Stealing Lucy At The Altar Phone Sex

844-332-2639 ~Idun~ ext 369 and ~Lucy~ ext 221

Lucy was about to marry a man but I knew that I had to stop her. She was too sexy to waste her life being forever chained to a guy. I had to remind her how good it felt to fuck multiple people, including me. Stealing her away from him was the best decision.

Continue reading “Stealing Lucy At The Altar Phone Sex”

Madison (a.k.a. bratty Maddi) 1-844-332-2639  ext 359

OMG…sometimes I like being super duper naughty and flash guys in public.  It totally gives me a rush, especially if I’m all dolled up in a short skirt as I sit on a bench in the park….slowly spreading my legs.  Giving you some eye candy to drool over.  But you’re such a loser.  Going in a park, looking at a hot barely legal teen, drooling over my tight barely legal pussy.  Wanting to see me getting all wet.  But, since you’re a loser beta male, you don’t get the pleasure of seeing me all wet.

As I spread my long luscious legs, I cover my pussy with my hand and that’s all you get.  Because you’re a pathetic beta gooner.  You get to go home and fuck your hand… giggle.  I can imagine all the fucked up taboo fantasies running through your empty stoopid head.  You’re totally thinking with your dick.  Oh wait, that’s barely classified as a dick. Continue reading “Stroke For Me You Silly Gooner Phonesex”


~~~Olivia ~~~ 844~332~2639~x~226~~~

Ms. Owivia, Ms. Owivia; I heard Sandi calling out for me.  Sandi attends my daycare.  She was trying to get my attention because a bigger boy was teasing Johnny.  I looked out to see the boy pulling Johnny’s bucket full of sand away.  The older boy poured the sand on Johnny.

Reaching in my jewelry box I slipped on my shiny bracelet.  The boy looked up as I neared him.  I explained he could not come into the daycare and tease the boys and girls.  As he was getting a bit mouthy with me, I made sure the sun caught the stones in my bracelet.  I could see the sparkles reflecting on his face and see them in his eyes as they seemed to get heavy. 
Continue reading “Sandbox Bully Phone Sex”

Call Katie: 1-844-332-2639 ext 356

I know it is the most overwhelming feeling for you. Being under me and getting your diaper changed. You are a grown man. Definitely older and more experienced than a recent schoolgirl like me. And now look at you, reduced to messing yourself in a diaper.

I absolutely adore how helpless you are when you’re diapered. Things are just so much simpler when I’m in charge, wouldn’t you agree? If you make too much noise, I’ll stick a pacifier in your mouth. If you’re fussy, I’ll coo at you until you settle down.

Continue reading “Getting Your Diaper Changed Phonesex”

Hey hey guy and dolls! What the Fuck it’s already the last weekend of March! And Tuesday is my birthday and so we are going to have fun! I call this game “What the Fuck”.  Make sure you read all the way through this blog for a chance to win extra points!  Color me excited! I put a bit of work into setting this up, so I hope y’all enjoy it just as much as I do!

I know often times our games take on a more trivia type element. Which I absolutely love so, so much! But I thought I would change things up this week. There will be a few “trivia” questions sprinkled in, which you’ll have the answers to *if* you read our blogs. Haha oh boy! I wonder how many off you will have points right out the gate! Continue reading “What the Fuck! Saturday 03/27/21 Phonesex Game”

He took me to a business dinner partySir encouraged me to dress is my sexiest dress.  He already knew how the night was going to end.  I saw in the gleam in his eye that I would be shared with a BBC by the end of the night.

The beautiful black man stood head and shoulders above all the men at the party.  At 6’4” he was as tall as I trusted his big black cock was long.  I spent hours conversing with Sir’s business partners and trying to catch glimpses of that amazing bulge in those tight suit pants.

Continue reading “Shared with a BBC Phone Sex”

I have a fun game for y’all called Fetish Roulette and it is super easy to play! I bet you’re curious about what the game could possibly be! Well, you are about to find out! I have this cowboy hat I borrowed from my brother, and inside it I have 50 slips of paper.

Why 50? Well to be honest, my hand started to cramp and 50 seemed like a good number. Oh, what’s on the slips you ask? HAHA well… Continue reading “Fetish Roulette Phonesex”

1-844-332-2639 EXT 330

If you have read a blog of mine from a little over a week ago I talk about how much I really love roleplay. I love it to be extreme and really in-depth. I go all out when I plan a role-play. Of course, I do my research. I have to get costumes, get a rough idea of what I want to happen, go through my list of my many men that I like to play with, and decide who I want to be included in the fun.

A lot of work goes into this. In this roleplay, I decided on gladiators. I’ve been really into the movies lately and just love the idea of two gladiators fighting each other for my amusement. Of course, there are always some sexual implications to go along with all of this. I will be letting the winner have his chance with me.

Continue reading “A Rough Idea Phonesex”

Do you consider yourself an adult baby? Do you love to wear diapers and spend time snuggling with Mommy? Then you are in luck because adult babies are wanted here! I am looking to get to know new babies and learn how to take care of their needs.

If you do not know me yet, let me introduce myself: you can call me Mommy Monique! I am 35 and love, love, love playing mommy! Abdl are my favorite because of how much nurturing your type needs. I am a very loving, nurturing mommy that just wants to make you feel good. Continue reading “Adult Babies Wanted! Phonesex”

1-844-332-2639 ext 411

Have you ever seen a nice floof puff bark things with nice two-toned eyes. This is most common in a certain floofer a Husky. However, this can be found in people as well. Having someone with two different eye colors is rare. A defect caused before birth. Nothing that the person can control. This always gives this person extra eyes on them and attention as they go through their lives.

There are those who would love to give them lots of sexual attention as well. Those belonging to the kink of Dysmorphophilia. A fetish that means someone is sexually attracted to deformities in others. Most think of deformities as something horrible that someone would have to live with. Not always the case.

Continue reading “A rare defect phonesex”