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The Games We Play Phonesex This morning marks the third week since you moved in next door; I know because I have been keeping diligent track. I noticed after the first week how you never closed the blinds to the window that faces my bedroom. From the looks of it, you use this room as your study, and I have only ever seen you go inside that room. Your wife seems to understand that this is your space, just as I have. The Games We Play Phonesex are just around the corner…
After I made the discovery that you don’t close your blinds, and that you seem to be working in there around the same time I am getting ready for the day, I started opening not only my blinds, but my windows. I told myself at first it was just to let in a bit of fresh air in the morning, but really it was because I caught you looking at my sexy, naked body through the window every day. Continue reading “The Games We Play Phonesex”