Krysta 844-332-2639 Ext. 410

The neighbor who lives to the left of my mom’s house is disabled. He uses a high-powered wheelchair that helps him out a lot because his hands and feet never grew properly. So, being the nice girl I am, I stopped by his house the last time I visited my mom and asked if he had any chores or things I could help him out with.

I think he was joking when he said, “I’d give you my Olive Garden gift card for a blowjob.” He laughed after he said it, but I guess he didn’t know how much I love those damn breadsticks cus I told him he had a fucking deal! My disabled neighbor was about to get blown for an Olive Garden gift card.

Continue reading “Disabled Neighbor Gets Blown”


Taylor 1-844-332-2639 ext 427

We have to embrace the pussy power

Pussy power and we know how to use it. Men’s number one weakness and always will be. They drool at the very thought of pussy, something wired in their brains that leads all control to their dicks. They pay for the pussy and they pray for the pussy. Men are simple and complex. Pussy lust and fairy dust. Sprinkle it on their simple little minds and boom you have what you want. I can’t say I don’t blame them though I have a weak spot for pussy myself. But it doesn’t exactly revolve around my life either. It’s nice to have, hell yes it is just like a nice big juicy dick. Or maybe that money that goes into my pocket. I like that! 

Continue reading “Total control with pussy power”

A brunette with white tank top smiling

Wendy, the Bisexual Hedonist @ 844-33-CANDY, ext. 424

on Saturday, Sept. 17 – 8 AM to 1 PM EST

…continued from part 3

Surprisingly, she took my hand in hers.  I had always thought that if this might happen – and honestly I never believed that it would – that I would be the one to take control, to lead Angie into a world that she had never experienced before.  But that is not what was happening.  Angie was becoming my special pill.  I knew as soon as she kissed me.  It was ever the slightest of kisses, a little timid to be honest, but she kissed me.  I was dumbfounded but more than willing to let her lead the show.

We went back into the house with her holding my hand.  I had already assumed where she was going to lead me.  I could not but help to think in the back of my head that she had done this before.  She was not a virgin to bisexuality.  Either she had had experience with other women or she had been practicing at home by herself very well.  Out of curiosity, I was going to let her guide me.

Continue reading “A special pill, part 4”

xXx Francie xXx 844-332-2639 x 208

I was flying home for my Grandma’s birthday party. My sister had been planning it, and she added me to a group chat with our parents, her husband, and a few of my aunts and uncles, just so everyone knew what they needed to bring to the party. I’d never met my brother-in-law before, but I figured this would be an excellent way to test his loyalty to my sister.

I saved his number in my phone and waited till the big day to start sexting him.

Continue reading “Sexting My Brother In Law”

When you come home from work, I am waiting eagerly for you.  I set out a little indoor romantic picnic dinner for us tonight.  Tonight is all about romance and sensually exploring each other’s bodies.  I’ve put together finger foods for us.  We feed each other from our own hands tonight.  I love to tease your lips with the piece of food before slowly slipping it into your mouth.  You suck my finger as I slip it back out over your tongue.  When we’re finished with the cheese, grapes, and bits of chicken, we’ll finish our meal with a dessert of chocolate and wine.  Doesn’t that sound like the perfect way to wrap up a sensual meal such as this?

Continue reading “Sensual Chocolate and Wine Indoor Picnic”

Nude brunette laying down peering over shoulder

Wendy, the Bisexual Hedonist @ 844-33-CANDY, ext. 424

on Monday, Sept. 12 – 5 AM to 12 PM

…continued from part 2

I started to slowly stroke her hand, hoping to make her feel better.  Honestly, I had no idea if she felt the same.  Always I had known that Angie was adventurous; after all, she had told me about the many exploits that she had had outside of her marriage, but they had all been with guys.  Maybe I was barking up the wrong tree?  I wanted to be a special pill for Angie, but maybe she had no inclinations towards me whatsoever.  But somehow the strokes that her fingers were playing on my hand in response to mind did not seem wrong.  It was as if she was signaling something to me, as if there was meaning behind those strokes.  Could I be Angie’s special pill?

Or maybe I was just losing it.  Was I reading something in the spaces between the lines that wasn’t even there?

Continue reading “A special pill, part 3”

Topless brunette with lace panties

Wendy, the Bisexual Hedonist @ 844-33-CANDY, ext. 424

…continued from part 1

I did my best to respond.  “That must be really hard to take.  It’s been over a year now for you two.  I cannot imagine how I would feel if a guy was unable to fuck me.  Besides opening jars, that’s like the only thing that they’re good for.”  I tried my best to make her smile.  Angie and I had been friends for a long time, and I hated seeing her down.  I just hoped that the extra touch of whiskey would make her feel nice and warm inside.  I had never told her before but I wanted to make her feel nice and warm inside, too.  I wanted to be that special pill that could make her feel so much better.

Continue reading “A special pill, part 2”

wet pussy844-33-CANDY ext 360 Teen Rowan 

Wet teen pussy attracts the reanimated walking zombies! They are after me to eat my cunt! Help! It was a crazy hazy night when the clouds opened up and dropped a sticky substance that infected all the cock meat in town. I am a teen zombie because all of the infected hard cocks cum after me! Escaping was my only thought, I was far too late for that! Small ones are the only dick I turn down, so I take zombie cock just as well!  Dozens of reanimated men screaming give me that young wet pussy 

They came by the dozens screaming eat her pussy we must feed! I do not want to be a zombie! Although you know I would rock the hell out of any body changes. A sexy young reanimated slut for cock is a mess waiting to happen! It is very hot having all these hard dicks chasing and searching for my heartbeat! This throbbing between my legs is not helping throw my scent off. A tire iron helps me get away for now, Zombie heads looking like baseballs laying in my path!  I look at the cocks still hard as bodies quiver searching for their heads! Continue reading “Wet Pussy Teen for Zombies”

A special pill

Brunette standing in hot pink bikini

Wendy @ 844-33-CANDY, ext. 424

Now that my kids were off to school, I was sitting on my back porch with my bestie just enjoying the peace and quiet.  My friend Angie had just dropped off her own kids and now it was girl time.  The two of us were discussing a little bit of everything, from raising kids to the latest fashions.  And, as always, there was a tad of girlie gossip, something usually unavoidable.  Although I am still single and loving it, Angie had been married for a number of years, something that – quite honestly – never stopped her from her adventurous ways.  What this girl needed was a special pill.

“After this whole pandemic thing, I am so glad that Steve is back in the office.  I missed our time together,” she was telling me.

Continue reading “A special pill”

Cuddle time

Wendy @ 844- 33 – CANDY, ext. 424

I’m really starting to find my niche here.  It’s been a while since I’ve been on, but I have been back now for about three weeks, and I seem to be finding the perfect spot.  I’m Mommy.

Which is odd, because I am a Mommy.  And I am a damn good one.  When it’s time to discipline, I am the best at it.  But also when it’s time to snuggle, I am the best at that, too.  Mommy always seems to know just what her babies need.  It’s like an instinct, I can read their thoughts before they have even had a chance to process them.

Continue reading “Cuddle time”