Sherry 1844-332-2639 ext 399

I needed a new outfit to go out with my girlfriends. So I decided to go to the mall and shop the day away. I started at the food court for a fruit smoothie and a cookie. As I began to browse the stores I was not feeling the vibe of any dress I saw. Three stores down and nothing. The mall was 2 stories so I had many shops to choose from. As I got in the elevator to go up this couple followed along.

Continue reading “Chronicles of Sherry – The Mall Part I”

                                                                   Anna 844-332-2639 EXT. 203

Miss Anna had gotten a new neighbor. He was a tall, dark, handsome man and had a young son, who was in his 20’s. He often worked long hours, but Miss Anna would try and catch him any time she could, while gardening outside, smoking, or simply bringing in her groceries. One day, that tall, dark handsome man had to go away for a couple days and asked Miss Anna if she could watch over his son. Simply pop in to say hello, make sure he was going to school and eating properly, as well as doing his chores.

Continue reading “Miss Anna’s newest recruit”

Mercedes 1844-332-2639 Ext. 423

Some days your sissy self may feel a little down, and there may be a day you won’t pick up the makeup brush…. But don’t you worry, I can make sure to help you feel as great, and beautiful as you deserve. Maybe you were looking forward to going shopping, but couldn’t muster up the courage to go out and look your best. Well, let’s put on that make up together and start turning heads, cutie!!!

Continue reading “Encouragement for Sissies”

Sherry 1844-332-2639 ext 399

I whispered into his dreams putting him at ease. As I turned him into the little girl he wanted to be he giggled even though my friends startled him. He was still happy. I looked over to my son when he finished twirling I said Baby your girl’s name is going to be Tiffany. Today is your birthday to become a little girl. How do you like your new name? Tiffany ran to me with open arms, giggled, and just gave me the biggest hug and said thank you, Mommy, I love my name.

Continue reading “Chronicles of Sherry- Training Day – Part II”

My New Job

Julie 1844-332-2639 Ext 453

It’s been a couple of months since I started my new job at the Tantric Massage Parlor. I became so into receiving them that I wanted to learn how to give them. So I did. And I absolutely love it! I get to indulge in my edging fetish all day, every day. I get so horny at work all day and then go home and play with my toys while I think about the clients I made cum that day.

It was Hump Day and we have specials. So I had my first couple’s massage. Rico was going to do it with me. We walk into the room and he goes over to the woman’s side of the blankets. And I’m on the man’s. With our hot oil, we begin at their temples. Working our way down their bodies in tandem. This is nice! Judging by their responses, they’re thoroughly enjoying themselves as well. The man opens his eyes and whispers “Can we trade?” “Absolutely!” I whisper back. I motion to Rico to switch sides with me, which he does. The woman smiles up at me as if she’s very pleased that I’m now massaging her.  When I reach between

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Sherry 1844-332-2639 ext 399

It was Friday, it’s been a grueling week and the nights have been long. I decided to take my time tonight.  Something strange was in the air this evening. I could almost taste him as I walked along the sidewalk. I closed my eyes took in a deep breath and started whispering in his dreams. His scent made me quiver in delight. Continue reading “Chronicles of Sherry- Training Day – Part I”

Sherry 1844-332-2639 ext 399

My boss at JT Higgins sent me on a business trip to New York.  Getting to the airport on time was manic.  Everyone was in a rush as we were boarding the plane.  I finally got to my seat and got settled in. Before take-off, we had one late arrival and of course, he was seated next to me.

Continue reading “Chronicles Of Sherry – Primed for Sin – Part I”

Julie 1844-332-2639 Ext 453

It feels so cozy in this pile of blankets. I’m awaiting my tantric massage. The room is lit with dozens of aromatherapy candles, filling the room with the aphrodisiac effects of jasmine and patchouli. I’m so relaxed that I start to doze off. When I open my eyes, Rico is sitting beside me. There is a small ceramic pot of hot oil beside him being warmed over a candle. “Hello Miss Julie” his smile is warm and inviting. “Hello Rico, it’s very nice to meet you” I whisper. “Likewise Julie” he replies.  Then he goes on to explain to me that a tantric massage is a very sensual TOTAL BODY MASSAGE.  I agree to indulge. He gets a tiny drop and rubs it between his hands before beginning at my temples, then to my scalp, forehead, and working his way down my arms and to my legs. His stern but sensual hands leave no muscle untouched. It feels so good and I’m lost in pure ecstasy.

I’m now on my stomach and he’s manipulating every muscle in my back. He works his way down to my glutes and he knows exactly what to do. He’s kneading his way to

Continue reading “The Tantric Massage”

Rita and Avery Put You In Panties

Robotic Rita 1844-332-2639 Ext 413

As soon as Avery and I discovered you had a tiny little stiffy, we forced you into panties. We couldn’t stop giggling because you were so flustered and nervous by two hot brunettes pushing you around. It was easier than it should have been, honestly.

When Avery said you were cute and I touched your arm, we almost thought you would cream your undies before we put you in panties. It was my idea to peel off Avery’s panties; I just slinked them down her legs under her short skirt without revealing any of her sweet pussy. Even though you wanted to see it so badly! You know you’d never even have a chance with either of us, so you let us bully you!

Continue reading “Rita and Avery Put You In Panties”

Punished Little Homewrecker

Belle 1844-332-2639 X 444

Doug gripped my wrist and spun me around. He shoved me roughly into the kitchen counter, and I shivered when he pulled my hair to the side to expose my ear to his lips. “I’m a VERY loyal husband.” his voice was rough like gravel, filled with anger but tinged with lust he could no longer control.

My ass arched out to rub against his crotch. I knew he wanted me. As my best friend’s Dad, he couldn’t keep his eyes off of me every time I came over. The hand that had swept my hair back was now pulling my panties down over my ass. The small skirt I wore over to the house did little to interrupt his path. “Do you know how I punish horny little bitches who try to wreck my marriage?”

Continue reading “Punished Little Homewrecker”