
Phonesex with Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270  

Last year, my son caught Mommy kissing Santa Clause, but that’s not the whole story. Mommy was definitely doing more than just kissing that bearded older man. My husband travels a lot and often misses many of our holiday traditions. Traditions that come with a lot of sweat and tears, like putting together my Son’s BMX bike all by myself.

I was in way over my head, I know nothing about bikes, but my sweet neighbor builds things for his boys all the time. I asked him to come over last year and help me put the last Christmas gifts together. Of course, I promised to make it worth his while.

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By Krysta 844-332-2639 Ext. 410

I’m so excited! This year my mom is going to teach me how to prep and cook my very own Thanksgiving dinner! She suggested I find a healthy young woman with lots of meat on her bones. You know, for leftovers and whatnot. I knew the perfect succulent beauty!

I called up my good friend Gianna. We’ve been sharing the fabulous foodie life for some time now, I assumed she’d understand my desire to try new cuisine. I invited her over FOR dinner and she gleefully agreed. The silly little girl didn’t know she was going to BE Thanksgiving dinner.

Continue reading “Thanksgiving Meal Prep Phonesex”

Kayla Cumsalot 1844-33-CANDY ext 357

Have you ever been caught in quicksand? I’m not talking figuratively, I mean literally. Like have you stepped on what you hoped would be solid ground and instead found yourself sinking. The more you struggled, the deeper you found yourself? Me neither, but I reached out on Twitter today to ask what kinks people were digging into these days. Working as I do, it can be easy for me to be blinded by the taboo.

For me, it’s normal to peg a married diaperboy with a fat strap on, ya know? Or to beg for Daddy’s cock while he braids my sister’s hair. My view of the world can get a bit skewed but I love finding new topics to dip my dirty little toes in. Twitter, as it always does delivered.

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Krysta 844-332-2639 Ext. 410

Hungry, hungry insatiable Krysta! Chomp, chomp. Yum, yum. My sexual appetite has no bounds. I’m interested in all kinds of fetishes and want you to teach me about the ones I don’t know yet! Do you know a way in which you can feed me your cock that I haven’t figured out yet?

Come show me! I’m a bottomless pit for your creamy, cummy ball juice. I’m pretty sure you are a chronic masturbator anyhow. You might as well share that goodness with a pudgy princess like me!

Continue reading “Hungry Hungry Insatiable Krysta Phonesex”

US President Trivia Game Night! Win Free Phone Sex!

844-332-2639 Gianna ext 355 and Kayla ext 357

Kayla and I will be teaming up to host Game Night tonight at 6 PM PST/9 PM EST! Meet us in the sexy chatroom to play our Trivia Game! It will be all about US President History Facts! We’ll be asking you silly and interesting questions and you’ll have to answer with the correct name of the US President!

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By Krysta 844-332-2639 Ext. 410

A few weeks ago, I took a small road trip to go visit a friend. It had been so long since we’d seen each other and I was missing her hugs like crazy. I packed up for the weekend and pulled up the GPS for directions. It said it would take three hours to get to her house and I silently made it a bet that I could do it in two and a half.

Next, I cranked up the radio and waved goodbye to daddy cus this girl was off to have some much-needed girl fun!

Continue reading “I Needed Directions Phonesex”

Phonesex with Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270

Can you tell? By the look in my eye? The little gleam that shouts how DELICIOUSLY DEVIOUS  I truly am? How could such a thing be possible? I’m a mother and a wife. Someone’s sweet daughter and another man’s beautiful sister in law. It’d be almost impossible for you to know how deliciously twisted I really am, expect, you spend so much time here that you and I are almost one in the same. Aren’t we?

Kindred spirits, you and I. Horny, fucking sluts who want to see the inhumane side of people. The sides of people they keep buried deep in the closets. Those are the sides of people I pride myself in bringing out.

Continue reading “Deliciously Devious Phonesex With Feisty Wifey Felicity”

By Kinky Krysta 1844-332-2639 Ext. 410

Our favorite teen Chunka Monka is taking over your Tuesday night game night! Meet me in the Chatroom at 9 pm EST for our FREE to play game. I know some of you think games are hard and that you are too slow so I’m adding a spooky twist that will make even you old slow pokes be able to get points!

What’s the twist, you ask? You’ll have to show up on time, vote for phonesexcandy, and be ready to roll to find out! The game winner gets 15 free minutes of spooky phonesex with any down to fuck candy girl at the game! See you tonight!

Continue reading “69 Dirty Riddles Phonesex”


Kayla Cumsalot 18443322639 EXT 357

Last night, sleep came quickly as it always does when I exhaust myself but with it came a DANGEROUSLY PLEASING DREAM.

I was all alone, kayaking down a calm river in the middle of a thick jungle. SWEAT stained my white tank top from the muggy heat of the tropical air and my tan shorts stuck damply to the bottom of my kayak. The trees were parted over the water, allowing the burning sun to kiss my thighs and shoulders. My hair blew back in the wind and I couldn’t have been happier to enjoy the peace around me.

Birds sang in the trees and wildlife splashed in the river as I dipped my oars into the still, yet murky water. The sun, that once shone so brightly I had to squint my eyes even behind the lenses of my dark sunglasses now dipped behind a group of puffy clouds and plunged me into a darkness I hadn’t expected.

Continue reading “Dangerous Dream Phone Sex”


Kayla Cumsalot 184433CANDY EXT 357

My father had called and asked if I was home. I was, all alone. He sounded nervous and like he had something stuck in his throat. He told me to stay home until he got there and hung up. It’s not unusual for my Father to act STRANGE but this was off, even for him. I brushed off the feelings of worry and went back to binge-watching my show. I was still in my PJs and scrolling through my phone while RICH housewives bickered on the TV when I heard the front door open and I jumped up to see what was so wrong with my Father only it wasn’t him at the door.

Continue reading “Kayla Pays Daddy’s Debt Phone Sex”