Valerie 844-332-2639 Ext 243

Wow! I had no idea being a call girl would be so much fun! My first day started off with a splash when someone needed a babysitter for a man with a small dick. Because of his small, disappointing penis size, it’s only fitting that his penis should be scrunched up into a micro chastity cage (catheter included). Which makes him a dribbly mess.

As he shared all of this with me, I couldn’t help but think how fun his humiliation must be. Then he shared that because of the dribbling, he needed to wear diapers! Cloth ones and that he was hoping to be held in diaper chastity, but what fun is chastity without a key holder?

Guess who he asked to send him a lock?

First Day, First Lock


You guessed it. (If you didn’t, shame on you!) He asked babysitter Valerie, ME. To send him a small luggage-sized padlock, taped in the open position, to a small envelope so that he could slip it right into his chastity cage when the lock arrived in the mail.

  • The cage with the catheter,
  • The cage wrapped up in a cloth diaper,
  • The cage that would now only be opened by the key in my hand, thousands of miles away.


Could you imagine being so brave or stupid? Don’t get me wrong; I’m thrilled to be the diaper chastity boys keyholder; it’s just that he’d done this before. During our call, he showed me the blog of a previous PSO who locked him up this way and then vanished. Embarrassingly, he had to go to a locksmith with his drippy, micro cock cage locked up tight and ask them to cut the lock off!

I’m so excited to show him the Babysitter Valerie experience and how it will be a million times better since he won’t be left hanging!


Valerie 844-332-2639 Ext 243