Daddy's Little Jackoff Model

Kinky Krysta 1844-332-2639 Ext.410

When I arrived home from my spring formal, the house was loud. Male voices boomed with laughter, and a haze filled the foyer as if they were smoking in the living room. I peered my head around the door jamb and called softly, “Daddy?” He and six of his friends were sitting around the living room with drinks and cigars in hand. I waved my hand in front of my face to clear the smoke and asked, “Where’s Mommy?”

“Come in, baby.” Daddy beamed and patted his thigh. “Come sit down, Krysta. I want to show you off to my friends.” I walked through them, feeling all of their gaze travel over my big tits and my short dress as I took a seat on Daddy’s lap. “Isn’t she the perfect little Jackoff model?” My body went ramrod stiff as they all laughed.

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X-Ray Vision

Mila 1-844-332-2639 Ext. 220

He was ready to play, I could see it in his eyes. You know how men get. Their eyes glazed over and their nose can only focus on the smell of wet pussy in the air. Sometimes it is scary, how they seem to be able to hone in on us. Eyes seemingly having x-ray vision, seeing under our clothes. But I’m sure it’s because when we get excited and scared our nipples harden so much that nothing can hide them from the outside world. And that must have been what he saw. And I was so wet it must have permeated the whole room.

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TS Alexus 844-332-2639 EXT 349

There you sit, yet again, sad and depressed. I know you’re sad and depressed because you’ve come in every night this week to pour your heartbreaking stories all over the bartender. I suppose no one else would listen to your loathsome rambling without being paid to do so.

It seems you’ve got nothing to live for, or at least it seems you believe that by the way you talk to strangers, so tonight, I’m going to make you mine. Just like always, after a few too many, you stumble off your stool and make your way out the door and into the darkness.

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Magnetic Connection Part Two

Kayla Cumsalot 1844-332-2639 Ext 357

There are questions a girl should ask before she gets into a car with a stranger; magnetic connection or not. Like, maybe his fucking name! Did I ask him? Nope, sure the fuck didn’t. His warm hand pushed me forward, and as if I were the puppet and he was the master, my feet obeyed. We weaved through the bar and out into the cool spring evening. The street was busy, but I was safe, I told myself as we moved down the sidewalk and walked towards his car.

He didn’t speak, but the scent of his aftershave made my nose arch toward his neck. I was so drawn to him that the warning bells clanging in my brain did nothing to stop me when he pulled open the passenger door, and I slipped inside. He leaned into the car and drew the seat belt between my breasts to strap me in. His playful blue eyes met mine, and he purred, “Safety first.”

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Public Transit Handjob

Ronnie 1844-33-CANDY Ext 443

As you know, I am new to big city life. It’s still so confusing and fast-paced for me, and I’m really just getting used to how everything happens. While shopping downtown, I ended up needing to take the subway. I was pretty nervous about it; you hear so many bad stories about how dangerous public transit can be, especially for women.

After paying, I stood at the platform, feeling like eyes were on me. I tried to shake it off, but as the subway swooshed to a stop before me and I took a seat against the window, I still felt someone watching me.

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Stepdaddy's Calling

Belle 1844-332-2639 X 444

You won’t believe what happened to me today! I know you won’t because I can hardly believe it and it happened to me! I logged into work and settled down for a full day of filthy phone fucking. My phone rang, and instantly, I recognized the voice on the other end.

As he listed out his billing details, I swallowed so hard. My mom’s new husband was calling me to jerk him off! I wasn’t sure if he knew it was me just yet, so I lowered my tone just a bit to disguise my voice and asked him how we’d play. I can’t believe my stepdaddy’s calling me!

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Valerie 1844-332-2639 Ext 243

I got a call from Neil around lunchtime on Friday. He was whispering into the phone, and it was really difficult to understand what he was saying until finally he hissed, ” I had an accident. Can you bring me a pair of underwear? Please, Val!” I sighed heavily. The last thing I wanted to do on my Friday was go down to the school to give that naughty boy a pair of his briefs.

I’d been telling his Mother he needed to be in diapers 24/7 due to his reoccurring accidents. However, she said it was just a phase, and he would grow out of it. I wondered if he’d grow out of it a lot quicker if, instead of bringing him briefs, I brought him a pair of his babysitter’s panties.

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  Punishing A Little Theif

Lea 1844-332-2639 Ext. 244

One year, I had this job at the corner gas station. It was a good gig till I got fired for punishing a little. This lil hoodrat would come through after school, pants hanging lower than his tight little ass. He’d have to hold his belt when he waddled to keep them from falling to the floor.

I knew he was too young to be buying adult beverages but that didn;t stop the slick dick from trying. He would turn on the charm, smile at me, and say, “Just this today, Mrs. Lea.” I’d take it from him and tell him to get, but one day, he got real brave.

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Little Krysta's Business Endeavor

 Kinky Krysta 1844-332-2639 Ext.410

Oh, hey, hi. So you know how the price of everything is going up, but people still want to spend money on things from the beauty industry? Well, I’ve been broke for a while now—like broke, BROKE—and as an independent woman, I decided to come up with a business endeavor that would solve all my problems.

I needed something cheap to make but that people would buy. I read somewhere that some women pay a lot of money for cum facials. I guess the protein-packed boy load smoothes out wrinkles and slows the aging process. As soon as I read that, I knew I could literally use you to bottle liquid gold!

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TS Alexus 844-332-2639 EXT 349

I’d cased the house for weeks. It was a giant three-story monster of a home, just screaming for a break-in, but it wasn’t just the house in need of burglary; the man of the house was a fine piece of ass. My dick throbbed against my tight black yoga pants as I waited for the last of the lights to go out.

The night was as dark as the mask I wore over my face. I tugged it down over my chin when the bedroom light faded to nothing. Then, stepping out of my car, I heaved the coil of rope onto my shoulder. My whole body was pulsing with wild excitement. I was about to pull off my most fulfilling burglary yet!

Continue reading “Break In Burglary Bondage”