Phonesex with Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270

Filling out Christmas cards to my friends and family is a labor of love. Every year, I pick out beautiful cards covered in glitter with uplifting season’s greetings on them and dutifully write out personal well-wishes to whomever the card is for. The only downside to this is how long the process can be! Jason tends to get very impatient during this time because he always craves Mommy’s attention.

When I’m getting ready to prepare the cards, I spread them out on my bed with all of the matching envelopes and stamps. Then, with my favorite pen in hand, I get to work. It’s easy to lose track of time when I get into the zone. Almost every year, Jason stands by the bed as I’m writing them out, and the only way to keep both him entertained and get my work done is to give him an ignore handjob.

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