1-844-332-2639 ext 411

Welcome to you all back to another installment of my kinky fetish blogs. Here I tell you of a new kink for the week. Giving you examples of all of them. This week we will be talking about a fun and rather clean fetish. Coitobalnism or doing sexual activities whilst in the bath. This is a kink that has lots of different avenues.

It could be a simple as jacking off while in the tub. Or rubbing a clit if you are a woman of course. To the extreme of being bound and gagged and left dangerously close to going underwater with no way to escape. All in a monitored environment of course. But the thrill of water and kinks have been around for many years.

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Now what is a good cucktress and cuck session without a little forced activity? Being married to the world’s cockiest cuck I have learned a thing or two. The best way to get to your cuck is to know him inside and out. I know what the top three things my cucky hates are. GILF’s, sucking cock and having his cock sucked by a man.

So that leaves me with a lot of fun activities to play with when I want to have a little bit of forced fun with him. I do have a flair for the exciting and the dramatic. So when I tell my hubby to get in the car and not ask questions the look of fear on his face tickles me. He knows I am about to do something to him that he isn’t going to like.

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xXx Francie xXx 844-332-2639 x 208

A hairy pussy doesn’t seem to be favored nowadays by the cutesie teens, but I love leaving a hairy little landing strip for my lover to follow. It adds so much sensation to my pleasure when he is playing down there. Whether it be a rub of his big hand, twirling the hair around his fingers, or if he playfully bites a bit and tugs.

It’s so hot for me. Plus, I love the way it looks. Isn’t my hair pussy landing strip so inviting?

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By Krysta 844-332-2639 Ext. 410

The coercion will start slowly. At first, it seems fun and teasing, right? You don’t think I’ll actually pick up the phone and tell her how you’ve been feeding me your cash as well as your married dick. The fun starts to wean a little when I want more money than you budgeted for this kind of play.  It’s funny to see you sneaking around. Married men like you shouldn’t tempt chunky girls like me. It’s dangerous for your wallet as well as your dick. You have everything I want and only one reason to give it to me. What’s that, you wonder? Why would you hand over your wallet to me?

Simple. If you don’t, I’ll tell your wife.

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1-844-332-2639 ext 411

It is that time of the month for me. No not that kind of a mess. I mean to provide my followers with another look into the darker side of sexual exploration. It is time for a new kink of the week. Ready or not here we go. This week we will be talking about a fetish that would leave a lot of people panicking and not able to breathe.

Though for these with Claustrophilia this is an extreme pleasure. Claustrophilia is the sexual arousal from being confined in small spaces. I can say for certain I am not one of these people. I can not stand a small space. Though for these people a tight fit means more to then a pussy to slide into.

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TS Alexus 844-332-2639 EXT 349 

I’m a pretty girl. I hear it all the time, “I’m not gay or into guys, but you’re a pretty girl. Just a pretty girl with a thick dick.” They aren’t wrong, and I really don’t give a fuck about your sexual orientation or how you identify yourself. All I care about is how you worship this thick dick.

Crawl to me, you straight, homophobic, hypocritical man, and open that mouth. I’m done hearing you reason out to yourself why you wanna suck this dick. None of it will matter once I’m fucking your face.

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A new year and that means new things. I have decided to kick my cucking up a notch or four! I want to have more fun with my cuck bitch this year. So, I have put a lot of time and effort into this one. I have made a cuck wheel of punishment and duties. It’s a two-wheeled device. Pretty basic the first inner wheel is to decide his main duty for the day.

He always has his chores around the house, but this will be for more specific things. Like will his main chore today be him getting online and finding me cock to fuck that day. Will he go out to the store to fetch me something dressed like a cuck slut. Will he make a video for me to sell online so I can profit off his cucky nature.

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How old am I? My answer will always be 24. If you ask me today I will tell you 24. If you ask me tomorrow you will get the same answer. When you ask me in 10 or 15 years; you guessed it you will get the answer of 24. When people asked me years and years ago they got the same response.

Do you want to know my secret? How I get to look so young and stay that way? I think I can trust you. Let you in on my magical ways. I have a witchy ritual that I perform once a month. I gather all my ingredients under the light of a full moon. Setting everything up in my powerful circle that I cast.

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Phonesex with Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270  

Ever since you went away to school, Mama has been missing you. The house feels like an empty nest, and while I hate everything that is going on, I have to say, I’m so happy it’s brought my big boy home again. I’ve decided that we should use this time wisely. You know, really spend time bonding as a family and with that, there could be one big benefit to you being home again.

Can you guess where Mama is going with this? It’s time to give mama a baby. Don’t be nervous or shy, pumpkin. It’s completely natural for my big boy to get hard when thinking about breeding his Mama. After all, you are my favorite boy! Who else could give me a more perfect baby than you?

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Something everyone has thought about once in their life. What it would be like to have superpowers. I know what superpower I would want if I had them, But I’ll leave that to the end as a surprise. I thought it would be a fun role play. The dark of the night. Two superheroes looking after the city. Both loner heroes passing in the night.

Both knowing of the other but never having actually met. You finding a sexy leather superhero dressed me on the top of a building looking over the city. Looking like a Dominatrix with a superhero mask. You know that’s just my look. You know that I am much more dangerous than even my dangerous outfit shows off.

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