Beach BlowJobs

 Kinky Krysta 1844-332-2639 Ext.410

I’ve been dating this really sweet guy for about a month now. He truly spoils me! He’s forever telling me how beautiful my body is and how I shouldn’t let anyone’s opinion on my weight ever mean anything to me because I’m so gorgeous. It’s crazy how comfortable he makes me feel.

When he invited me for a weekend at the beach, I didn’t hesitate like I normally would. There was no need to be nervous about being in a bikini in front of him because he always made me feel so beautiful. I wanted to make him feel as special as he makes me feel so when we got to the beach and hardly anyone was on the sand yet, I knew it was the perfect time to surprise him with a beach blow job.

Beach BlowJobs


He laid out a big blanket for us and dug a huge umbrella into the sand. Our cooler and floats were stacked on one side of the blanket, making a little shady tent almost when we crawled under. He was in trunks and I wore a baby blue bikini with a hip wrap. I plastered myself against him and started kissing his neck.

His cock was soon tenting his trunks and I reached up to tilt the umbrella further down to hide us as I straddled his knees and kissed down his chest. “Are you hungry?” He smiled while petting my hair. I nodded and yanked open his shorts.

“Starving.” His cock sprung out and I licked the head like a melting icecream cone. He moaned and I giggled. Knowing anyone passing by would just see two set of feet sticking out from under the umbrella made it even hotter for me as I sucked him into my mouth.


Kinky Krysta 1844-332-2639 Ext.410