New Daddy Stakes His Claim

Kayla Cumsalot 1844-33-CANDY Ext 357

I don’t indulge in a girls’ night very often, but when I do, it’s sacred. We don’t allow the guys we’re seeing to hang with us. We don’t even tolerate being hit on. It’s simply a night for us ladies to relax, vent, and commiserate while reminding each other how badass we are. After the last two weeks, I desperately needed female companionship. The new guy I’ve been chatting with said he’d also be busy with his friends, so I tucked my phone into my purse and decided to let loose.

The girls and I picked a Korena BBQ restaurant/bar to destress at. With Japanese rice wine sake flowing and the scents of meats cooking on the table grill, I finally felt myself relaxing. Stephanie was telling us another story about her pathetic ex who refused to take a hint, one I’d heard before, so I dug my phone from my purse to check on my New Daddy. Butterflies filled my stomach when I saw he’d already messaged me first.

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Daddy’s Girl

Daddy's Girl

Kayla Cumsalot 1844-332-2639 Ext 357

I confided in Daddy that I hadn’t been sleeping well lately. I even wake up tired! He told me that wasn’t good and that it was important for a busy girl like me to be well-rested. Just before dinner, he called me into his room and handed me a little white pill. “Don’t let Mommy know I gave you one of my sleeping pills, but take this with dinner, and tonight, you will sleep like a princess.”

With a nod of thanks, I hurried to the dinner table, popping the tablet in my mouth and sipping my milk. Daddy sat down a few minutes later and gave me a secret wink. I’m such a lucky Daddy’s girl to have a Daddy who cares so much about me and fixes all my problems.

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slutty sleep over

Jenna (844-332-2639) Ext 304

Slutty Sleepover

Today, I got into trouble at my best friend’s slutty sleep over. I invited a hot guy to have a threesome with, and my best friend was so excited. She couldn’t wait to tag team him together with me. We were so wet. When he got there, I sat him on a chair facing the bed, so he could watch us and decided to give him a show.

Continue reading “Slutty sleep over takes a turn with a big dick daddy”

Naughty Naomi 844-332-2639 ext 216

Open your wallet, Daddy.  Daddy always gives me what I want.  When you hear my silky voice whisper filthy things in your ear, you can’t resist me.  You know what I want, Daddy.  I mean there’s more than one thing that I want.  First and foremost, I want that big dick in your pants.  You remember all the things I did with your dick the last time you let me play with it.  I remember how hard you came for me, Daddy.  Do you recall all the places I let you put your dick?  I let you put it where Mum never lets you put it.  Right up inside my hot firm sexy ass.

Continue reading “Open Your Wallet, Daddy”

Family fun phonesex

Jenna (844-332-2639) Ext 304

I’m a good, trained slut for some family fun phonesex. I am daddy’s spoiled princess, and I take care of him the most. Today, daddy wanted to have some BDSM fun. I was all dressed up for him in some sexy lingerie he picked out for me to wear. He sat back in a chair and said that he wanted a show. Being the good slut that I am, I followed his instructions. Taking off my top slowly, and teasingly putting my panties in my mouth as I spread my legs and laid down on to my back. Following his instructions, I touched and rubbed my cunt.

Continue reading “Family fun phonesex BDSM session with dominant daddy”

Daddy Joins The Book Club

Kayla Cumsalot 1844-332-2639 Ext 357

Rain splattered against the window pane from the sideways wind blowing outside, creating the perfect reading backdrop. Grey clouds filtered bits of light through the heavy rain that held on to winter’s last bits of chill. My eyes hungrily scanned the pages of our book club’s latest smutty novel. I lay snuggled in the couch with my knees rubbing against each other. April showers might be dousing the world outside in chilly wetness, but this book had a fire burning in my panties. They were soaked, just not from the rain.

I heard the door open, and my gaze flicked from the page long enough to see Daddy shrugging out of his coat and hanging it in the hall closet. We locked eyes for a split second before I looked back to the steamy pages. “Is that the next book in the series?” He asked while coming closer. I hummed an acknowledgment as I nodded but refused to look away again. It was getting so hot! “Read it to me? I haven’t been able to dig into my copy.”

Continue reading “Daddy Joins The Book Club”

Kinky Krysta 1844-332-2639 Ext.410

Daddy and I were supposed to go somewhere for his work today. It was super duper, really important, but I didn’t want to go. I was getting anxious and nervous about all the people I wouldn’t know and whether Daddy would be too busy talking to them to remember to watch me. Instead of getting dressed like I was supposed to, I lay on the bed, on my tummy in just a little G-string, kickin’ my legs as I scrolled my phone.

Daddy came into the room dressed in a sexy suit and tie. I did my best to pretend I didn’t know he was looking at me. “Why aren’t you dressed?” His voice was annoyed, and I shrugged. “Krysta, if you make us late, I’ll punish you.” I shrugged again and watched from the corner of my eye as Daddy moved to the end of the bed and snatched my ankles. One in each of his big hands, and he hauled me back until my pussy plowed into his crotch. “Being bratty today, are we baby girl?”

Continue reading “Bratty Little Baby Girl”

cum slut

Jenna (844-332-2639) Ext. 304

“Daddy’s cum slut.” He called me. He let go of my hair as it fell to my face; I swallowed every single creamy thick drop of his huge load from that deep throat blow job. The bitter taste went down my throat, and he looked me in my eyes and told me that I still had work to do. He and his friends were sitting down to a game of poker, and I was the prize. I gave him a sloppy blowjob under the table, which made everyone excited about the prize. I stood up from underneath the table and he had me twirl around in my skimpy dress as they ogled my outfit. My red silky dress and high heels really got them going.

Continue reading “Daddy’s cum slut takes it all”

Mila 1-844-332-2639 Ext. 220

You know, when Daddy plays with me I always have lots of fun. He tells me that it makes him so happy when I touch his privates like he showed me. He likes when I rub him up and down nice and fast, it makes his private parts so hard! I didn’t know that Daddy’s privates got hard when I got him excited. He showed me one day after I caught him being gross and sniffing my panties in the dirty laundry. Isn’t that all weird and gross? Who would want to smell dirty panties! He does lots of funny stuff like that.

Continue reading “Daddy Likes To Play”

Steak And Blow Job Day!

Kinky Krysta 1844-332-2639 Ext.410

As soon as I heard Daddy’s truck pull into the drive, I ran outside with my little bare feet and the plastic plate of food I’d grilled up just for him. “Daddy! Daddy!” I squealed as he climbed down from the lifted truck. The little fake grilled steak had slipped off my plate from all my bouncing, but I picked it up super fast and dusted it off. Putting it back on the plate before he could see I’d dropped it.

“Hey Princess, what do you have there?” Daddy asked as he scooped me up into his arms. I proudly showed off the plate of toy green beans, mashed potatoes, and a grilled steak.

“It’s Steak and blow job day, just for you!”

Continue reading “Steak And Blow Job Day!”