xXx Francie xXx 844-332-2639 x 208

Do you remember when you started writing your first love notes? How you’d spill your secrets with ink, confident no one but the intended eyes would read them. Did you scribble “S.W.A.K” on the back, or was that something just girls did? Do you remember what it stood for?

Sealed With a kiss. Your confession of love and lust may have been sealed with a press of your lips to the envelope, but I hate to tell you the girl you sent it with shared your words. Even then, you were nothing but a laughing stock to women.

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Entertaining losers. What, me, entertain a loser? No, no, no. I’m talking about an entertaining loser. Someone for me to toy with, an amusement, a disposable and forgettable simp. I’m talking about you.

You, with the boring haircut, the shirt and slacks combo that screams retail associate, the dull shoes, and the used car. Yes you, with the pull-out couch in moms basement. You, who thought it would be a smart idea to go out tonight and try talking to a hot girl like me? Because mom encouraged you. How cute.

I shouldn’t be so hard on your mom, if she did a better job preparing you for life I’d have to find my kicks someplace else tonight, but what were you thinking mom? If your baby boy was the last male alive with a million women surrounding him spread legged the species would be done in a month.

Continue reading “Losers – I love When They Entertain Me Part 1”

Paris spring cleans in the nudeIt is that time of year again. When the winter hibernation comes to a halt, and some serious deep spring cleaning begins. I decide to put on this super skimpy, slutty little maid outfit to look extra delicious for my girlfriend. Like always I have my earbuds in jamming out to music, cleaning the room and to my surprise I felt a nice hard smack on my ass. I jumped around thinking it was my girlfriend. It wasn’t her, instead it was her step-brother.

“What the hell do you think your doing?” I asked very upset that it was him. Some how he knew I was picking up the place and came over to see if I needed help. Which I did so I let him stay. I could feel his eyes burning into me as I kept focused and going through our room. He’s always made me nervous, never would I admit to my girl that I think her step-brother is a sexy beast.

While I was struggling trying to move this heavy dresser he finally moved it very swiftly and I fell on the floor. Landing right on my but with my legs spread open. Of course I wasn’t wearing any underwear.

Continue reading “Spring Cleaning”

Cindy (844-332-2639) ext 435

Then, once my boyfriend and I are in bed, I will convince him to go down on me. He will eat that creampie out of my pussy. Undoubtedly, that will satisfy my need for some revenge for him always ignoring me. And he is so distracted that he won’t even notice the taste is different. It will be such a sweet moment of revenge fun. And, afterward, he will roll over and go to sleep. Chances are, I will be having anal sex with my boyfriend’s friend all the time because he won’t even try to have sex with me. Of course, I don’t mind right now. Because I am craving something new. James just arrived, and we are sitting on the couch. He and I have just kissed, and we are staring at each other as the electricity is moving through us. It is time to move to the bedroom; I take his hand and guide him to my bedroom.

Continue reading “My Boyfriend is buying Ethereum; he doesn’t have time for me. Part 2”

Cheating Kink

*LUCY* 844-332-2639 xxx- 221

Listen, it’s not my fault that I cheat. I have a cheating kink and knowing that it’s wrong makes the orgasms so much better!

I recently got a new boyfriend, let’s call him my thick daddy of 2023. He’s actually good for me. He’s sweet and kind and treats me like a queen. Sex with him is great, especially with that thick dick. But the thought of absolute fidelity to him I can’t handle because sneaking around and fucking behind his back is so much hotter.

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St. Patricks day fucking

St. Patricks day fucking  xoX TorrenceXox (844-332-2639) ext 415

I always look forward to St. Patricks day. Who doesn’t love whiskey, right? You know how they say girls use Halloween as an excuse to dress like a slut? Well, I use St. Patrick’s day as an excuse to behave like one. Judge me if you want, my boyfriend loves it. He loves when I dress like a little whore so he can show me off to the world as the hottest arm candy. I never miss an opportunity to tease him in public. I love to stroke his dick through his pants, especially when we’re at the bar. With my sexy little outfit on and me teasing the bartender in front of him, it’s got his dick rock hard. I can’t wait for a good ole St. Patrick’s day fucking when we get home tonight.

My Boyfriend is buying  Ethereum; he doesn't have time for me.

Cindy (844-332-2639) ext 435

I yearn for intimacy and desire a firm dick in all my holes. Therefore, I invite my boyfriend’s high school friend over for fun and let him do what I need. Yep, I am getting anal sex with my boyfriend’s friend. Of course, my boyfriend will never even notice what is happening. He is obsessed with crypto trading, which seems more potent than his need for me. That is why I am taking things into my own hands and getting what I need from his friend, James.

James is tall and muscular. Honestly, I have always wanted to fuck him, but as a good girlfriend. I have been avoiding it. Now, my boyfriend is pushing me to do it. Indeed, it is his fault I am fucking his friend’s brains out. He isn’t giving me what I need, and I have to find it in another man.

Continue reading “My Boyfriend Is Buying  Ethereum; He doesn’t have time for me. Part 1”

HONEY 1-844-332-2639, x 300

Game Night With Honey – Tonight is the night to play by my rules. You already know that I’m primed and ready to go. The topic will be raunchy rap songs with some pop and r&b thrown in for good measure. Press your luck with the chance to win a free phone sex session.

This will be fun and flirty and chock full of sexual innuendo.

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naked brunette giantess

Vada XXX 433

Hush little paypig – don’t tell your wife! Part one…

It’s only our third meeting, but it’s the third just this month. Ever since our first encounter you’ve been unable to get anything done.

Family dinners, work presentations, soccer practice, paying your bills – nothing, nothing is getting done because all you can think about is me…and what you did for me.

What I did to you. The sounds of my laughter fill your head and drown out anything your wife tries to

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Phonesex with Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270

Mama Felicity’s body has everything it needs to sustain and satisfy her babies. I can continually feed you no matter where we are or what’s around us. Remember that time we went on that long road trip? We’d been driving for hours and hours. As usual, you didn’t listen to Mama’s advice when I told you not to down your bottle.

You downed it before we were even out of the county. Then, a few hours later, with nothing but the highway in front of us, you were thirsty. I wanted to stop to find you something, but a gas station wasn’t in sight. Of course, we didn’t need any silly gas station, did we baby? Mama Felicity has everything you’ll ever need.

Continue reading “Mama Felicity Will Feed You”