Torri 1-844-332-2639 ext 204

I had to drink calming tea before I went to sleep last night. My high moon strange that is some kind of creature not a man at all told me I must go to sleep before he can come in. Still not sure why but I did my best to pass out. I stayed up all day worked hard on the farm, and took a hot bath to make myself as tired as I could. Now I’ve been lying in bed for over an hour and can’t sleep. I have to pass out soon or my creature won’t come to me tonight and he said he had something for me special tonight.

I felt a hand on my cheek as I opened my eyes. There he was looking down at me. I must have passed out at some point. I started to sit up but he stopped me as he crawled into bed with me. I expected him to lay next to me but he got right on top of me this time. Peering down at me he spoke. “I want to take you tonight under this full moon. I would like your permission to enter your sacred place.”

Continue reading “Some Kind Of Creature”

The Park Bench

Sherry 1844-332-2639 ext 399

It’s in the middle of spring walking along the parkway. I am wearing a stunning purple strappy sundress and tan wedged heels. My hair was all curly and pulled up in a sexy bun wearing my glasses. I can smell the manly musk in the moonlight air, wondering where it will lead me too. The night is still so young, should I give in to my urge or should I wait?


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Mila 1-844-332-2639 Ext. 220

There comes a time in every girls life where she has to clean up a mess. A big mess. And I clean up my own mess a lot. Spraying my girl cum all over my bedsheets was easy enough. But this sissy was making a real mess. I was kind enough to let my bed be our little play area as I degraded that sissy, and made sure I meant every word I said. It’s pretty easy to do that with those pathetic ones, the jokes really write themselves. And being yelled at by a hot teen who can get all the dick she wants really puts the cherry on top for them.

Continue reading “Sissy Mess Cleanup!”

Alex 1-844-332-2639 Ext. 425

 I know for a fact you turn and toss in bed all night, restless and unwilling to fall asleep with your balls so terribly full of cum. There is a might in the back of your head telling you to take that cock in between your hands and allow yourself a release. Mistress told you not to, but what is the fun in doing what you’re told? Sure, it will be fun in the moment. I don’t doubt that. But what happens when you come to me and that desperation in your voice is a little… lacklustre. Obviously, you will have every excuse Under the Sun, but I have heard them all before. Thus, I am not interested in hearing you out.

Continue reading “Disrespect Of Your Mistress”

On Your Body

Torri 1-844-332-2639 ext 204

Guess where my tongue could be on your body? LOL, I know that’s really an open-ended question right there. There really is no limit to where my tongue could be on your body right now. I could be doing something you really like. Like using that tongue of mind to trace every sexy line on your cock. Makin that pre cum ooze out for me and lappin’ it up drivin’ you crazy. I could be using my tongue on your balls right now. Making circles around each one very slowly. Sending shivers up your spine. Making you wish I would just suck on them already. But you know I like to tease you so that’s exactly what I’m gonna do! I could be sitting in your lap facing you. Movin’ up and down on your lap trying to make your dick just hard as I can while I have my head bent down to your neck using my tongue to lick up and down it. Little moans coming from your lips that you try to control but can’t because it just feels too good. Move my tongue up to your ear to lick and suck there too.

Continue reading “On Your Body”

Mila 1-844-332-2639 Ext. 220

I really liked seeing my submissive slave lying there on the floor. He had been so good for me, taking everything I was unleashing on his poor body. Red and swollen all over. My handprints littered his skin, red welts that shone in the light from the sweat on his skin. It had been a long session, he knew I needed to release upon him. And I love a submissive bitch that lets me do everything I need to do. His whimpers were music to my ears, he was crying like he had never before. Made me smile looking at him tied up and gagged.

Continue reading “Painslut Handjob”

Alex 1-844-332-2639 Ext. 425

Taking a sub to the extremes that I have put out for them is always so exciting. Their eyes widening as I make them feel things they have never experienced before. Nobody else can take a sub to the extremes I can. When I took “J” into my dungeon, he was in for a ride. Even without my extremes, he is always moaning and begging for more like the bitch he is. The sounds of begging in my ears is always the most exciting part of my day. And he delivers that. But this time we were playing, I took it a step further than we ever had.

Continue reading “What’s That Sound? Extremes For A Domme”

Vivian 844-332-2639 ext. 254

Degradation and humiliation is something I really enjoy and something that comes naturally to me. I am a sweetheart and have a heart of gold. But I can also be cold and cruel; dark and sadistic even, when I need to be. Let’s just say, I’m the nicest bitch you will ever know.

Just ask “Vivian’s sissy bitch”. He is one of my most pathetic disgusting callers. He can’t decide if he is a sissy or not, bounces between being into age-play and BBC, has a little dick and is a closeted gay man. The list goes on and on with this loser. How ridiculous is that!

No matter how mean I am to him he keeps coming back for more like the dumb fuck he is. He is addicted to me, obsessed even and I love it. Even when he gets on my last nerves and I block his ass, I find myself unblocking him so I can verbally abuse him again and again. There is nothing that turns me on more than a man making me feel good while I treat him like the repugnant scumbag he is! Continue reading “Degradation and Humiliation At Its Finest”

Tied-Up Justin

Mila 1-844-332-2639 Ext. 220

My client “Justin” is such a funny guy. He has a real issue with freedom. Isn’t that funny? I think so. The best thing he can do on his days off is session with me and have some tied-up fun. To be tied up and caged is like his kryptonite. Every session only gets more extreme with him. Our last session was so incredible, that I just had to spill the details! And I bet when he sees this, the stakes will only go up. It all started how it usually does, with him tied up to the bed not being able to move.

Continue reading “Tied-Up Justin”

Vivian 1844-332-2369 ext. 254

There is one thing that I need you to understand about me. Women envy me and men lust after me. Everyone wants to worship my body. I know I have the perfect body. As the saying goes, if you got it flaunt it, and I love showing off my beautiful curves. Feminine and flirty describes my style. I love to wear flowy summer dresses or low-cut blouses, showing just a hint of cleavage and short tight skirts.

As I walk by, I feel those penetrating, admiring stares, and I bask in my glory. I leave behind the scent of my body spray as a reminder that a goddess was in their presence. I look good, I smell good, and I taste good. These man will think about me all day and fantasize about me at night. They will want to worship my body long after I’m gone.

Continue reading “Worship my body the right way!”