Dance With Me In The Kitchen

Francie 1844-332-2639 xXx 208

Everything has been so serious lately. Work, friends, and life, in general, feels tense, and everyone is stressed. I use the kitchen as an escape. I turn on music and let the tension shake loose from my body as I rock and sway.

Chopping fresh veggies and melting thick, savory butter in a scalding pan while waltzing from the stovetop to the sink and twirling to the refrigerator. It’s a silly, seductive dance that you get pulled into as soon as you enter the kitchen. Dance with me and forget the stress of the world.

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My New Job

Julie 1844-332-2639 Ext 453

It’s been a couple of months since I started my new job at the Tantric Massage Parlor. I became so into receiving them that I wanted to learn how to give them. So I did. And I absolutely love it! I get to indulge in my edging fetish all day, every day. I get so horny at work all day and then go home and play with my toys while I think about the clients I made cum that day.

It was Hump Day and we have specials. So I had my first couple’s massage. Rico was going to do it with me. We walk into the room and he goes over to the woman’s side of the blankets. And I’m on the man’s. With our hot oil, we begin at their temples. Working our way down their bodies in tandem. This is nice! Judging by their responses, they’re thoroughly enjoying themselves as well. The man opens his eyes and whispers “Can we trade?” “Absolutely!” I whisper back. I motion to Rico to switch sides with me, which he does. The woman smiles up at me as if she’s very pleased that I’m now massaging her.  When I reach between

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Sherry 1844-332-2639 ext 399

My boss at JT Higgins sent me on a business trip to New York.  Getting to the airport on time was manic.  Everyone was in a rush as we were boarding the plane.  I finally got to my seat and got settled in. Before take-off, we had one late arrival and of course, he was seated next to me.

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The Park Bench

Sherry 1844-332-2639 ext 399

It’s in the middle of spring walking along the parkway. I am wearing a stunning purple strappy sundress and tan wedged heels. My hair was all curly and pulled up in a sexy bun wearing my glasses. I can smell the manly musk in the moonlight air, wondering where it will lead me too. The night is still so young, should I give in to my urge or should I wait?


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Innocent Little Mila

Kayla Cumsalot 1844-33-CANDY Ext 357

Mila isn’t as innocent as her big brother would like to think. I’ve been babysitting her for longer than he’s been away at college, but I guess since he’s a guy and all, he always thinks he knows better. However, his little sister is growing into a wild thing, and honestly, it hasn’t taken that much influence from me to get her there.

He thinks of her as a kid, and I wanted to help her seem like a woman in his eyes, so I dressed her in slutty lingerie and a micro skirt. I did her makeup like a stripper, and she looked hot as hell if I do say so myself. I mean, I was doing him a favor! Helping him see the real her, so why did he bust into her bedroom and yell at me?

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xXx Francie xXx 844-332-2639 x 208

I’ve got a crush on a runner. He’s tall and lean. I can tell by his gait that he must have a huge dick. There’s only one problem. I’m not a runner. So, I’ve been stalking him a little. I’ve mapped out the running trail he takes every morning and thought it’d be a good idea to try to bump into him there.

I wore short, little running shorts and a loose tank top over my sports bra. In the beginning, I started off strong, or so I thought. I was running hard and feeling nature all around me. The morning sun beat over my sweaty face, and the uneven ground crunched under my sneakers. I was trying! My lungs were on fire, and my legs were cramping. He’d be by any minute now, and I didn’t want him to see me struggling, so I stopped by a big tree and bent forward, gasping for air.

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Kayla Cumsalot 1844-33-CANDY Ext 357

Waitressing at this little country dinner in the mornings has been real fun. It’s never really that busy, and the customers are mostly older men looking for a good meal but don’t want to dirty the kitchen before leaving for work. I’ve gotten really fond of one of the guys. He’s so tall and has this cheeky grin that soaks my panties.

We’ve been flirting over his Friday morning bacon and eggs breakfast special, but today, I was feeling extra frisky and slipped into his booth beside him after I brought his steaming plate of greasy morning deliciousness.

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Julie 1844-332-2639 Ext 453

 It’s finally Saturday night and I’m so excited to just relax after a long week. I pour a glass of wine and can’t help but dance around my place as one of my favorite songs is playing. I’m so lost in my dancing that it’s takes me a few seconds to realize that the phone is ringing. I turn down the music but by the time I pick up the phone, they’ve hung up. I turn my music back up and proceed to make a little charcuterie board snack To enjoy while I catch up on my shows.

Right as I’m about to sit down on the sofa, the phone rings again. I answer to hear heaving breathing followed by a deep, masculine voice “Well hello there sexy”. His voice is so hot! Who is this mysterious caller?  I let him know he has the wrong number. “No, I have the right number. I’ve been watching you dance.”  My heart sinks. I jump up to close the curtains but it’s as if everything is in slow motion, my legs are jello and I can’t get to the windows fast enough. Right as I’m about to hang up, he yells “No,

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Sherry 1844-332-2639 ext 399

I hurt my ankle during tennis practice. I got sent to the Physical Therapy office. The doctor helped me onto the table and began to examine me. As the doctor started to perform physical therapy, he moved his hand up and down my leg feeling to make sure there were no more injuries. Always asking how I hurt myself during tennis practice. Continue reading “Tennis Practice”

Julie 1844-332-2639 Ext 453

Enjoying the beautiful day, driving down the road with the top down, my hair was flying in the wind. I was enjoying the music and started feeling really horny. I’m wearing my favorite sundress with no panties. I slide my hand between my legs and feel how wet I am. Before I know I’m lost in fantasy, one hand on the steering wheel and the other fingering myself with my middle finger inside and my thumb and my clit. It feels so good when all of a sudden I see red and blue lights flashing behind me. Oh no, What did I do wrong? I wonder. I compose myself and finally find a spot to safely pull over.

Before I know it I see the officer walking up in my side view mirror. He’s approaching with such authority, confidence, and totally sexy “Big Dick Energy”. He looks into the car and very matter of factly asks me for my ID and proof of insurance. I hand him what he’s asking for. “What did I do wrong Officer?” I ask. ”You were speeding ma’am” he replied. “Oh no, I’m so sorry Officer” I look up at him. “Well I’m going to…

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