Daddy Can Call: Mila 1-844-332-2639 Ext. 220

Daddy had me bent over and spanking my bottom, but it wasn’t my fault! How was I supposed to know that you could see my cute cotton panties? My new skirt was so short that my little tush was out in the open! But Daddy didn’t care that I only got it because all the other girls in school have been wearing them. He only saw me trying to look like a slut! I don’t know what that word means, but by the way he said it I knew it was bad news for me! I wasn’t going to be let go so easily.

Continue reading “Daddy Punishes Short-Skirt Slut”

Sherry 1844-332-2639 ext 399

I needed a new outfit to go out with my girlfriends. So I decided to go to the mall and shop the day away. I started at the food court for a fruit smoothie and a cookie. As I began to browse the stores I was not feeling the vibe of any dress I saw. Three stores down and nothing. The mall was 2 stories so I had many shops to choose from. As I got in the elevator to go up this couple followed along.

Continue reading “Chronicles of Sherry – The Mall Part I”

Dance With Me In The Kitchen

Francie 1844-332-2639 xXx 208

Everything has been so serious lately. Work, friends, and life, in general, feels tense, and everyone is stressed. I use the kitchen as an escape. I turn on music and let the tension shake loose from my body as I rock and sway.

Chopping fresh veggies and melting thick, savory butter in a scalding pan while waltzing from the stovetop to the sink and twirling to the refrigerator. It’s a silly, seductive dance that you get pulled into as soon as you enter the kitchen. Dance with me and forget the stress of the world.

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Friday Morning Dirty Diaper Daycare

Kayla Cumsalot 1844-33-CANDY Ext 357

Oh, Vey! I know the playroom can sometimes feel like a daycare, but Friday morning was the stinkiest, dirtiest diaper daycare playroom day I’ve smelled in a long time!

Sherry and I were watching the toddlers, you know, the usual crew, Mr. Stinky Pampers, StinkyToddler, and Babypantsbilly. Even a few other diaper boys were hanging around, like BabyKolty and BabyRiley. Everyone was playing nicely, and then the smell hit us in the noses like a garbage truck with no brakes! With so many possible dirty diapers, we were going to have to check every single one and clean up those dirty boys

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In Your Wife's Bikini

Ronnie 1844-33-CANDY Ext 443

It’s been so hot this week; I don’t know why I didn’t think to bring my swimsuit while babysitting for you. You have a beautiful pool, and it’s an easy way to entertain the munchkins.

Usually, I’m a modest, one-piece kind of girl, and I’d never wear anything skimpy while working, but we were desperate to cool off. The kids said their mom wouldn’t mind if I borrowed her bathing suit because she has so many. When I looked in your wife’s drawer, there were only string bikinis. I couldn’t disappoint them by not jumping in with them or saying no to swimming on such a sweltering day, so I tied one on.

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Sherry 1844-332-2639 ext 399

I whispered into his dreams putting him at ease. As I turned him into the little girl he wanted to be he giggled even though my friends startled him. He was still happy. I looked over to my son when he finished twirling I said Baby your girl’s name is going to be Tiffany. Today is your birthday to become a little girl. How do you like your new name? Tiffany ran to me with open arms, giggled, and just gave me the biggest hug and said thank you, Mommy, I love my name.

Continue reading “Chronicles of Sherry- Training Day – Part II”

Miqala 844-332-2639

Every PSO has calls they really enjoy. I had an amazing call recently, and I want to share. I love Breastfeeding my Baby. Sometimes I get babyboys, other times, babygirls. My recent call was a babygirl.

He came to me as a man, so I started by stripping away his clothes one item at a time. Reminding him how I am stripping away his adulthood and his manhood. I could feel him surrendering to my soft Mommy voice, his voice becoming softer and lighter, and I started seeing the babygirl coming out.

Continue reading “Breastfeeding my Baby”

Torri 1-844-332-2639 ext 204

I had to drink calming tea before I went to sleep last night. My high moon strange that is some kind of creature not a man at all told me I must go to sleep before he can come in. Still not sure why but I did my best to pass out. I stayed up all day worked hard on the farm, and took a hot bath to make myself as tired as I could. Now I’ve been lying in bed for over an hour and can’t sleep. I have to pass out soon or my creature won’t come to me tonight and he said he had something for me special tonight.

I felt a hand on my cheek as I opened my eyes. There he was looking down at me. I must have passed out at some point. I started to sit up but he stopped me as he crawled into bed with me. I expected him to lay next to me but he got right on top of me this time. Peering down at me he spoke. “I want to take you tonight under this full moon. I would like your permission to enter your sacred place.”

Continue reading “Some Kind Of Creature”

Sherry 1844-332-2639 ext 399

It was Friday, it’s been a grueling week and the nights have been long. I decided to take my time tonight.  Something strange was in the air this evening. I could almost taste him as I walked along the sidewalk. I closed my eyes took in a deep breath and started whispering in his dreams. His scent made me quiver in delight. Continue reading “Chronicles of Sherry- Training Day – Part I”

Mercedes 1844-332-2639 Ext. 423

You come home after long hours of hard work, and its been a stressful day… Luckily, Mommy is available to help you release some tension, just the way you like. You’ve been waiting all day to be in your little space, and be given the special attention you do not receive elsewhere. You know that Mommy will take good care of her baby boy!

Continue reading “Mommy Will Take Care of You”