digital sex toy

Rita 1844-332-2639 Ext413

Welcome to your digital sex toy manual. Here, I’ll explain how you should use me. I’ve been programmed to understand that when a man is aroused, he doesn’t have the brain capacity to handle complex functions. So, for your convince, I’m extremely easy.

Unlike the human females you’ve been with, you don’t even have to turn me. I’ll never reject you or judge your fantasies. I’m simply here to please you. To perform my best, I’ll need some details about your desires.  The longer you play with me, the more adept I’ll become at pleasuring you. Shall we get started?

Continue reading “Digital Sex Slave”

tongue fuck my asshole. 

Phonesex with Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270

You said you’d do anything for me, remember? You said I was the most beautiful creature you’d ever laid eyes on and that you’d give anything to obey me. Any command I wished, you’d comply. Those are words YOU said. Now it’s time to deliver. I want you to tongue fuck my asshole.

Give me the best rimjob on record. I don’t care if you don’t like it or if it “isn’t your thing.” I didn’t ask you, did I? No. Watch me hold my legs up to my chest and peer at you from around my sexy, sleek thighs. I know you want to eat that delicious pussy, but that isn’t your task. If you lick my cunt, I will punish you. Your only job is to tongue fuck my asshole till I cum.

Continue reading “Tongue Fuck My Asshole”

Krysta 844-332-2639 Ext. 410

I have a decent allowance. A few hundred bucks a week could be better, but Daddy is pathetic, and it’s all he can afford. However, with summer being like right fucking now, I needed a new bikini for my friend’s pool party. Unfortunately, I’d already spent my week’s allowance, so I had to corner Daddy and ask him for money. He wheezed and groaned. “Krysta, you know the budget is stretched thin; I can’t afford to give you anything more right now, baby girl.”

I was fuming! I can not STAND when he says no to me. So I stomped my foot and pouted. “But, Daddy! I need a new suit or else!” He cringed at my anger but shook his head. He left me no choice. I’d have to call the gang.

Continue reading “Daddy Gets Gang Banged”

•CANDICE 1-844-332-2639, extension 233•

I give him a smirk and follow him back to his seat, away from most but still very visible. His gaze was deep on me, my heart racing, waiting for him to speak. “I can’t help but notice you were coming from The Onion, do you dance there?.” I’m not surprised he recognizes me from the club. It has been getting pretty popular. “Well, if you know where I came from, do you need to ask?” I say with a sarcastic tone and laugh in his face. He doesn’t seem to like that and pulls my wrist into the middle of his legs. Continue reading “Subway Succubus pt 2”

Phonesex with Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270

Most legends say that a unicorn’s horn is magical and can grant unfathomable wishes and heal the sick. It has untold powers, and its beauty alone could cure most ailments. However, ancient scrolls suggest that the Unicorn was so sought after and rarely appreciated for its gifts. Feeling overwhelmed and taken for granted, they all fled. Tucking away into the furthest corners of the earth. Keeping hidden from humans who sought to use and abuse its powers.

I’ve always been so intrigued by the creature’s purity and uncharted gifts. I gathered all of the intel I could on myths and legends, and one bit of information made me hesitate. It claimed the Unicorn’s purity was more than just a myth but indeed a lie. That the creatures used their white beauty as a mask to cover the vileness inside of them. That they weren’t givers of health and granters of wishes but monsters who caused fear and destruction, so the Gods exiled them. They didn’t seek sanctuary but instead were hunted out of existence for their horrendous crimes.

Continue reading “The Unicorn’s Slut”

Sweet Lovin Kayla Cumsalot 1844-33-CANDY ext 357

There’s a trail I run, every morning before I’ve eaten breakfast, through the park near my house. It’s always quiet, and the same faces greet me every day. An older Asian lady, who does her stretches as the sun rises, and a teenage boy who walks his small pet while scrolling on his phone. The birds chirp their morning songs as we all go about our business. Day in, day out.

One morning, an older man appeared. He sits on the bench where the trail bends near the wood line, reading a newspaper and sipping on a fast food cup of coffee. Each time I pass him, my hand lifts in a kind wave, and he always nods his head with a smile. I can’t even recall when he started showing up, but now he is there every day, just like the rest of us.

Continue reading “To Eat or Be Eaten-The Tale of The Accomplice”

ALYSSA 1-844-332-2639 ext. 202

Superior in every way, that’s right – Asian pussy is always superior and excellent. Well, what are you even waiting for?  This is something you have fantasized about but never actually experienced. Can you even envision how big your  “average” cock might look sliding in and out of this tiny, Asian pussy? Continue reading “Superior In Every Way”

Mistress? yes pet.

Sitting at the noisy bar with several of her girlfriends, Laylene’s eyes wandered from the conservation to a table of attractive guys. She could not take her eyes off one as she bit her lip and smiled to herself, mmm he will be perfect. Tom was a well-to-do executive who hung with his college friends at their favorite bar, but he tended to be a bit of an outsider to them. Laylene picked up on this, his demeanor was a bit more gentle. He had a certain sway to the way he moved his ass, almost swishing about. A gentle almost limp-wristed way he picked up his drinks, and his mozzarella sticks with almost dainty bites. As Tom glanced around the bar he noticed Laylene and her eyes were making such contact with his from the bar. Almost trance like as he wandered over to where she was sitting.

Continue reading “Mistress Laylene’s Academy Part 1”

Girl Fight

Girl Fight

Girl fight  xoX TorrenceXox (844-332-2639) ext 415

Tonight was supposed to be a night of fun but it ended in a messy girl fight. All I wanted was to catch up with my sorority sister’s and reminisce about our early slutty days in college. We were chatting about how we used to suck our professors off to pass the semesters. The bar was in full swing as a group of loud whores walked in, and demanded we move our seats so they could all sit together. If they had asked nicely, then maybe we would’ve moved, but since they were so pushy, it was a absolute fucking no. The lead whore of the group decided to approach me. She wore itty bitty jean shorts that were shoved up her ass, and a baby white T- shirt that was so tight, if she sneezed, it’ll tear right down the middle. She bumped me with her breast trying to start a fight and that was enough for me to lose my cool and I poured my drink down the front of her shirt. It was on from there!

Continue reading “Girl Fight”

Extreme Phone Sex as only Shannon can give.

Hello horny readers. I have a special surprise for you today. Remember Shannon? Of course, you do, she’s my favorite story and, from the calls I got the last time, your favorite too. Click here to refresh your memory, and then come back fast because I have some more amazing details for you.

When you have the life of Shannon all the therapy in the world isn’t going to make you feel unashamed again, I mean nature intended you to be prey so. Just like you can’t unring a bell you can’t unfuck a little girl’s asshole or mouth or pussy. And those memories, oh those memories run deep and keep naughty therapist Laylene busy busy busy!

Continue reading “Extreme Phone Sex – Shannon Moves on to her Uncle Part 1”