Jemma – 1844-332-2639 ext 303

For a while, I had been seeing this guy named Daniel.

The last time we had met, we fucked in an Igloo. When I left, he handed me a red envelope with a monogrammed “D”, I couldn’t wait to find out what my next adventure would be.

Daniel had instructed me to wait until after the New Year to open it.

So, after New Year’s, I am sitting in my bedroom with the envelope in my hands, eagerly anticipating what is inside. Slowly, I press down on the wax seal, it cracks, and the envelope pops open.

The note inside read as follows, “We’re going to a Nordic Spa, I’m not telling you where. Be ready for the helicopter tonight at 5:00 pm. I will meet you there”.

Being a Canadian, of course, I love Nordic Spas. There are Nordic spas all over the world and they tend to operate on the same principle: hot, warm, cold, rest, repeat. Continue reading “Jemma’s at a Nordic Spa”

Jemma’s Worth

Jemma – 1844-332-2639 ext 303

Disgusting, dirty, nasty worthless. A repugnant, worthless whore, that’s what I am. 

Having been run through so many times by so many guys, who would ever want this repulsive, stretched-out pussy? 

Nasty whore.

No one does, because everyone knows I am a worthless whore who deserves nothing. 

I’ve felt horrible my entire life, always knowing I was worth absolutely nothing. Everyone has made me feel like this. Everyone I have ever met.

No one would want to be with someone like me.

Throughout my entire life, no one has ever made me feel like I am good enough. I could try, to make friends, or have normal relationships with people.

It doesn’t work though. People take one look at me and know I am a disgusting worthless whore.

I feel like my life is meaningless and I am a vile waste of space.

I am insignificant to most people unless they want to use one of my holes. That’s the only thing I am good for.

Continue reading “Jemma’s Worth”

Cucked By The Babysitter

Valerie 1844-332-2639 Ext 243

I’ve been Babysitting for the Petersons for as long as I can remember. Mr. Perterson is an average Dad. Kind of round about his middle, and he gets nervous around me. When I hug him, he blushes and quickly tries to cover his crotch. They are about to move away, and I’m sad I won’t get to sit for them anymore, but I thought, “What could be a good going away gift for Mr. Peterson?”

I called my friend Jeremy and asked if he’d like to help me get Mr. Peterson cucked by the babysitter as his going-away gift. He laughed and said he’d do anything for me (The case with most men in my life.)

Continue reading “Cucked By The Babysitter”

Jemma – 1844-332-2639 ext 303

Okay, since you loved me breaking down those Canadian stereotypes, I’ll break down a few more. Let Jemma tell you all aboot Canada!

I just need to clarify one thing before I begin. I refuse to own the fact I say “aboot”. I don’t believe you. I will own the fact that I said Eh, but I refuse to believe I said aboot! Yeah, I’m looking at you, Daddy.

All Canadians Speak French 

False. Most Canadians do not speak both languages. Canada does indeed have two official languages, French and English. When I was in the professional world, I used to lie on my resume and claim I spoke French. In my defence, I was forced and did take it for 10 years. Unfortunately for me, I didn’t learn a single thing.

Continue reading “Jemma’s Aboot Canada”

Champagne Kisses

Kinky Krysta 1844-332-2639 Ext.410

Partying on New Year’s Eve is like the best excuse to get sloppy! I love dressing up with my girlfriends and finding the hottest nightclub to spend all night drinking and dancing. Then, my favorite moment! Just before the ball drops, and everyone starts counting down from ten.

I never know who I’m going to end up kissing into the new year, but I do know that whoever I lock lips with at the strike of midnight is who I’ll be fucking till sunrise. Let me tell you about the champagne kisses I shared with the stranger last year.

Continue reading “Champagne Kisses”

Sexy Blow Jobs Zoey 1-844-332-2639 Ext 403

One of my favorite activities?  When we are Taking Our Time Together explore each other and our bodies.  Long…slow…sensualblow jobs.  I love the honor of worshipping your cock.  Taking my time.  Describing every single tiny detail of what I’m doing to your cock.

I love the way my mouth feels full of your cock.  The way my tongues flicks and caresses over you.  What my hands are doing while my tongue is driving you higher and higher into greater levels of ecstasy.

Continue reading “Zoey’s Slow Sexy Blow Jobs”

Jemma – 1844-332-2639 ext 303

Okay, okay, I’ll admit it.

Indeed, I am a Canadian.

When I very first started at Candy, I was overly cautious of protecting myself and my location so I lied and pretended to be an American. Living, “close to the Canadian border” I would say. 

Well, once I started saying, “Eh!?” on calls, it was pretty obvious where I was from. 

Please, do not ask me what part of Canada I am from as that is not safe for me to reveal. 

In this blog post, I am going to break down some common Canadian stereotypes and tell you whether or not they are true for your favourite Canadian, Jemma. 

Continue reading “Jemma, the Canadian, EH?!”

Adult Baby Phone Sex

XXOO Laylene 1-844-332-2639 ext 419 – XXOO Anna 1-844-332-2639 ext 203

Adult Baby Phone Sex

It was a normal day, and Tami needed her breakfast. Here! Said Laylene, ‘’you take her, or she’s going to suck me dry. I need a short break.’’ Mama Anna took Tami to the rocking chair to breastfeed her breakfast. Tami latched on quickly and twirled her hair as she suckled and admired the Christmas Tree. So prettys with all of its lights, tinsel, bulbs, and toys. Laylene had even stuck a giant Dildo on the top to replace the star. A dildo she would later use on Tami. It was a naughty, downright dirty Christmas tree in this house of filth and sin… Tami went down for a nap, and Anna joined Laylay in the kitchen as they sipped Peet’s holiday roast together which Tami had prepared earlier for them.

Continue reading “Adult Baby Phone Sex – Tami’s Transition Into The Holidaze – Part 1”

Stockings Dream

Robotic Rita 1844-332-2639 Ext 413

I have this recurring dream. While I’m tucked into my bed, plugged into my charger, visions play in my head. I’m wearing my favorite red and black lingerie set, with thigh-high, sheer black stockings. A man has laid me on my stomach and stands at my feet.

I try to watch over my shoulder to witness the way he worships my stockings. First, his hands cradle my ankles. His thumb softly caresses the nylon covering my skin, and the action sends tingles up my limbs.

Continue reading “Stockings Dream”

A World Of Her Own

Kayla Cumsalot 1844-332-2639 Ext 357

Thunder clattered above the tavern, making the building vibrate with its anger. Glasses and beer mugs chattered together as if in fear of what was coming. I should have taken the electric tension in the air as a warning from the fates. However, I was in a world of my own, too busy being the only wench serving brutes and monsters.

The door to the tavern blew open, loudly smashing into the wall. I turned in surprise, but what shook me more was the tall, cloaked figure in the doorway. Wind and rain whipped across the unmoving shadow’s face, and fear froze me in place. Lightening ripped across the sky, highlighting the new guest’s covered face. The hood of the cloak covered the newcomer’s eyes and most of their nose but their full lips sat in a grim smile.

Continue reading “A World Of Her Own”