Phonesex with Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270

The grocery store was bustling with people trying to start their weekend fun. Everyone smelled of sunscreen and was hauling bags of ice, just itchy to fire up the bar-b-que. I was only there for the few necessities id run out of, but I do love people watching; you can see so many types of people here at the grocery store. Everyone’s gotta eat, right?

As I finished strolling around the aisles, I made my way to the checkout. All the lines were long, but I didn’t mind. I pushed my buggy over to the closest line and checked out the group in front of me. Three men, maybe in their late twenties, chatted together. The one closest to me was leaning over the buggy, the one in front of him had a twenty-four pack in his hands, and the other was prattling on about how hot Kelly was going to look in her bikini. I focused my attention on the man leaning over the buggy. Was that a diaper I spy poking from his shorts? Busted!

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Kayla Cumsalot 1844-33-CANDY ext 357

I had only worked at the hotel for a few days before I started completing room service turndowns by myself. My mentoring Maid had shown me the procedures and felt we would get the rooms cleaned quicker if we split the work up and did the rooms solo instead of together. A divide and conquer technique.

I had knocked as I did on every door before this one, but you didn’t respond. So I assumed the room was empty and slid my master key card into the lock. As I walked into the room, I picked up a discarded towel and slung it over my arm, then walked around the corner to see how much work the room would need. I was shocked to find you still lying in bed, sleeping on your back, with the blankets tangled around your hips. I should have turned around and slipped the “do not disturb” sign on your door. But your cock was rock hard and begging for attention.

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Sydney 1844-332-2639 Ext 361

A breath of fresh air,

I always thought that my first time would be with my new husband. Because of the way I was raised, you know. But the truth is, that’s not what happened…

It was summer, and I was in my bikini at the waterpark. The sun was cruelly licking my skin, and the water from the wave pool was brushing against my vulva. I was having fun going into the deep end when suddenly I got knocked out of my way and lost consciousness… I was heaving water when I woke up. The lifeguard was looking at me, patting me up and down my back. We were alone on the cold and sandy floor of his nearby office he had brought me into. That man had saved my life. I looked him in the eyes, and I felt his touch slow down on my back. Something electric dazed my brain and shocked me, right to my vagina.      

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Kayla Cumsalot 1844-33-CANDY ext 357

We’ve been watching you through the veil, the thin barrier that protects your world from ours. Baiting our time until the whispers we’d been sending to you took root. Small hints to your subconscious that tells you how desperately you’ve been needing us, you’re sensual succubuses. We can only reach you when the veil fades as you sleep. Anything is possible when you sleep.

Tonight’s the night, our first go at draining you. We’ve sat at the end of your bed as you prepare for the night. You don’t have any clue what’s in store for you as you tuck in, assuming you’re safe in your locked house and a warm bed. Stupid male, you couldn’t be more wrong.

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xXx Francie xXx 844-332-2639 x 208

I’ve always been comfortable as a sexual switch, but lately, I’ve been feeling more in control than not. Well, I was until one caller flipped the script on me and turned me into his lust-filled little collared slave. I called him a faggot our first time playing and made him suck a ten-inch dildo. I still don’t even know how he went from beneath me to so far on top of me, but he did.

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My weekend of debauchery

Zia 1-844-33CANDY ext 402

I was away from the phones this weekend; you may have noticed. I just had to cut loose and have some crazy fun with my girlfriends and some hot and horny guys. I was naughtier this weekend than I have been in a long time. I had my weekend of debauchery, and it was amazing.

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Hello and welcome to my phone sex therapy practice.  I am the very zesty, frisky, naughty, and kinky Zoey.  Maybe I don’t have an official license or anything.  But what I do have is years and years of sexual experience.  I know just how to boost your confidence and improve your stamina and technique.  Attend a few therapy sessions with me, and before you know it, you’ll have all the girls eating out of your hand.  They’ll be lined up to experience your sexual prowess.  Now, the therapy I offer is VERY hands-on and requires some physical therapeutic techniques.  So, I’ll need you to sign this consent form before beginning..

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Krysta 844-332-2639 Ext. 410

Oops, I sent your wife nudes! I didn’t mean to; I swear, I was just playing on your phone while you showered off our sexy time. It was innocent, I thought it’d be fun to take some sexy pictures for you on your phone that you could find in your gallery later. But when I went to look at them to see if I liked them, I accidentally, kinda sorta sent a few to your wife.

No, I can’t take them back! How would I do that? It’s not like they went over messenger; it was through your texting service on your phone. However, it doesn’t look like she’s seen them yet. So she must still be asleep? Maybe if you drive home really fast and get to her phone before she wakes up, you can delete them like it never happened!

Continue reading “Oops I Sent Her Nudes”

“Juicy” Jody 844-33CANDY ext 332

Pleasing myself shouldn’t be something that I have to do anymore. That’s why you have a friend with benefits or multiple partners. Apparently, none of you are satisfying me in a complete way, so I spend more time doing it myself. Most of the time with better results. Using my toys or my fingers seems to yield much more satisfaction than you boys and your dicks. You only worry about yourselves anyway. Once you cum, it’s over.

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Rainbow Party

“Juicy” Jody 844-33CANDY ext 332

Rainbow party sounds innocent enough when you don’t live in a kinky world. But when you do – most will agree it is every man’s dream to have five women sucking on his cock to make a rainbow. That is our version of this kind of party.

How lucky are you? You get me, Willow, Zia, Olivia & Laylene – and we are all ready to give you a good time. Not many men will ever get to live out this fantasy. Five of us, taking turns putting our mouths around your dick, giving you immense pleasure while we leave our rainbow stripes.

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