
Hunter 1-844-332-2639 ext 387

I woke up super wet and horny today. Reaching over to my bedstand to get my vibrator. Thankfully I thought to plug it in last night so I don’t have to worry about it needing to be plugged in and have to wait. After unplugging it I try to turn it on. However, it won’t turn on. I plug it back in and the light shows green meaning it’s charged. I try to turn it on again plugged in and not plugged in but it just won’t turn on.

Well, that just ruined my morning. I get up to get ready for the day. After showering and getting dressed I gather my purse, keys, phone, and lists I leave for the stores. I got all my shopping done I go to the adult store to replace my vibrator. So many choices with different colors, sizes, shapes, and features. After standing there forever I finally picked one out excited to get home to use it.

Continue reading “My New Vibrator PhoneSex!”


Hunter 1-844-332-2639 ext 387

I’m feeling like getting all sexy today. Getting up out of bed I walk over to my closet to see what the options are. Going through my dresses I find a knee-length strapless colorful tie-dye sundress. I grab a lacy blue thong and stockings to put on. Quickly I take a shower and come back to get dressed. I slide my thong on first then slowly slide up my stockings. Running my hands up and down my legs to feel the sexy soft and smoothness of my legs.

Wiggling my toes making sure there is enough room I notice my light red nail polish showing slightly through the tops of my stockings. Normally I would go braless but today I want my breasts to be out there to really be seen. Sliding my dress on I turn and take a look in the mirror. Checking out how sexy I look. As I go to walk away to finish getting ready I see in the corner of the mirror my neighbor stand in his room at his window. Continue reading “Watched by the Neighbor PhoneSex!”

Hunter 1-844-332-2639 ext 387

It’s 11:30 at night and my phone ringing for a booty call. It can only be one person calling at this hour. His wife must be out again as that’s the only time he calls. If his dick wasn’t so good I wouldn’t be his little secret. Booty calls really aren’t my thing but it is so hard to say no to a man who knows how to please every part of you. I get wet just thinking about our times together. He can really do some magic with his mouth, fingers, and cock.

Of course, I answered the phone and agreed to come over. Quickly running to the shower to shave and get ready with a big smile on my face knowing what my night is going to consist of now. I put on my light blue lace lingerie and quickly finished getting ready so I can get over to his house. When I get over to his house he’s already ready for me. As soon as I walked up to the door he opened it and pulled me into the house.

Continue reading “Phone Ringing for a Booty Call PhoneSex!”

Phonesex with Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270

Now and then, when her husband acts up, she calls me to rectify the problem. Of course, I’m happy to come over and put her husband back into his place with my diaper bag of tricks. She had said they’d be on their way to a Halloween party, but that wouldn’t be true when I showed up.

She was dressed in a skin-tight catsuit when I rang the doorbell, and he was wearing some Starwars get up. Such a geek. “Oh, Felicity.” She giggled. “I’m glad you’re here. I’ve got to go.” I waved her out the door and waited for Baby to see me. His eyes widened, and he began to back up. Oh, baby’s first Halloween with Mommy was going to be so much fun.

Continue reading “Baby’s First Halloween Phonesex With Mommy Felicity”

xXx Francie xXx 844-332-2639 x 208

A gaggle of my friends and I were out to dinner the other night. Four ladies and two men, both of them new little boy toys I’ve been playing with. One comes from a very wealthy family and has little care for the cost of things. The other man, however, is incredibly hard-working and pinches every penny possible. When the meal was finished, I could see the poorer men shifting as if nervous about how the bill would be divided.

I turned to each of them with a secret smile. “Let’s play card roulette. You both place your credit cards in the center of the table, and whoever’s card the waiter picks up will take care of the bill!” The girls clapped happily, and my little rich boy leaned to the side, pulled his card from his pocket, and tossed it to the center of the table.

Continue reading “Fall For Francie’s Big Black Card Gang Bang Phonesex”

Kayla Cumsalot 1844-332-2639 X 357

There once was an old, ugly woman forced to live far out in the woods because of her looks. She was very lonely and ached for a baby, someone who would love her without conditions. However, she was so difficult to look at that no man would lay down with her.

She hurt so badly for a baby that she concocted a terrible plan. She went into town disguised as a beggar woman. She sat near the well in the center of town and waited. Men and women bustled about their day—some sneering when catching a glimpse of her ugly face.

Continue reading “Kayla – A Dark Retelling of Repunzel Phonesex”


TS Alexus 844-332-2639 ext 349 

It’s a bird, it’s a plane, no! It’s TS Alexus! The superheroine you’ve been fantasizing about. You’ve watched on TV as she’s saved disaster after disaster. Once, you watched her save a bus full of older adults from driving right off a cliff when the orderly was changing a diaper while driving.

Her beauty is unmatchable, as is her strength, and you’ve wondered what it would be like to fuck a woman so powerful. How would it feel to fuck a superheroine? You are about to find out because TS Alexus is here to rescue your cock from normal, everyday normal women.

Continue reading “TS Super Heroine Alexus Rescues Your Cock Phonesex”

Phonesex with Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270  

There is a boys camp across the river from my house. Not just any camp, it’s one of those places where bad boys are sent—a place where they try to change a trouble maker’s nature. The river is wide and deep, but I can observe all of their group activities from my balcony. Perfect hunting grounds for a Cougar.

My, do they keep you bad boys busy! Team building activities that make y’all sweat sure do increase my pulse rate! I can’t help but wear the smallest bikinis I own while lying on my lounge chair and enjoying the view. Yesterday, it seemed you couldn’t stop yourself from looking either.

Continue reading “Cougar Controls Your Cock Phonesex”

Kayla Cumsalot 1844-33-CANDY ext 357

Poor Snow sat weeping in the corner of a dark forest. Her wicked stepmother’s jealousy had forced her out of the castle in fear for her life. The vile queen was willing to go to any length to get rid of sweet Snow, who was not only beautiful on the outside but kind and pure on the inside.

She was cold and scared. Her dress had been torn from running through the dense forest, light pink lines burned in her skin where the branches had grabbed at her. She knew she couldn’t stay planted in the dark woods; she would need to get moving and find someone safe to start her life over.

Continue reading “Kayla Cumsalot’s A Dark Retelling – Snow White – Phonesex”

TS Alexus 844-332-2639 EXT 349

My neck, my back, you’ll lick my dicky and my crack. Do you remember that song? Such a powerful message about a woman taking her own pleasure. Now I may not have a real pussy for you to lick on, but you can slobber up and down this perfect she-dicky.

“First, you gotta put yo’ neck into it. Ah don’t stop, just do it, do it. Then, you roll your tongue. From the crack back to the front. Then ya, suck it all ’til I shake and cum” Khia sure knew what she wanted, and so the fuck do I.

Continue reading “My Neck, My Back Phonesex”