Kayla Cumsalot 1844-33-CANDY ext 357

Poor Snow sat weeping in the corner of a dark forest. Her wicked stepmother’s jealousy had forced her out of the castle in fear for her life. The vile queen was willing to go to any length to get rid of sweet Snow, who was not only beautiful on the outside but kind and pure on the inside.

She was cold and scared. Her dress had been torn from running through the dense forest, light pink lines burned in her skin where the branches had grabbed at her. She knew she couldn’t stay planted in the dark woods; she would need to get moving and find someone safe to start her life over.

 A Dark Retelling – Snow White –


Stumbling over roots and rocks, Snow traveled until her legs were too tired to carry her any further. Then, when she thought for sure she would be lost to the woods forever, she spied the small twinkling lights of a cabin. Smoke billowed from the chimney, and she hoped the people living inside would grant her shelter. At least long enough for her to regain her strength and form a plan.

She hobbled to the cabin and knocked on the door. The door gave way to her fist and creaked open. She poked her head in, but no one answered her call. Snow saw no harm in letting herself in. She was so tired after all, and if no one was home, there’d be no harm in taking a nap.

The cabin was more than dusty; it was downright filthy! Dirty dishes piled in the sink, and a heap of clothing lay piled in the corner. She thought maybe she could offer her services if the people would let her stay! She wandered the house and found a huge room upstairs with seven small beds!

Seven kid-like roommates! She thought. No wonder there is so much housework to be done. The work would wait a few more hours though, she pushed the beds together and laid across them. Then, finally, falling into a deep sleep from her exhaustion.

To be continued…


Kayla Cumsalot 1844-33-CANDY ext 357


