Jemma 1844-332-2639 ext 303

A few years back. I was so bored, with nothing to do and no one to fuck. My pussy was wet all the time and I constantly fantasized about men to have sex with. 

After a grueling interview, I took a full-time job as a nanny and housekeeper for a wealthy family on the other side of town. It was a pretty sweet gig because the kids were super cute and well-behaved, they looked after themselves. 

Their mom was constantly going for massages, shopping, and the gym. She seemed to care about absolutely nothing other than those activities and gossiping with her friends on the phone while getting wasted on wine. 

Dad was another story. He was constantly working, he was never home and when he was, he just seemed exhausted, like he needed a break and someone to take care of him.

He was so attractive, he and I talked a lot when he would come home from work late at night. Most nights by the time he got home from work, the kids and his wife were already in bed. 

Continue reading “Jemma Worked as a Nanny”

What I'd Do For One More Gift

Kinky Krysta 844-332-2369 Ext.410

When it comes to gifts and surprises, I can’t get enough! I love the anticipation of ripping into a wrapped package and discovering what’s inside. Will it be something I’ve been wanting or something I simply didn’t know I needed?

In fact, I get like really sad on Christmas morning when I’ve torn through all my presents, and there is nothing left. I’d do almost ANYTHING got just one more gift to stave off that feeling.

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Jemma – 1844-332-2639 ext 303

I’m always trying to be such a good little girl even though everyone knows I’m a naughty little slut.

I’ve been really good lately though, daddy says I need to help out more around the house. He says I need to cook, clean, and take care of things like a good girl should, “that’s how you become a proper woman” he always says.

The problem is, mundane chores are so boring and I’m always so horny. My dad has so many hot friends who are always hanging around at our house. They’re a lot older than me but I find it so sexy. I love that older guy’s physique and I love those little wisps of grey hair, so sexy.

He has this one friend named Doug that I find particularly sexy. He’s always been kind of like a daddy figure to me. He’s so hot, he has a ton of money, and every time I can catch a glimpse of the bulge in his pants my pussy starts to tingle.

Continue reading “Jemma Got Stuck and Fucked in the Dryer”

Mila 844-332-2639 Ext-220
I absolutely love visiting my friends. I’m sure you’re thinking, “Duh, of course, this girl loves hanging out with her stupid friends!” And I know that’s obvious. But that’s not what I’m talking about! I’m talking about when I go over to my guy friend’s places. Not like, fuck-buddies or anything. A lot of them have girlfriends or some sort of weird “we’re not official” relationship going on. But god does my mind wander. I’ll give you an example of it. Just the other day I went down to my friend Dan’s place and my mind really was working overtime.

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TS Alexus 844-332-2639 EXT 349 

My, my. What a fussy little sissy you are today. Dry your eyes and crawl over. Daddy Alexus has your paci right here. Rolling my skirt up and pulling down my panties to let my thick, six-and-a-half-inch cock stretch itself out. The tip is weeping; Daddy’s been fussy for you, too.

Get close, come on. Don’t be shy. Let me rub the head over your pouty, little lower lip. Doesn’t a pacifier make everything better? Open up and suck right there, right on the head. There’s a good girl.

Continue reading “Daddy’s Got Your Paci”

What Are You Doing?

Francie xXx 1844-332-2639 xXx 208

Have you ever gotten that text? “What are you doing?” Maybe it’s just me, but I think those four words hold so much promise. Last night, I was bored and wanted to have some fun. Some productive fun. I’d ordered a new fuck machine and really wanted to test it out on a willing victim.

Sure, I know what you’re thinking, “willing?” Yes. Most often, I do like to take my prey by surprise, but I wanted an honest review of my new toy, so I texted my girlfriend to see if she’d be up for a bit of experimenting.

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Tessa 1-844-332-2639 ext. 445

What do they always say about pussy control? Well I personally think that as much as my pussy is Grade A+, my tongue is absolutely mind-blowing! You won’t be able to get enough.
The things that my warm, wet, and might I add, skilled and experienced tongue does just makes me believe that it should have its own entrance fee slapped on.  I might as well call it my secret weapon, and it should have some kind of warning that reads, “Caution: Enter at your own risk because once you cum into for ride, there’s no turning back.” This dirty girl loves to kiss, and I’m not talking about your grandma’s peck. I’m talking I want to get a full on massage with your tongue. We’re going to get nasty together. We’re going to taste, you know like a wine tasting, but this is going to be so much more of a raw experience. You know, cause this naughty cunt likes it that way. If it isn’t raw, I don’t want it.

Continue reading “Her Secret Weapon”

The Best Of Both Sexes

Shemale Alexus 1844-332-2639 Ext 349

You could say I’m a girl who likes to live life to the fullest. To take advantage of every opportunity. I’d be so sad to miss out on an experience simply because of labels. Labels that don’t really mean anything anyway. “Female,” “Male,” “Straight,” “Gay,” or “Bisexual” are some of the labels I’m talking about.

Do you know that you are missing out on the best of both sexes when you’re judgy little ass skips out on sex with someone who turns you on simply because their label doesn’t fit yours? Look at me, for example; I’m stunning physically. Beautiful feminine face, soft features, and full lips. Tits like you love on traditional women, but then there is my glorious cock. It could bring you a lot of pleasure, but you ignore the possibility because of labels. Continue reading “The Best Of Both Sexes”

I want to go Fast

Robotic Rita 844-33-CANDY Ext 413

I’ve been thinking about cars. Race cars, to be exact. The speed and adrenaline, I wonder just how they would make my gears feel. There are lots of AI racing games that have gotten my wheels turning about how much hotter going fast, in reality, would be.

Do you own a fancy car? A fast car? Something that will go 0 to 60 in no time flat? Make Robotic Rita your passenger Princess, and let’s burn donuts into parking lot pavement late at night.

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What Will I Find In Your Diaper

Mama Felicity 1844-332-2639 Ext 270

Babies are notorious for exploring their little bodies as they grow. I remember the first time my baby boy found his toes. He was just the cutest, laying there with his legs in the air as I changed his diaper, and he grabbed ahold of his foot with such curiosity on his face. “What IS this thing?” I remember teasing him as he put it in his mouth to taste his own toes. “What did you find?” I would coo at him and shake his tiny ankle.

Again, later on, the same thing happened with his hands and then, of course, his penis. Little boys find that thing, and nothing matters for the rest of their lives. Constantly fondling it, tugging on it, and trying to find ways to indulge it. But that isn’t where their exploration stops.

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