"Not yet, Babydoll."

Kayla Cumsalot 1844-332-2639 Ext 357

“Chris,” His name slipped from my lips without intention. My head pushed back into the soft pillow; my spine bowed in desperation. Arching my hips into his hand as, he pleasured me with the slowest strokes of his fingers. I felt his smile against my neck before I heard his steady voice whisper over my flushed skin.

“Not yet, Babydoll.” I gritted my teeth against his wishes. My body was singing for him as he played it like an instrument, only he’d been playing for so long now that I was teetering on the brink. Every nerve ending screamed for release that he wouldn’t allow. My fingers curled around his forearm, feeling the muscles and tendons move under my grip. I needed to cum; another moment of balancing on this sharp edge would surely shatter me. His fingers drew back, leaving me panting, and I watched him swirl his wet fingers around my stiff nipple. Coating it in the visible need he caused.

Continue reading ““Not yet, Babydoll.””

Anna 844-332-2639 EXT. 203

Anna had begun dating an older man. He had a naughty bratty son who was always getting himself into trouble.  One day the man had to go on a business trip and left Anna and his son alone at home. Anna was to cook him meals and make sure he went to school and behaved while his dad was away.

Continue reading “Step Mommy Anna and her Naughty Boy….”

XXOO Laylene 1-844-332-2639 ext 419

Sitting at the noisy bar with several of her girlfriends, Mistress Laylene’s eyes wandered from the conservation to a table of attractive guys. But she could not take her eyes off one, as she bit her lip and smiled to herself. Mmmm, he will be perfect. Tom was a well-to-do executive who hung with his college friends at their favorite bar, but he tended to be a bit of an outsider to them. Laylene picked up on this. His demeanor was a bit more gentle and he had a certain sway to the way he moved his ass. Almost swishing about along with a gentle almost limp wristed way he picked up his drinks, and his mozzarella sticks with almost dainty bites.

Continue reading “Mistress Laylene’s Academy Part 1”

Daddy's Little Jackoff Model

Kinky Krysta 1844-332-2639 Ext.410

When I arrived home from my spring formal, the house was loud. Male voices boomed with laughter, and a haze filled the foyer as if they were smoking in the living room. I peered my head around the door jamb and called softly, “Daddy?” He and six of his friends were sitting around the living room with drinks and cigars in hand. I waved my hand in front of my face to clear the smoke and asked, “Where’s Mommy?”

“Come in, baby.” Daddy beamed and patted his thigh. “Come sit down, Krysta. I want to show you off to my friends.” I walked through them, feeling all of their gaze travel over my big tits and my short dress as I took a seat on Daddy’s lap. “Isn’t she the perfect little Jackoff model?” My body went ramrod stiff as they all laughed.

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Robotic Rita 1844-332-2639 Ext 413

As you grew, I bet that fear was there. Wondering if your cock would ever…grow. You knew you were different from the other boys in the locker room. That’s why you chose to change in the stall instead of out in the open and refused to shower. Their cocks hung. They looked heavy and big, while yours was so small. You hoped that you were just a late bloomer and that it would happen, but it never did.

In fact, now in your thirties, you are still a virgin because you couldn’t imagine seeing that look on a woman’s face. WampWampWahh!

Continue reading “WampWampWahh”

Magnetic Connection Part Two

Kayla Cumsalot 1844-332-2639 Ext 357

There are questions a girl should ask before she gets into a car with a stranger; magnetic connection or not. Like, maybe his fucking name! Did I ask him? Nope, sure the fuck didn’t. His warm hand pushed me forward, and as if I were the puppet and he was the master, my feet obeyed. We weaved through the bar and out into the cool spring evening. The street was busy, but I was safe, I told myself as we moved down the sidewalk and walked towards his car.

He didn’t speak, but the scent of his aftershave made my nose arch toward his neck. I was so drawn to him that the warning bells clanging in my brain did nothing to stop me when he pulled open the passenger door, and I slipped inside. He leaned into the car and drew the seat belt between my breasts to strap me in. His playful blue eyes met mine, and he purred, “Safety first.”

Continue reading “Magnetic Connection Part Two”

Southern Mama's Pannnnyhose

Mama Felicity 1844-332-2693 Ext 270

Not everyone understands the appeal of shiny, suntan nude pannnnyhose, but This southern Mama wears hers daily. They make me feel so feminine and sexy. Every morning, I roll up a pair up my sexy legs, loving the gentle hug of the nylon and the way they make my thighs whisper as I walk.

Soft, sensual little seductive whispers. I didn’t realize how much my pantyhose were whispering to my stepson until I caught him furiously jerking off with a pair from my hamper. I smiled as I pushed the bedroom door open and knew from today forward, I would make him Mama’s pannnnyhose boy.

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Anna 844-332-2639 EXT. 203

Tami was being especially naughty and bratty on Easter Sunday. Mommy told Tami, to behave and that she had a surprise for her. A special Easter egg hunt that would even make the sluttiest sissy blush. Mommy brought Tami to the nursery, carried her and dressed her in her special Easter outfit: a special dress that was different easter egg colors, and beautiful frilly trim.

Continue reading “Sunday, Tami Easter Sunday! Pt. 1”

Roped Up Sissy

Alex 1-844-332-2639 Ext. 425

For a long time I had a sissy sub who was always so obedient. Did everything I asked, a real dream for me. And I have a very fond memory of one night I finally tried out one of my favorite playtime activities with him… or her shall I say. Shibari. If you haven’t done it, you have to live more! There is nothing more fun than getting a little… roped up. But she had never done it with me, and I wanted to see how she reacted to it. And I ended up being pleased, I must say. I’ll describe how I tied her up and made her my pet that evening.

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Public Transit Handjob

Ronnie 1844-33-CANDY Ext 443

As you know, I am new to big city life. It’s still so confusing and fast-paced for me, and I’m really just getting used to how everything happens. While shopping downtown, I ended up needing to take the subway. I was pretty nervous about it; you hear so many bad stories about how dangerous public transit can be, especially for women.

After paying, I stood at the platform, feeling like eyes were on me. I tried to shake it off, but as the subway swooshed to a stop before me and I took a seat against the window, I still felt someone watching me.

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