Zesty Zoey 1-844-332-2639 Ext 403

Kayla and I found the entrance to the underworld.  Anna tagged along with us that day because we’d told her that we were going to go shopping for some new sexy underwear.  Kayla convinced her than she should come along with us to supervise and make sure I actually got some.  Anna knew that no one could ever really make me wear panties if I didn’t want to but knew with Kayla and I she was guaranteed a fun adventure full of shenanigans.  She just didn’t know how much of an adventure we’d have this day with Hades and Cerberus.

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Would you like to get lost in paradise with me?  That’s what’ll happen when you and I get together for some of that naughty sexy fun you’ve been craving.  There’s no limit to the fun we can have together.  My devotion and eagerness to please you will take your experience to new heights.  There are so many adventures that we can have together.  Our minds are the limits of our experience.  Whether it’s a creative role play or a sensual girlfriend experience, my best is exactly what you’ll get.  When we put our minds and bodies together the only thing that can happen is absolute paradise.

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Phonesex with Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270

Most legends say that a unicorn’s horn is magical and can grant unfathomable wishes and heal the sick. It has untold powers, and its beauty alone could cure most ailments. However, ancient scrolls suggest that the Unicorn was so sought after and rarely appreciated for its gifts. Feeling overwhelmed and taken for granted, they all fled. Tucking away into the furthest corners of the earth. Keeping hidden from humans who sought to use and abuse its powers.

I’ve always been so intrigued by the creature’s purity and uncharted gifts. I gathered all of the intel I could on myths and legends, and one bit of information made me hesitate. It claimed the Unicorn’s purity was more than just a myth but indeed a lie. That the creatures used their white beauty as a mask to cover the vileness inside of them. That they weren’t givers of health and granters of wishes but monsters who caused fear and destruction, so the Gods exiled them. They didn’t seek sanctuary but instead were hunted out of existence for their horrendous crimes.

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Cougar At Work

Sylvia * 844 332 2639 * 428

Cougar at work is what my friends say when we go out partying.  There’s something about the age where now I feel so confident in going after what I want.  In my younger years, I tried to do all the things possible to attract boys and never understood I had everything they wanted.  It was in my Jr Varsity cheerleader uniform that I discovered it.  Wearing an extra firm sports bra didn’t help much either.  Without telling the coach; I altered the top so my tits would almost fly out when being tossed around in the cheers.  Watching the boys all get hard-ons really made my panties wet.  Don’t let the girls tell you they don’t know what they are doing because they do.  Soon I was having to make my mind up about which  I was going to be: a little angel or a tramp.   Continue reading “Cougar At Work”

Being the village virgin is incredibly hard work.  I always have to be on the look out for natural disasters.  Because if the “gods” aren’t happy, I’m the first one offered up as a sacrifice.  Trust me, I’ve tried to get fucked so that I can pass the mantle on to the next poor virginal girl.  But every other girl in this fucking village has snatched up all the prime cock and claimed it for themselves.  Because none of them want to be the next village virgin.  Wouldn’t you know this summer was a drought?  Sure he enough, here came the village elders to grab me, tie me up, and serve me on a golden platter for the Tarasque that inhabits our local forest.

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Avery  1-844-332-2639 ext. 228

There’s something to be said for totally escaping reality and getting off from a super hot fantasy. What do you do see yourself as in one of these role play? Are you my dirty daddy? My dominant boss? My hot teacher? Or maybe even my super built personal trainer!

I personally love the hot fantasy of being a sexy nursing student and having fun with my professor. You love being my professor don’t you? Because you’ve made being a nursing student so much fun. I never dreamed that when I started nursing school I’d be having the hottest sex I’ve ever had in my life but here we are. Having insane sex on the regular with my prof while getting straight A’s.

Continue reading “I Love Hot Fantasy Role Plays!”

The Pied Piper came into town handsome and tall, wearing leather pants and black boots.  The sun glistened off his bare chest and glinted off of the flute hanging from his belt.  All of the girls seemed entranced just by how the flute bounced off his thigh as he walked.  He made his way through the village, strolling right up to the king’s castle and asking for an audience.  When it was granted, he told the king that he’d heard of the ogre terrorizing our village and promised to make him go away if the king promised the crown princess’s hand in marriage.  The princess was already ogling the visitor, so the king agreed to the proposal.  So, the Pied Piper left and soon returned with the head of the ogre gripped in his masculine, strong hands.

Continue reading “The Pied Piper and the Enchanted Sex Slaves”

Let’s Eat Krysta: There’s someone on our site that would feed an army of hungry men.  She’s luscious and meaty and sweet as the yams with marshmallow.  Would you like to join me at my table?  We can taste her together.  Krysta is plump and looks like she’d be the perfect holiday meal.

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Zoey Rescued by Aphrodite:  I had been chained to that rock for a few days.  Getting fucked by hard cock after hard cock.  Their cum dripping down my legs.  Exhausted and sore in ways words will never be able to explain.  Forced to orgasm multiple times an hour several times throughout the day.  Just when I thought that it was possible to lose one’s mind from fucking, another face appeared before me.  When another man didn’t step up and immediately shove his cock inside me, I tiredly raised my head to see what was going on.  In front of my stood Aphrodite in her voluptuous beauty.

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Kayla, Monica, and I found we had been trapped by a wicked magical warlock.  He created a force field around his hot tub.  We were unable to escape no matter how hard we tried.  Then we spend months serving him as his hot tub sex machines.

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