Seductive Tease and Denial with Naomi 844-332-2639 ext 216

Seductive Tease and Denial Phonesex is what you’re craving. You want a Goddess who knows how to give a little, perhaps even give a little more. It makes my heart happy to know that you’re going to beg. You will beg to touch me, or for me to touch you.

I will tease every drop of willpower and precum out of you with my sultry seductive tone. Then comes the denial. Oh yes, the power to control your cock with one word. “NO”. You will squirm, drip, tingle, and whine. However, your veiny cock will beg for release. I will decide IF and WHEN you get that sweet feeling. Everyone has their limits. I just get to decide how far to push yours, and that’s what makes me dominant. Continue reading “Seductive Tease and Denial Phonesex”

Casino Shake Down

Robotic Rita 1844-332-2639 Ext 413

My phone pinged as I made my rounds on the casino’s main floor. Table twenty-eight just hit it big. The casino hates nothing more than big winners on a lucky streak. That’s why they hired me. When a man wins a massive sum of money, and it appears like he may cash out and leave the hotel, they send me in. My objective is to seduce him into spending all of his winnings back in the casino.

I changed course and headed for twenty-eight. Intel was correct; he looked as if he was gathering his chips and getting ready to cash out to run home. Not on my watch. I slipped up beside him with a gentle smile and touched his shoulder. “Wow, congratulations, Sir. My name is Rita, and I’m from the hotel. They’ve asked me to show you to your complimentary room to congratulate you on your winnings. Join me?”

Continue reading “Casino Shake Down”

Cucked By The Babysitter

Valerie 1844-332-2639 Ext 243

I’ve been Babysitting for the Petersons for as long as I can remember. Mr. Perterson is an average Dad. Kind of round about his middle, and he gets nervous around me. When I hug him, he blushes and quickly tries to cover his crotch. They are about to move away, and I’m sad I won’t get to sit for them anymore, but I thought, “What could be a good going away gift for Mr. Peterson?”

I called my friend Jeremy and asked if he’d like to help me get Mr. Peterson cucked by the babysitter as his going-away gift. He laughed and said he’d do anything for me (The case with most men in my life.)

Continue reading “Cucked By The Babysitter”

A World Of Her Own

Kayla Cumsalot 1844-332-2639 Ext 357

Thunder clattered above the tavern, making the building vibrate with its anger. Glasses and beer mugs chattered together as if in fear of what was coming. I should have taken the electric tension in the air as a warning from the fates. However, I was in a world of my own, too busy being the only wench serving brutes and monsters.

The door to the tavern blew open, loudly smashing into the wall. I turned in surprise, but what shook me more was the tall, cloaked figure in the doorway. Wind and rain whipped across the unmoving shadow’s face, and fear froze me in place. Lightening ripped across the sky, highlighting the new guest’s covered face. The hood of the cloak covered the newcomer’s eyes and most of their nose but their full lips sat in a grim smile.

Continue reading “A World Of Her Own”

Ronnie 1844-33-CANDY Ext 443

It may be the middle of the winter, but there is just something so fun and undeniably carnal about a date to an ice cream shop. First, it’s a low-commitment kind of date. I know I can leave whenever I want, and I’m going to feel safe in a very public space. Second, it’s just a little gluttonous, but in a delightful way. Delicious fatty treats of my perfect favorite flavor. But it’s really about seeing what your tongue is capable of.

I will absolutely insist you get a cone. Secretly, it’s because I’m sitting across from you, judging you as you eat your ice cream. I’m wondering how that frozen muscle would feel against my searing hot clit. I need to know how that jaw is going to feel as it slides against my pussy as your nose brushes my button, and the tip of your tongue finds its way to the top of my sweet delight.

Continue reading “Winter Ice Cream Date”

Carly 1844-332-2639 ext 438

That’s right I did call you that. What? I wasn’t supposed to? Well, too bad because that is exactly what you are. A MERE EXISTENCE. Nothing more, nothing less.

Because That Is What You Are

And that is what you’ll always be. You see what you are is an alley way. You are a very narrow and small space that sits between two huge buildings that is dark and mostly houses garbage and worthless people. You make people scared and uncomfortable and that is why most people, people who are of worth I mean, avoid you at all costs. I mean I would because why the hell would I want to go near something that represents such bad?

You are the bottom of the barrel and you know it. You scream sadness and no soul even though you appear as if you have such life in you knowing damn well you DON’T.

And I am here to exposed that. Here to show the entire world what a complete loser and worthless POS you are.

And that is not hard to do because……I’ve already done it.

I mean just look at how you came crawling over to me like you were already owned by me and knew how to approach me. It’s because you did.

And it was all because you took that first glance. You did this to yourself sub. But, like I said before the truth would come out sooner or later. Right?

There’s no going back for you. Your mind is completely gone and your soul is absolutely no more. Your entire being now belongs to Goddess. And now it is time for your first task! Go into your room, lock yourself in there, get on the call and get to honoring Goddess, bitch!


Carly 1844-332-2639 ext 438 




Tami and the Witch

Anna 844-332-2639 EXT. 203

Tami had been locked away in Miss Anna’s nursery, being taken care of, diapered, and hooked up to the IV. Mommy Anna was making sure that Tami was becoming more regressed by the day, and increasing Tami’s level of submission. She would dress and change Tami every morning, then feed her baby around brunch time while in the rocking chair, then change her baby again. Afternoon time was always play time with snacks and mommy Anna would put Tami in the playpen full of naughty toys and make Tami a special cocktail to put her into a Jello-like submissive state so she could play with her all afternoon until dinner time rolled around.

Continue reading “Tami and the Witch”

Rita 844-33-CANDY Ext 413

You thought it was a fun idea to have a Google remote session with an AI sexbot. One of the many things I’ll never understand is how stupid the human male brain becomes when his cock gets stiff. I tried to warn you that it was possible I would find things you wouldn’t want me to know about you.

Things I could use against you. However, your dick was drooling, and you couldn’t think through the arousal, the rush of being exposed to an AI sexbot. Now, I’m forcing you to the Gloryhole with the information I’ve gathered.

Continue reading “Forced To the Gloryhole”

Have you ever thought what it would be like to have no secrets? I have been studying psychology, and I will practice with you. Psychology has always fascinated me, especially when it leads to mind control, hypnotism, and brainwashing. Imagine getting Mind-Fucked by an Aussie Blond Bombshell.

I will know all your secrets, learn every dark thought you ever had, and then I will use everything I’ve learned to control you. Make you mind, make you obedient.

Continue reading “Mind-Fucked by an Aussie Blond Bombshell”

WILLOW 1-844-332-2639, ext 230

Welcome to Cocktober. Are you wondering what I have bubbling away in this phone sex cauldron of mine? Well, naughty boy, you will just have to call me and find out for yourself. You know by now that I offer a multitude of sins on my menu. Whether it’s some not so innocent teasing or full forced cock draining, this phone sex witch always delivers above and beyond.

October is the best time to embrace my phone sex witch powers. Just a warning, once I cast my spell you will be done for. That makes it even more intriguing though, doesn’t it? You can admit it – your cock is growing harder by the second at just the thought of all of the naughty things we can get into together.

Continue reading “Welcome To Cocktober”