Uncle Ricky's Little Cock Tease

Belle 1844-332-2639 X 444

My Uncle Ricky is a pervert but like the best kind. He might think of some nasty stuff but never crosses a line. Unlike other men who shouldn’t have touched me but have, Uncle Ricky suffers in silence, making teasing him so much more fun.

He was over for our family pool party this weekend, and I kept catching him gawking at me in my little bikini. It made me feel so sexy, knowing he couldn’t keep his eyes off of me. Someone suggested playing chicken in the pool, and I bounced by his side. “I’m on Uncle Ricky’s team!” I pushed my boobs against his back and whispered in his ear. “You want me, don’t you?” He turned around and looked at me with big, nervous eyes, and I giggled before shoving his shoulder. “On your team? You want me on your team, right?”

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What's Left Of The Naughty List

Trans Alexus 1844-332-2639 Ext 349

Finally! The holiday is over, and we can get back to enjoying being raunchy and filthy! There are three hundred and sixty-four days for us to corrupt all the adults on Sanat’s nice list.

Because, let’s be honest, what did being on the nice list get you? A twenty-dollar present and blue balls? Exactly? Join the naughty side and let your wild inhibitions thrive!

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 In The Stairwell

Bad Bitch Belle 844-332-2639 Ext 444

During my third class, I was bored and horny. The teacher is some old hag who can’t even stand up straight and always has food stains on her white button blouse. I raised my hand and asked to use the bathroom, but that wasn’t where I was going. I needed to escape for just a while.

The back stairwell in the school is like never used. So I shoved the heavy door open, looking behind me to make sure no one in the empty hallways would catch a glimpse of where I was going. I was in the clear. I skipped down a flight of steps to sit on the first landing.

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Bad Bitch Belle 844-332-2639 Ext 444

The colored, dried leaves drifted on the crisp breeze to dance around my feet as I strutted across the campus. My parents couldn’t handle my wild ways, so they sent me to this frigid New England Boarding school that was supposed to reform me into some fucking lady. The student body was all female, so they assumed the chances of me getting knocked up again were lower than if they’d sent me anywhere else.

I glanced at the map in my hand and made my way to the building circled in red. Meeting with the Headmaster was the first thing on my list before I could enter my new dorm. Dear old Dad had been college buddies with the Headmaster and supposedly spilled all my dirty secrets in order to have the necessary strings pulled to get me in.

Continue reading “Welcome To Your Fucking Undoing”

Anna 1-844-332-2639 EXT 203

 I love dirty talk. Doesn’t matter the topic, or type of sex, I love it all. I want to hear about all of your dirty deviant fantasies. What do you want more than anything in this world? What have you always wanted to try but have never been able to? What really gets your engine going? Tell me. I want to know. Is it a certain phrase? Maybe a certain item of clothing or outfit? Or maybe it’s a certain scenario that you’re just aching to try.

Continue reading “Anna wants your Banana”

Kayla Cumsalot 1844-33-CANDY ext 357

Fucking Married men is so naughty. It should be forbidden; those men should be off-limits to me. However, because it’s so naughty, I can’t help but love to do it. It isn’t ALL my fault, either. They could say no to me. Like this sexy cock right here. He knows better than to let me tease him, but it feels so good. I wanted to kick up our sneaky play a little, so I asked him to steal his wife’s wedding ring when she took it off at night.

He couldn’t refuse me, so he did as I asked. Then, when she slipped it off her finger to go to bed, he snatched it and left for work in the morning before she got up. But, of course, he wasn’t really going to work; he was coming to me for some Sunday morning homewrecking!

Continue reading “Sunday Morning Homewrecking”

Christmas Thief gets frisked

Krysta 844-332-2639 Ext. 410

“Miss, What’s in your shirt?” I ducked my head and continued to walk through the crowd. Maybe if I pretended I didn’t hear him, I could lose him. “Miss!” He shouted louder, and the fucking crowd parted like the red sea. Leading him right to me. The mall security guard gripped my arm and pulled me against his firm body. “Good evening; you seem to be in a hurry?” His expression was stern as he growled down at me.

“Um, no. Just finishing up my Christmas shopping. Have a good night.” I tried to jostle my arm out of his hold, but he had a firm grip. He sucked air through his teeth and shook his head. I was so fucking busted. At least if I were going to be frisked, it would be by this hot security guard, not some fat, smelly loser.

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Kayla Cumsalot 1844-33-CANDY ext 357

I’m a good girl…most of the time. It’s just you’re so easy to rile up. I don’t even intend to be bratty when I open my mouth. But, the naughty, bad things slip right out, and your face gets red. I like it best when you chuckle a little. As if you can’t even believe what you just heard.

Being mischievous is just in my nature. I can’t fight who I am, and I don’t think you really want me to either, do you? You wouldn’t want me to change the perfect princess that I am and be some muddled version of someone else, right?

Continue reading “Mischievous and Devious “

Kayla Cumsalot 1844-33-CANDY ext 357

I’m a tad pleased with myself. See this photo? Lovely, isn’t it? One of the most important moments in a person’s life is their wedding day. It was captured in a still shot for them to treasure. The life-changing moment, gathered before friends and family when they exchange vows and promise to love each other FAITHFULLY till the end of time. That’s what this photo is…or was. A wedding photo. It should have been sacred, off limits, but he let me defile it.

Stupid cupid fucked his marriage when he welcomed me into his life. It’s been a few years now that I’ve been chipping away at the foundation of his marriage. So slowly, he hasn’t really noticed the crumbling under his feet. With naughty whispers moaned into his ear, his cock stiffens for me, and he becomes mindlessly obedient. So when he called last, and I told him I wanted to put my face on his wedding photo, he didn’t even hesitate to give it over.

Continue reading “Stupid Cupid Fucked His Marriage”

Krysta 844-332-2639 Ext. 410

“Krysta!” Daddy roared as he kicked open my locked bedroom door. My boyfriend’s cock slipped out from between my lips when Daddy startled me with his yelling. Good thing too cus that hard cock went limp super fast at the first glance of Daddy’s red face. Oh, he big angy!! I knew I was definitely going to get spanked cus’a this.

My boyfriend bolted off the bed, yanking up his pants and tucking his soft dick away while mumbling apologies and darting past a fuming Daddy. I wanted to leave too but I knew that wasn’t gonna be an option. “Hi, Daddy.” I smirked and wiped my mouth off with the back of my hand. Jacob had been real close too, such a shame he’ll have big ol’ blue balls after this.

Continue reading “BBW Teen Gets Spanked By Daddy”