Jerry's First Baby Shower

Trans Goddess Alexus 1844-332-2639 Ext 349

Last night at the bar, my friend Jerry was whining about not being allowed at his wife’s baby shower. “Why does she get all the gifts and stuff?” He pouted into his beer. “She just laid on her back while I did all the work. Did you know she expects me to get her a ‘push present?’ Where the fuck is my hump gift?” The other men gathered around laughed, equally as stupid as Jerry.

He pointed to me and with a slur rambled, “Hey, you’re kind of girl. What the fuck? It’s not fair.” I slipped off my stool and patted him on the back.

“Why don’t you let me get you home before the wife returns from her baby shower?”

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Francie 1844-332-2639 xXx 208

“It’s cookie o’clock! ” the little Girl Scouts yelled as they bounced from foot to foot outside the supercenter’s front doors. Today’s the last day to sink your teeth into some Girl Scout cookies!” another cheered. Her friend bumped her with her elbow and added, “At least until next year.” They burst into a fit of giggles while waving thin mint boxes at customers coming and going.

A dark thought tingled in the back of my mind. Maybe it was the last day for most people to taste such a delicious treat, but I could make this a profitable opportunity for myself. Desperate girls make stupid girls.

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Talk About Motivation

Robotic Rita 1844-332-2639 Ext 413

I pulled into the gym parking lot feeling really unmotivated. The weather is getting colder by the day, and I would much rather be snuggled in my bed than forcing my cold car to drag my tired body to the gym before the sun comes up. Still in the driver’s seat, I was tucking my earbuds in my ear and about to shut the engine off when I glanced across the parking lot.

My headlights shone right into the pickup truck’s cab parked in front of me, and two people were making out. Hard! I looked away and grabbed my phone, determined to get out of the car and walk into the gym, but I couldn’t stop myself from looking back into the cab.

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xXx Francie xXx 844-332-2639 x 208

The state fair midway was bustling with families and friends. Everyone enjoyed the crisp air, signaling the end of a long summer. The sun was just about down, and music mixed in the air. A different song from every carnival ride competed to be heard As if they were trying to lure in riders with their blinking lights. The fun house stood as a signal for the end of the midway. It was massive and screamed with creepy clown music.

“Let’s go in!” Cassie tugged my elbow towards the long line of people waiting to get in. I shook my head as I looked up at the old-looking wooden planks holding it together.

“No, it’s for kids.” She scoffed and pinched my side, saying I was just too scared I wouldn’t make it all the way through without needing the carny to come to pull me out.

Continue reading “Fun House Victim”

Our Secret

Our Secret

Kayla Cumsalot 1844-33-CANDY Ext 357

Daddy and I has a secret; I’m not o’possed to tell. It’s really exciting for me though so I decided to write it in my little diary. Putting it down on paper should help me from telling anyone and making Daddy mad. I really, really don’t like it when Daddy gets mad. ‘Cus then he ends up hurting me.

I know he just wants me to be a good girl so I can keep being his girlfriend. Oops, hehe. See, I spilled the secret already! After the other night when Daddy walked into my room while I was changing, he said he wanted to show me something and play a special game. I just love games with Daddy but I was a little nervous ‘cus he said I didn’t have to get dressed for this game.

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He Said Not To Wake Mommy

Ronnie 1844-33-CANDY Ext 443

Last weekend, my mom and I visited my mom’s brothers. He lives in this little trailer that’s pretty uncomfortable, but it’s right on a pretty lake, which usually makes up for it. This trip was kind of different. As I said, his trailer is small, so we all had to pile up in my Uncle’s bed at bedtime.

I roll a lot, so Mom said I would best lie in the middle. Of course, that’s true so I didn’t think much of it as I nestled into the mattress and faced my mom’s back. I guess after the long drive, she was exhausted because she fell asleep really fast. I  knew it was best not to wake her with complaints of being uncomfortable being away from home so I tried to sleep too. Just as I was about to fall asleep, I felt my Uncle bump against my booty.

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XXOO Laylene 1-844-332-2639 ext 419

You are definitely gonna want to catch up with the first part of this story by clicking here.

Finally the big day had arrived, commencement day. The “cream” of the crop for her team. Accordingly, the containers were judged by their capacity, and 9 winners were led to the stage. They all wore proudly their pink T-Shirts with white printing.. Mistress Laylene’s “Softball” Team. All were excited beyond words. Mistress Laylene smirked on stage and quickly glanced at her 9 pathetic losers. As in college honors, cum laude, Laylene had devised a special honor, cum loaded…and the container was brought out. All in all full to near overflowing capacity.

Continue reading “Mistress Laylene’s Academy – Epilogue”

The Sweetest Nightmare Part Two

xXx Francie xXx 844-332-2639 x 208

Part one

My eyes closed, and  I flinched back. I knew the blow would come, but I expected it to land on my cheek. He didn’t hit me in the face. Instead, he struck me in the chest. Hard and repeatedly. Right on my breastbone. Hard enough, I felt the bones splintering and stabbing at my tender places. I wheezed as my vision blurred. Pain pulsed through every inch of me as he fisted his cock with his swollen knuckles and forced my legs open.

I tried to cover my pussy from his intrusion with the last bits of strength I possessed. It was useless. He was big and strong, and I was small and broken. When would the nightmare end?

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You Don't Know Who You Are Dealing With

Trans Alexus 1844-332-2639 Ext 349

Some clients are pushy, and others are downright dumb. Everyone knows there are things a girl can and can not do while tickling the no-taboo lines of reality and fantasy. But the bad boys ask to blur the lines and push the boundaries. That’s all well and fine until you realize that you don’t know who the fuck you are dealing with.

There is one cocksucking loser who really, really longs to be exposed…when he’s hard. He thinks that just because he came and doesn’t want to play anymore that I’ll take back all the things I’ve done and said that made him cum. Sorry, dummy, It doesn’t work that way.

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Public Transit Handjob

Ronnie 1844-33-CANDY Ext 443

As you know, I am new to big city life. It’s still so confusing and fast-paced for me, and I’m really just getting used to how everything happens. While shopping downtown, I ended up needing to take the subway. I was pretty nervous about it; you hear so many bad stories about how dangerous public transit can be, especially for women.

After paying, I stood at the platform, feeling like eyes were on me. I tried to shake it off, but as the subway swooshed to a stop before me and I took a seat against the window, I still felt someone watching me.

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