Zesty Zoey 1-844-332-2639 Ext 403

The other weekend, some friends and I decided to go out on our quads and enjoy an incredible summer day together.  As the day progressed, and we imbibed in beer and cheap wine, we became horny and rambunctious.  I developed a brilliant booze fueled idea!  I found a box and cut it apart and taped it back together to form a wall.  Then I cut a hole in the center and wrote “mobile glory hole” over it.  I attached it to the passenger’s side of the quad frame.  Next, I recruited the most sober of my girlfriends to drive me around to other camps.

Continue reading “Zoey’s Mobile Glory Hole”

Zesty Zoey 1-844-332-2639 Ext 403

I’d lived in the building for a couple of months.  My neighbor caught my attention immediately.  We passed each other in the hall numerous times.  He’d grin at me, and I’d smile back at him.  I imagined being rough fucked by him.  But we never talked or formally introduced ourselves.  We seemed destined for eternal anonymous flirting.  Until one day, a knock sounded on my door.  I looked through the peephole and saw my hot sexy neighbor standing on the other side.  So, I opened the door and was about to welcome him in when he gently but authoritatively grabbed me by my throat and pushed me back into my apartment.

Continue reading “Rough Fucked by My Neighbor”

Zesty Zoey 1-844-332-2639 Ext 403

My boss walked into my office and sat down in the chair across from me.  The look on his face indicated that this was going to be a serious conversation.  He cleared his throat and then leaned forward placing his elbows on his knees.  I stopped typing up the report I was working on and turned to face him more fully.  He told me that the company was looking at some budget cuts.  Unfortunately, my job was on the chopping block.  I explained that it was bad timing for me and that I really needed this job.  He looked me directly in my eyes and told me there was only one way for me to keep my job.

Continue reading “Keep My Job Phone Sex”

Zesty Zoey 1-844-332-2639 Ext 403

Professor Zoey teaches sissies and fem bois like you to earn you MRS degree.  It’s important for budding sissies to take their education seriously.  You’ll never be a CEO of a Fortune 500 company.  Not everyone is cut out for that sort of position.  Some of you are softer and gentler than those sort of cutthroat personalities.  I’m here to help you understand that your goals in life should be far different.  The best position for you is on your knees serving those around you.  Your goal should be finding a rich high powered husband and being the perfect housewife.

Continue reading “Earn Your MRS Degree with Professor Zoey”

Zesty Zoey 1-844-332-2639 Ext 403

Kayla and I found the entrance to the underworld.  Anna tagged along with us that day because we’d told her that we were going to go shopping for some new sexy underwear.  Kayla convinced her than she should come along with us to supervise and make sure I actually got some.  Anna knew that no one could ever really make me wear panties if I didn’t want to but knew with Kayla and I she was guaranteed a fun adventure full of shenanigans.  She just didn’t know how much of an adventure we’d have this day with Hades and Cerberus.

Continue reading “Hades and Cerberus Kinky Shenanigans Adventure”


Zesty Zoey 1-844-332-2639 Ext 403

You’ve given me control of your bladder.  Now it’s up to me whether you get potty privileges or not.  You know I’m leaning heavily toward the not side of things.  If you thought that I’d put you in diapers, you thought wrong.  Because I find it much more fun and satisfying to make you tinkle in your pants.  When we go out on outings, I tell you to let me know when you need to potty.  I give you hope that I’ll take you and let you wee when the time comes.  But you don’t see the wicked thought inside my head that will end with you walking around in wet pants in front of everyone.

Continue reading “No Potty Privileges, Tinkle in Your Pants”

Zesty Zoey 1-844-332-2639 Ext 403

Secret Agents Part 1

When I could no longer breathe through the pain, I began to scream and beg him to stop.  Without pausing, he assured me it would all stop when I told them what they wanted to know.  I told him instead what I thought of him, encouraging him to bring the crop down harder and faster on my already rapidly bruising thighs.

The screams that were being wrenched from my helpless body hurt my own ears.  I assumed it was getting my captors excited because one walked to the end of the table where my head lay.  He pressed a lever and the portion of the table supporting my head dropped away.  My head fell back and my scream turned into a gag as he rammed his big ass cock down my throat.  Screaming is hard when you can’t breathe.

Continue reading “Secret Agents Interrogate Zesty Zoey Part 2”

Zesty Zoey 1-844-332-2639 Ext 403

Daddy finds us so addicting.  He tries hard to stay away.  But he always comes crawling back.  Daddy is addicted to Zoey and Kayla’s tight little pussies.  I mean, it’s not just our pussies he can’t stop thinking about day and night.  He regularly remembers the feel of our mouths and tight tiny assholes.

When we get together, it’s impossible for Daddy to say no to us.  We’re sweet and adorable.  However, we also have devious and tenacious sides to our personalities.  When we want something, there’s very little that can stop us from achieving our goal.

Continue reading “Daddy is Addicted to Zoey and Kayla Phone Sex”

Zesty Zoey 1-844-332-2639 Ext 403

Gender-swapping Part 1 here

I leered at him the way he would at me and made a sexual joke.  Offering to fix that for him with my cock.  My body rolled my eyes at me and told me I was being crass.  I grined and told him I very well knew I was.  Then I asked how did it feel to be on that side of the crassness?

Continue reading “Gender-swapping Forced Feminization Role Play Part 2”

Zesty Zoey 1-844-332-2639 Ext 403

His Mama hired me to be his babysitter.  I found it wonderful that she didn’t ask for references.  Because I don’t exactly have any from legitimate babysitting gigs.  However, I think she heard through the grapevine that I was exactly the type of babysitter she needed.  After I arrived, she showed me around the house and then the emergency list held on the refrigerator door with a magnet.  I grinned and told her that everything would be just fine and that she had nothing to worry about.  Then, I leaned in and whispered to her that her son would be a completely transformed sissy baby when she returned.

Continue reading “Zoey Transformed Mommy’s Son into a Sissy Baby”