high powered husband and being the perfect housewife.

Continue reading “Earn Your MRS Degree with Professor Zoey”