Secret Fat Girl Fetish

 Kinky Krysta 1844-332-2639 Ext.410

Ever since you can remember, you’ve had a secret. While all of your friends were bragging about bagging a cheerleader or some other preppy twig bitch, you were repulsed. Turned off by the defined muscles in their arms and tight little tummies. It made you feel ashamed that you couldn’t share with them your secret fat girl fetish, so you stayed quiet.

I’ll bet they thought you were jealous when, in reality, you just wanted more cushion for the pushing.

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What I'd Do For One More Gift

Kinky Krysta 844-332-2369 Ext.410

When it comes to gifts and surprises, I can’t get enough! I love the anticipation of ripping into a wrapped package and discovering what’s inside. Will it be something I’ve been wanting or something I simply didn’t know I needed?

In fact, I get like really sad on Christmas morning when I’ve torn through all my presents, and there is nothing left. I’d do almost ANYTHING got just one more gift to stave off that feeling.

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