1-844-332-2639 EXT 330

If you have read a blog of mine from a little over a week ago I talk about how much I really love roleplay. I love it to be extreme and really in-depth. I go all out when I plan a role-play. Of course, I do my research. I have to get costumes, get a rough idea of what I want to happen, go through my list of my many men that I like to play with, and decide who I want to be included in the fun.

A lot of work goes into this. In this roleplay, I decided on gladiators. I’ve been really into the movies lately and just love the idea of two gladiators fighting each other for my amusement. Of course, there are always some sexual implications to go along with all of this. I will be letting the winner have his chance with me.

Continue reading “A Rough Idea Phonesex”

1-844-332-2639 ext 411

Have you ever seen a nice floof puff bark things with nice two-toned eyes. This is most common in a certain floofer a Husky. However, this can be found in people as well. Having someone with two different eye colors is rare. A defect caused before birth. Nothing that the person can control. This always gives this person extra eyes on them and attention as they go through their lives.

There are those who would love to give them lots of sexual attention as well. Those belonging to the kink of Dysmorphophilia. A fetish that means someone is sexually attracted to deformities in others. Most think of deformities as something horrible that someone would have to live with. Not always the case.

Continue reading “A rare defect phonesex”

1-844-332-2639 Ext 204

I love goin out in our hundreds of acres to do a little huntin. We here on the farm like to make money 24/7 so this year we decided to open up huntin tours. Meanin people pay to go on a guided hunt with me, my brother or dad. This time I was picked by a girl. She wanted to learn a thing or two. The man she liked was a big hunter and she wanted to impress him on a hunt they were goin to go on in a couple of weeks.

But she had never been once in her life. So I took her out. We climbed up into a tree stand and waited. She was well dressed but still some people just can’t take the cold. She was freezin and it was still 3 hours until last light. We still have plenty of time to sit. I have to say it did cross my mind when I first saw her she was hella hot. I thought this guy she’s after probably doesn’t give a damn if she can hunt or not.

Continue reading “hundreds of acres PHONESEX”

1-844-332-2639 EXT 224

Ok, I’m in. I’ve made it into the crazy ward. No magic needed either. I just walked in calm as could be told them I wanted to check myself in because my deities were telling me harm men and that I needed an army of men for my harem so I could control the world. Simple as that they had me registered and in my own comfy room ready to get to work.

They thought they were going to be helping me with my demons. All they are really going to be doing is helping me get some fucking out of my system. Soon as I came in I already had the first man in mind I was going to be fucking. He was eye-fucking me already. He wants it this is actually going to be easy as hell not even really worth the effort.

Continue reading “~ The crazy ward phonesex~”

I love being force fucked from behind.  Sir loves using me like that too.  Which is why we are the perfect combination of Dominant and submissive.  I crave the power he exerts on me.  To submit to his needs and desires no matter how demanding or debasing makes my pussy weep and ache.

Continue reading “Force Fucked From Behind Phone Sex”

I know what you like. My long, tan legs donning the strappy, sexy blue heels you picked out for me. Looking you in the eyes while you rub the front of your pants I slowly, gracefully strap them around my ankles. Smiling because I know how much you want to cum all over them. I can tell by the look on your face.

I look you right in the eyes as I sit in front of you. I cross my legs, swinging one blue heel closer to your face. You bite your lip, and I can see you’re having a hard time keeping your hand on the outside of your pants. But you know better. You know that if you start palming your cock now, I will not let you do your favorite part. Continue reading “Sexy Blue Heels Phonesex”

Phonesex with Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270  

Your best friend invited us out to dinner. I had heard many stories about him, but we’d yet to meet. You’ve warned me that he can be flirty and that you expect I would behave myself. I’m not entirely sure what you meant by that. We both know I fuck whoever I want, whenever I want, and your friends have never been off the table. I’ve decided to humor you, though, and told you that I would be good.

When we arrived at the restaurant, I was surprised it had more of a lounge vibe going on rather than a place for friends to share a meal, but I was dressed for the occasion either way. My tight black bodycon dress fit me better than a glove and showed off more cleavage than should be allowed by a mother and wife.

Continue reading “Hotwife Felicity Fucks Your Best Friend Phonesex”

Anita  1-844-332-2639  ext 288

As I lure you into my world, I find out that you are a leg man.  You adore everything about my long luscious legs.  You cannot get enough of how smooth they are, but when you see me in stockings or in my thigh highs, your heartbeat doubles.  If actually makes you even more submissive as you instantly get down on your knees as you look up at me, as you look up at my legs in my silky thigh highs and start begging me to worship me.

You want to make me feel great, but you also know that I will reward you.  My legs in my thigh highs are wonderful and you want to pull them down with your teeth or with your lips.  I actually don’t blame you for wanting to worship my legs.  As I put my legs into thigh highs or into stockings, or even pantyhose you instantly get turned on. Continue reading “Sniffing My Pantyhosed Feet Phonesex”

Sex Kitten Lyric ===> 1-844-332-2639 EXT 247


My fantasy is based on a desire I have had for a VERY long time! I have often fantasized about going into a confessional…… (and yes I’m Catholic).  I would be wearing a VERY short, low cut, tight, and overall, church inappropriate dress.  With heavy make-up, and sexy 5-inch stilettos, who’s distinct click-clacks on the hardwood floors, would be sure to draw the eye of anyone in the church.

Bless me, for I am about to make you sin.” Would be the ONLY warning this priest has before I begin my lengthy tales of sexual exploits. Continue reading “I Want to Make YOU Sin Phonesex”

1-844-332-2639 EXT 330

I wanna play a game! Those words do normally fill my husband with fear. As far as he can tell though I am just being playful and having some fun so he has let his guard down. A mistake on his part. An old friend of mine is here to help me trick my husband into sucking and licking things off of my good old friend Richard.

The first one was easy I just gave him some chocolate syrup straight from the bottle. I say out loud that I’ll have to take off my shirt for this next one. I see a smile on my husband’s face. He wouldn’t be smiling if he knew what was really happening. I smear some nacho cheese on my friend’s cock and tell my husband to stick out his tongue and give a lick.

Continue reading “Husband With Fear Phonesex”