no taboo

No Taboo

You’ve been spying on me at the gym for some time now. Me, the hot, petite, scandalous 23-year-old, you the just divorced dad looking to get back in the game. It couldn’t be more obvious how desperate you are for sex, the way you are finally getting into shape, the way you look at all the women in here – but especially me, the way you peacock your job, your car, your watch, your clothes, like women actually care.
Funny thing is, we don’t. Or I don’t. I’m 23 and gorgeous, at the height of my sexual prowess. Your silly ex just took you for half of everything, and no girl ever bragged to their friends about the Acura her new man drives. Do all the dumbbell lifts you want; you’ll need something better if you want my attention.

No Taboo

And then it happens. “Laylene,” you say in what you think is a commanding, assertive voice, “I need a favor from you. See, my ex-wife is very cold and distant, and I’m not sure she’s explaining, you know, um, geez this is a little embarrassing” you stutter as I smile and let my lips part just slightly, in that helpless inviting pose that makes me look approachable and nurturing, equal parts momma bird bringing a worm back and baby bird looking to be fed. I grab your hand just to make sure you know I’m here to help as I gaze into your eyes, knowing what’s to come and getting very, very excited by it.
“Go on, sir”, I say, “I’m sure it’s so hard being divorced and worrying about how your haggard ex-wife is treating your darling little girl”!
I tickle the palm of your hand with my index finger as you start to speak again, never breaking eye contact with my open mouth gaze.
Your brain tells you to move away, but your cock starts growing and says go ahead, tell her, it’ll make her feel close to you. Just one helpless look and a tickle with one finger, all it took, this is going to be fun, I’m thinking.
“See, she’s pretty like you and I’m afraid she needs a female to explain boys and that sort of stuff to her. And I don’t trust my ex-wife.”
“Oh, I see. Well, I’m so happy you trust me to have this talk with your precious daughter. I’ll do it, on one condition.’

“What’s that,” you ask.

“That you take me to dinner afterward so I can let you know how the talk went.”
You blush, so happy that your plan worked. A date with Laylene. Finally, all that gym time is paying off. “Of course,” you say.
“Just drop her off tomorrow at noon. I’ll call you and let you know when I’m ready for our dinner.”
That seems a little strange to you, this doesn’t seem like a seven-hour talk, but what do you know, you aren’t a hot girl! But you want to be inside this hot girl, so you gladly do what you’re told.
The next day you drop off your precious little girl. All seventy-five pounds of her, with the delicate face, long blond hair, tiny little legs balancing growing hips with not quite there yet tits. Single digits going into those teen years and everything in between. I get wet.
“Say bye to dad”, I tell her. She does with a smile and a wave. Stay tuned for No Taboo – You Need My Help? Part 2 – it is so hot.

XXOO Laylene 1-844-332-2639 ext 419