
1-844-332-2639 ext 271

Dear Diary,

         I’m so glad my mom told our entire neighborhood that I babysit. It’s been great pocket money for me. And it’s actually like, the easiest thing on earth.  I just wish the wives didn’t look at me like they want to throw me outside when I show up in my cute outfits. It’s not my fault they want to look bad all the time. I just like wearing my short skirts because they’re cute AF. I think they’re mad because their husbands look at me like I’m a snack… I sometimes catch them looking at my ass when I bend over to take my shoes off. Or when I’m putting my shoes on to leave, I can feel their eyes glued to my boobs.

Continue reading “Not-So-Innocent Babysitter Phonesex”

Faith (1-844-332-2639) Ext. 354

You had the pleasure of meeting me at a restaurant. You remember your son being so proud to show me off. You have spent the last few months hearing about a young woman he had fallen in love with. I was everything he dreamed of and more. Every day he came home wearing the brightest smile. It only built up your anticipation for what you were expecting me to be. Your wife was excited but sad that there was a possibility that someone had come to take her baby boy away. Finally, the night of the dinner arrived.

Continue reading “Son’s Girlfriend Phone Sex”

Sissy stick sluts listen up!! Oh, hey SPH Phonesex Loser Boy! What do you think you’re going to do with THAT? It looks like an oversized clit! Even when you add 1/4 or 1/2 an inch to anything under seven inches you know that it won’t matter! You shouldn’t be talking about that like it’s going to do anything for anyone. Your teeny weenie is a joke. And I can’t wait to giggle in your ear and crack up laughing!

I’ll snap a few pictures to show my friends what you consider a dick. This humiliation phone sex session is going to be perfect. Go ahead and dial me, loser boy, it’s not like you have a date tonight or something hah!! I’m sure Saturday are very lonely for little clit dickies boys like you! I’m certain you are alone, wanking your sissy stick, twisting it in between your thumb and forefinger.

Continue reading “Sissy Stick Phone Sex : The Ultimate SPH”

sugar baby adrian on your bed

Adrian 844-332-2639 ext. 269

You just can’t stay away from me, can you? Memories of my perfectly smooth skin, radiant smile and tight, slippery pussy shoot straight down to your cock. You swore last time was THE last time, but you always find your way back here to spoil me. Don’t be so hard on yourself; most men couldn’t resist this sugar baby. Continue reading “Sugar Baby Sensual Phonesex”

Sweet Lovin Kayla 1844-33-CANDY ext 357

Sweet Lovin Kayla 1844-33-CANDY ext 357

Cam sessions are really a lot of fun, but one special SISSY girl made it even more so. I have many beautiful boy-girls, but no one takes more care in their appearance than this little slut. Before our call, she took the time to STYLE her hair and carefully applied a natural layer of makeup. Red lips, of course!

I’ve seen her all DOLLED up before but never live, and I wasn’t sure what to expect. It thrilled me to see her in SEXY, SILKY white lingerie. Her sissy girl cock straining against the material made my mouth water! I wanted to take my time exploring her before I made her fuck herself for me.

Continue reading “Kayla’s Naughty Cam Girl Phone Sex”

Mistress Pandora 1 844 332 2639 ext 283

 Sun’s out buns out, you pegging princess! Looking at brown eyes all day and night is getting fucking tiresome. I need some variety in my life. It’s not like your slut slit is very inspiring,to begin with. I love harnessing up. and shoving my silicone cock in your boypussy, however its time to up the ante.

Starting this week, you’ll tell me what kind of bikini bottoms you are fucking wearing. In a pinch, panties will do, but it’s your ticket to the pegging phone sex princess adventure you seek. You don’t have to keep them on long before I pull them off or to the side and shove my big fucking dildo up your asscunt.

Continue reading “Sun’s Out Buns Out Phone Sex For Pegging Princesses”

Naked Red Head Mommy Laying On Table

~Idun~ 844-332-2639 ext 369

You can’t get enough of Mommy. You’re hardly ever a good boy. Good boys don’t spy on Mommy while she’s changing and they certainly don’t steal Mommy’s panties like you do. I’ve been finding cummies in my dirty panties so now I must punish you for taking off your diaper and being so bad!

Continue reading “Mommy Knows Best Phone Sex”

XXX Collette XXX 1-844-332-2639 ext 383

If you haven’t figured this out yet, whether is Christmas (or Hanukkah which I actually celebrate), all I want is money.  Oh and I forgot to mention, designer shoes, designer bags, designer clothes, and all sorts of beautiful gifts.  And yes, I expect to be spoiled as I have been beyond nice to you (although I shouldn’t have been).  I love walking up to the door in my sexy lingerie, especially when the mailman comes.  Continue reading “What’s Expected of Little Dicked Losers Phonesex”

~~~Olivia~~844-332-2639 x 226~~~

I arrived at the daycare and noticed we had a new client.  He was so cute.  A small-framed cutie with a little-man haircut, little polo shirt, and shorts.  As my sister left for her appointment I got all his information from her.

Ben got along very well with the other boys and girls.  He was really sweet.  As the mother’s picked up the others; Ben kept looking out the window looking for his mother.  The phone rang and it was Ben’s mother.  She had car issues and wasn’t sure how long she would be.  I assured her it would be ok. Continue reading “Let’s See How Cute You Can Be Phone Sex”

Anita  1-844-332-2639  ext 288

As I lure you into my world, I find out that you are a leg man.  You adore everything about my long luscious legs.  You cannot get enough of how smooth they are, but when you see me in stockings or in my thigh highs, your heartbeat doubles.  If actually makes you even more submissive as you instantly get down on your knees as you look up at me, as you look up at my legs in my silky thigh highs and start begging me to worship me.

You want to make me feel great, but you also know that I will reward you.  My legs in my thigh highs are wonderful and you want to pull them down with your teeth or with your lips.  I actually don’t blame you for wanting to worship my legs.  As I put my legs into thigh highs or into stockings, or even pantyhose you instantly get turned on. Continue reading “Sniffing My Pantyhosed Feet Phonesex”