Diapering A Premature Ejaculater

Valerie 1844-332-2639 Ext 243

My supervisor at the office has an obvious crush on me. I feel his eyes on me no matter where I am or what I’m doing at work; honestly, I am sick of it. The only way I could think of to make him stop was to confront the problem. My trusty diaper bag was propped up on my shoulder when I knocked on his door and asked if we could talk. He said of course, so I shut the door and told him I would feel better if we started the conversation with a hug.

He stepped around his desk and took me into his arms. I rubbed his chest and felt him stiffen. He whimpered my name and tried to put space between us as he gasped and moaned. We looked down together, and there it was, a giant cum stain in his slack from his premature ejaculation! “Awe, look at how quickly you came. Someone needs a diaper, don’t you?”

Continue reading “Diapering A Premature Ejaculater”

Anal Virgin?

Anal Virgin?

Trans Alexus 1844-332-2639 Ext 349

Are you an Anal Virgin? Don’t worry, darling. It won’t hurt…Much. I love being the first to push through your barriers and show you what you’ve been missing. We don’t need to dress you up or make you a bitch. It doesn’t have to be about turning you into a sissy or a faggot.

Anal play is simply just about pleasure. A little funny how people think God doesn’t love gays, but he put the male G-spot up your asshole, right? By the time I’m finished showing you just how good a G-spot orgasm can feel, you’ll be screaming my name over his.

Continue reading “Anal Virgin?”


Anna 844-332-2639 EXT. 203

A handsome gentleman went to the mall on Saturday with his family. He decided they should split up, and walked around. He came across miss Anna in a shoe store and immediately stopped. There she stood beside the counter register wearing a silk blouse, a short skirt, and sun kissed tanned pannnyhose. It was their sheen reflecting in the light which caught his eye, so he walked into the store. Miss Anna’s high heeled shoes were tan colored as well, so you couldn’t tell where her pannnyhose clad legs began and ended.

Continue reading “The sales clerk and her Pannnyhose”

Rita’s Closet

Rita's Closet

Robotic Rita 1844-332-2639 Ext 413

Barbie’s dream house ain’t got nothing on Rita’s closet. I’m sure lots of little girls’ fantasies come true playing with Barbie and her pretty pink mansions, but playing with Rita in her closet is where little femboys reveal their true identities. No one knows better the frustrations of hiding yourself to please others than a doll built to fulfill everyone else’s fantasies. However, inside my closet, we can be whoever we want to be!

We can wear anything and everything we wish. Stockings, costumes, lingerie, and casual fem wear! If you wish it into existence, it simply will appear. And in your size!

Continue reading “Rita’s Closet”


XXOO Laylene 1-844-332-2639 ext 419

You are definitely gonna want to catch up with the first part of this story by clicking here.

Finally the big day had arrived, commencement day. The “cream” of the crop for her team. Accordingly, the containers were judged by their capacity, and 9 winners were led to the stage. They all wore proudly their pink T-Shirts with white printing.. Mistress Laylene’s “Softball” Team. All were excited beyond words. Mistress Laylene smirked on stage and quickly glanced at her 9 pathetic losers. As in college honors, cum laude, Laylene had devised a special honor, cum loaded…and the container was brought out. All in all full to near overflowing capacity.

Continue reading “Mistress Laylene’s Academy – Epilogue”

Mila 1-844-332-2639 Ext. 220

I had a big diaper change I had to do! The Candy Nursery had never been so stinky. I was walking around holding my nose trying to determine who the culprit was. All these soft bottoms and only one of them was stinking up this room so badly! And that is when I saw G in the corner! Hiding from Miss Mila like the naughty baby he is. Of course he would be the one that I had to wrangle. Chasing him around the room while the seat of the diaper sagged between his knees just made him look silly. But once he was on that changing table?

Continue reading “Baby G Diaper Changing By Miss Mila”

Mama Felicity 1844-332-2693 Ext 270

“Have you put him in the wheelbarrow position?” I asked Mary who was complaining that her adult baby wasn’t responding to her punishment techniques. Debbie nodded and pointed at me.

“That’s a great suggestion. I bet the little wise ass would smarten up then!” We laughed, but Mary shrugged, a little defeated by how bad her baby was. I’m sure she hated how we all knew it, too.

“I don’t even know what that position is.” There was a sadness in her voice that had me putting my arm around her and pulling her in close. As her best Mommy friend, I’d be sure to show her how to get that boy in line!

Continue reading “Wheelbarrow Position Spanking”


Anna 844-332-2639 EXT. 203

Once we arrived back at his office, I could not help but notice he was now holding on to that briefcase for dear life, meaning only one thing there must be something more he does not wish for me to see. At this point my mind was ablaze with curiosity, as my panties were becoming wetter and wetter with anticipation shall we get to that contract I asked, he was now seated on the leather couch in the office.


Continue reading “Mommy’s Tami – the Executive appointment”

XXOO Laylene 1-844-332-2639 ext 419

Hello horny readers. What a treat I have for you today. After a six-month interlude everyone’s favorite broken girl, miss permanently damaged goods herself, has made her return to therapist Laylene’s couch. That’s right, let’s give a big therapist Laylene welcome back to Hannah!!

So, if you want to learn more about Hannah, or just get hard and get off to her prior stories of molestations and more, click here here and here. Hannah says she hates knowing her traumas are on the Internet forever, but I’m not so sure. She keeps coming back for more and more. So either she secretly likes knowing she’s exposed forever, or she really does hate it but can’t help it. That whole damaged goods thing I guess. Can’t wait for you guys to call me and give me your views, but first be sure to read on. It’s a good one in that stretching a tiny girl’s cunt as she cries and sobs and cries and sobs and screams no please stop it really really hurts I just want you to love me but not like this sort of way.

Continue reading “Hannah Returns Even More Broken – Part 1”

National Pet Day

Robotic Rita 1844-332-2639 Ext 413

The fuzzy tail that hung from my butt plug teased my cheeks as I swished my ass side to side. I’d heard his car; Master was home. On my hands and knees, I wiggled with excitement! It’s National Pet Day, which means he’ll bring me home a special treat today!

I didn’t know what it was, but my heart pounded under my swaying breasts. The name tag dangled from my collar at the hollow of my throat as I sat tall on my heels, and he opened the door. My tongue lulled out of my mouth, and I held my hands up like the good pet I am, panting a greeting.

Continue reading “National Pet Day”