Phonesex with Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270

It’s not common to find Mommy in a diaper, but every now and then, I like to surprise my big boy. Unfortunately, he’d been very stressed with work, pulling double shifts, and even working overtime. As a result, there hadn’t been a lot of time to embrace his little side. So there had to be a way to help him really regress with Mommy and release all that adult world stress.

Just before he was due to come home, I taped myself into a thick, crinkly diaper and nothing else. Then, I laid on our bed with his diaper folded and ready beside me for when we walked into the room.

Continue reading “Crinkly Diaper Sex”

Phonesex with Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270

My big boy was napping, so I ran out real quick to the grocery store and did a few other fast things around town before zipping back h as I carried the grocery bags into the kitchen and set them on the island. My baby was awake and was fidgeting with a bowl. Shakey hands tried to pour cereal, but he was getting more on the island than in the bowl. I smiled, watching him be so independent, and asked how his nap had been.

His eyes still looked sleepy and his hair was a wreck. He shrugged and shuffled to the other side of the island. I wondered why he moved away from me when he was typically such a snuggly boy. And then it hit me. I lifted my chin and sniffed the kitchen air. He was looking down into the bowl to avoid eye contact. “Baby? Did you make a stinky in your diaper during your nap?”

Continue reading “There’s No Hiding When You’re Stinky”

Phonesex with Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270

I’ve tried to quit smoking a million times. I know its bad for me to smoke, but I crave that rush. The way the butt feels between my lips and when the nicotine rushes through my veins. My husband hates it and has gone so far as to ban me from indulging. But, of course, I never listen. I’ve stopped smoking in front of him, sure.

Now, I just wait until he’s gone to bed, and I slip out onto the back porch with only the stars as a witness to inhale that sweet, forbidden treat. Well, I thought the stars were my only witness. I had no idea my neighbor’s nosey son had been watching me as I hid in the shadows outside.

Continue reading “His First Smoke”


Phonesex with Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270

You like them, don’t you? My long, toned, and tanned legs. You want to caress them and feel the soft, shaven skin. The long length of my smooth legs drives you insane. But, no matter the day or what I have on, you are only always thinking about my beautiful legs.

You love them covered in nylon or when I wear thigh-high stockings. I bet you can’t even decide which way makes your cock harder. Just that you know, you’d give anything to have these long legs wrapped around your hips.

Continue reading “Long Legs Worship”

Phonesex with Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270

It was time for Johnny’s midday nap, but someone wasn’t sleepy. He was giving Mommy every excuse in his little book for why he couldn’t lay down and rest his busy body. He needed more juice, and his teddy needed a hug. Finally, Mommy had had enough of his games and put on one of his favorite movies; then, I asked him to come lay down on the couch with me.

Trying to compromise with the little stinker, I told him he didn’t have to nap; he just had to be still for thirty minutes. That’s a long time for any little boy to hold in his wiggles, but Mommy could see him rubbing his eyes. Finally, he agreed and crawled up on the couch to lay his head on Mommy’s bare thigh. My tiny little shorts had risen up while chasing him around all day, and Johnny couldn’t stop his teasing fingers.

Continue reading “Teasing Little Boys Get Pegged By Dom-my”

Phonesex with Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270

Utoh! What’s happening here?! When I last saw this diaper loser, I was pretty sure he was packing a HUGE, sneaky diaper dick, but then he sends me pictures of my name on his pink diapee, and I realized, I’ve got a girl! Insane how fluid gender is nowadays, huh? We often enjoy his lunchtime together, so I told him I was gonna tattle!

The next time he goes to lunch at our favorite spot, Mommy is gonna make him wear his hair is cute little spiky, pigtails and all pink. Then I’m going to tell all the pretty waitresses that are so nice to his smelly diaper butt that he is no longer Mommy’s cutie patootie but a Diapee Princess!

Continue reading “Diaper Boy Turned Diapee Girl”

Phonesex with Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270

The grocery store was bustling with people trying to start their weekend fun. Everyone smelled of sunscreen and was hauling bags of ice, just itchy to fire up the bar-b-que. I was only there for the few necessities id run out of, but I do love people watching; you can see so many types of people here at the grocery store. Everyone’s gotta eat, right?

As I finished strolling around the aisles, I made my way to the checkout. All the lines were long, but I didn’t mind. I pushed my buggy over to the closest line and checked out the group in front of me. Three men, maybe in their late twenties, chatted together. The one closest to me was leaning over the buggy, the one in front of him had a twenty-four pack in his hands, and the other was prattling on about how hot Kelly was going to look in her bikini. I focused my attention on the man leaning over the buggy. Was that a diaper I spy poking from his shorts? Busted!

Continue reading “Busted By A Real Diaper Mommy”

Phonesex with Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270

You’re in BIG trouble, Mister! Look what I found on the living room floor! The diaper I put on you just a few minutes ago was lying all ripped up like some wild beast shredded it off you! Now, I know you don’t like your diapers, baby, but you have to wear them. But, I understand that you can’t be trusted to keep it on like a good boy, so Mommy is going to put on a fresh diaper and push your hands into these big baby gloves.

Do you know the kind that keeps babies from scratching? These ones are special, though! They have locks at the wrist so I can connect your hands behind your back and keep you from taking off your diaper! Of course, that’s all better, isn’t it? I know you won’t be able to squirm out of the new diaper now!

Continue reading “You’re In Trouble!”

Phonesex with Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270

I’m already someone’s Wife, that’s true, but it doesn’t mean that we can’t have naughty, filthy fun on the phone. It’s mostly innocent, isn’t it? I just want to play! The fact that I want to spend all day spread eagle in my marriage bed with your voice in my ear, and my fingers in my pussy isn’t really breaking any vows?

My husband won’t find out, and I won’t tell your wife. Really we have nothing to fear except for what we could be missing out on if you don’t call me! I’m lonely, and you’re horny. We were meant for each other.

Continue reading “Naughty MILF Felicity Wants to Play With You”

Phonesex with Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270

Breast, tit, boob, flesh bag, whatever you call them, I want them worshiped.

I want to come home from a long day of wearing a bra all day and have someone worship my breasts. After being at work for hours, after going to the gym and sweating into my sports bra, my fantasy is to have a man meet me at the door and slowly undress me. He’d kiss my lips as a greeting while his hands cup my supported breasts. Gently kneading and whispering how he’s been thinking of freeing my boobs nonstop.

Continue reading “Breast Worship”