Friday Morning Dirty Diaper Daycare

Kayla Cumsalot 1844-33-CANDY Ext 357

Oh, Vey! I know the playroom can sometimes feel like a daycare, but Friday morning was the stinkiest, dirtiest diaper daycare playroom day I’ve smelled in a long time!

Sherry and I were watching the toddlers, you know, the usual crew, Mr. Stinky Pampers, StinkyToddler, and Babypantsbilly. Even a few other diaper boys were hanging around, like BabyKolty and BabyRiley. Everyone was playing nicely, and then the smell hit us in the noses like a garbage truck with no brakes! With so many possible dirty diapers, we were going to have to check every single one and clean up those dirty boys

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Innocent Little Mila

Kayla Cumsalot 1844-33-CANDY Ext 357

Mila isn’t as innocent as her big brother would like to think. I’ve been babysitting her for longer than he’s been away at college, but I guess since he’s a guy and all, he always thinks he knows better. However, his little sister is growing into a wild thing, and honestly, it hasn’t taken that much influence from me to get her there.

He thinks of her as a kid, and I wanted to help her seem like a woman in his eyes, so I dressed her in slutty lingerie and a micro skirt. I did her makeup like a stripper, and she looked hot as hell if I do say so myself. I mean, I was doing him a favor! Helping him see the real her, so why did he bust into her bedroom and yell at me?

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Kayla Cumsalot 1844-33-CANDY Ext 357

Waitressing at this little country dinner in the mornings has been real fun. It’s never really that busy, and the customers are mostly older men looking for a good meal but don’t want to dirty the kitchen before leaving for work. I’ve gotten really fond of one of the guys. He’s so tall and has this cheeky grin that soaks my panties.

We’ve been flirting over his Friday morning bacon and eggs breakfast special, but today, I was feeling extra frisky and slipped into his booth beside him after I brought his steaming plate of greasy morning deliciousness.

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Kaykay's Diaper Training

Kayla Cumsalot 1844-33-CANDY Ext 357

So I got this diaper boy, right? He’s cute and kind of pathetic. He loves his diapers so much that he wishes he could be in them all the time. Sometimes, he tries to tease me with glimpses of the real man he used to be before he became a bedwetter and needed his diapers all the time.

The other day, he sent me a little something, and I could tell there were two problems. One, he wasn’t diapered because I could clearly see the outline of his erection, and two, he indeed had an erection! Um, that’s not for him to just have! Hello, diaper dicks should ONLY ever get hard while pampered. It looks like more extensive Diaper training is in order.

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New Daddy Stakes His Claim

Kayla Cumsalot 1844-33-CANDY Ext 357

I don’t indulge in a girls’ night very often, but when I do, it’s sacred. We don’t allow the guys we’re seeing to hang with us. We don’t even tolerate being hit on. It’s simply a night for us ladies to relax, vent, and commiserate while reminding each other how badass we are. After the last two weeks, I desperately needed female companionship. The new guy I’ve been chatting with said he’d also be busy with his friends, so I tucked my phone into my purse and decided to let loose.

The girls and I picked a Korena BBQ restaurant/bar to destress at. With Japanese rice wine sake flowing and the scents of meats cooking on the table grill, I finally felt myself relaxing. Stephanie was telling us another story about her pathetic ex who refused to take a hint, one I’d heard before, so I dug my phone from my purse to check on my New Daddy. Butterflies filled my stomach when I saw he’d already messaged me first.

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Can You Handle Us Both?

Kayla Cumsalot 1844-33-CANDY Ext 357

Mmm, fuck! Torri is back in business, and I, for one, couldn’t be happier. She’s one of my favorite playmates, and we get into so much fun together. Whether we’re being good girls for a Daddy or humiliating a micro peen that should be diapered, she’s down to play!

I just love her creative mind and cute little twang as we giggle and goad boys on. Her body might be slender and delicate, but her powerful voice is seductive and pulls me in, keeping me waiting more and more. If even I’m so turned on by Torri that I can’t keep my panties on, can you handle us both?

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Jenna And Kayla's Raunchy Riddles Game Night

Kayla Cumsalot 1844-332-2639 Ext 357 & Jenna The Hottie 1844-332-2639 Ext 304

Alright, boys and toys! It’s Wednesday, you know what that means! Not only are calls and chats just two dollars a minute all day, but it’s also game night! Jenna and I will be cohosting for you lucky fellas tonight! Do you like riddles? Do you like Raunchy Riddles even more?

It’s free to play! All you have to do is show up in the Phonesex Candy playroom at nine pm Eastern SHARP! Don’t be late because we will start without out! Keep reading to find out what other goodies Game Night has to offer our players!

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Daddy’s Girl

Daddy's Girl

Kayla Cumsalot 1844-332-2639 Ext 357

I confided in Daddy that I hadn’t been sleeping well lately. I even wake up tired! He told me that wasn’t good and that it was important for a busy girl like me to be well-rested. Just before dinner, he called me into his room and handed me a little white pill. “Don’t let Mommy know I gave you one of my sleeping pills, but take this with dinner, and tonight, you will sleep like a princess.”

With a nod of thanks, I hurried to the dinner table, popping the tablet in my mouth and sipping my milk. Daddy sat down a few minutes later and gave me a secret wink. I’m such a lucky Daddy’s girl to have a Daddy who cares so much about me and fixes all my problems.

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Kaykay Diapers a Real Big Boy

Kayla Cumsalot 1844-332-2639 Ext 357

When you talk about something all day long, it tends to stay on your mind. That’s kind of how I ended up diapering a real big boy. A man who didn’t want to be diapered at all! Here at work, I’m surrounded by sissies and pathetic baby bitches who shove diapers at me all the time. They BEG to be tapped up and forced to regress. I never thought I would enjoy forcing someone into pampers until my friend’s son started hitting on me.

My friend is my Mom’s age. We met at the pool and became fast friends, regardless of the age gap, so it didn’t surprise me that she had sons my age—cute ones, too. Whenever we hung out, her oldest constantly flirted with me—even in front of his girlfriend! I decided I would punish him for that by forcing him into a diaper.

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Daddy Joins The Book Club

Kayla Cumsalot 1844-332-2639 Ext 357

Rain splattered against the window pane from the sideways wind blowing outside, creating the perfect reading backdrop. Grey clouds filtered bits of light through the heavy rain that held on to winter’s last bits of chill. My eyes hungrily scanned the pages of our book club’s latest smutty novel. I lay snuggled in the couch with my knees rubbing against each other. April showers might be dousing the world outside in chilly wetness, but this book had a fire burning in my panties. They were soaked, just not from the rain.

I heard the door open, and my gaze flicked from the page long enough to see Daddy shrugging out of his coat and hanging it in the hall closet. We locked eyes for a split second before I looked back to the steamy pages. “Is that the next book in the series?” He asked while coming closer. I hummed an acknowledgment as I nodded but refused to look away again. It was getting so hot! “Read it to me? I haven’t been able to dig into my copy.”

Continue reading “Daddy Joins The Book Club”