Call me, Roomie

TS Alexus 844-332-2639 EXT 349

Call me, Roomie. Today is your lucky day.

I just upped my hormone dosage last week, and I can feel it kicking in. Every inch of my body is crawling with sexual energy! The estrogen coursing through me has me feeling like a very, dangerous woman.

I’m sitting in our shared living area, on the couch, feeling myself up and down, eyes closed as I writhe all over the couch. My smooth legs rubbing sensually up against each other. It’s not uncommon for you and our other roommates to see me on the couch in my underwear, but I’m not touching myself in front of you. Well, except today.

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Please dont touch my cock!

TS Alexus 844-332-2639 EXT 349

As a new trans person, sometimes I get nervous I won’t be welcomed in the women’s locker room at the gym. My cock is still threatening to unsuspecting women, and my breasts don’t seem to soften their feelings toward me. So I’m still stuck waiting until it looks like no one is in the men’s locker room and rushing to shower and get out before someone pops in.

I had to get to work after my workout but didn’t have time to drive all the way home to shower. So I needed to use the men’s locker room, even if someone was already in there. When I knocked, no one answered. If I were quick, maybe things would be okay!

Continue reading “Oh No, Please Don’t Touch My Cock”