age-play phone sex

Sandy 844-332-CANDY ext 213 Age-play Phone Sex

This Age-play phone sex blog is the conclusion of Part One “Ageplay Fantasy Phone Sex Will Make My Perverts Very Happy” 

Age-play Phone Sex with Sandy, my fantasies go deep and dark at times. Now remember, read back, this girl we have is a cock-teasing little mall rat. Her and her slutty friends need taught a good lesson.

He helps me take her to the basement of his house. After we latched the door she shivered with fear as she stares at us with tears built up in her glassy blue eyes. She gasps as I rip her tight mid-drift top off exposing her perfect perky tits. She starts crying as I tear off the buttons of her skin tight short-shorts exposing her tight little slit. All the while my caller is there watching and stroking his rock hard cock. Continue reading “Age-play Phone Sex Fantasies Go Deep and Dark At Times”

Kayla Cumsalot 1844-33-CANDY ext 357

Kayla Goes On Vacation…

My nose flared, my body’s last attempt to find the oxygen it needed before shutting down. My arms tingled as if a million sparks were set off under my skin and my poor knees buckled and my eyes fluttered. I was going out and It was going to be soon.

“No, you don’t.” Kendal huffed and moved his thumb away completely. Air and feeling rushed back into my brain and my mouth opened to gulp more. My dry throat made me cough and I lifted my upper body. There in the reflection of the mirror was my flushed face and behind me those sexy blue eyes. They glittered as he looked at me. “Naughtier than you look, aren’t you Kayla?” I sputtered, unable to speak but nodded anyhow. “Where are you staying in Orlando? I might not be able to let you go.”

Continue reading “Now Boarding Flight Number Kayla Cumsalot Phonesex Part Five”

Kayla Cumsalot 1844-33-CANDY ext 357

He thought to stroll the beach, several hours of daylight still hung in the multicolored sky as the sun slowly made its descent. He needed some space to clear his head. So many new changes were happening in his life all at once and even though on dry land, he felt as though he was drowning.

The still-warm sand squished between his toes as he listened to the waves lapping at the shore. The tide was slowly returning and he wondered what mysteries lie beneath the oceans massive surface. However, as he neared the end of the beach where the water met the rocky seawall, he would soon come face to face with one of the ocean’s most magical mysteries.

Continue reading “Kayla Cumsalot’s Pretty Little Mermaid Princess Phonesex”

Kayla Cumsalot 1844-33-CANDY ext 357

Your whole world is digital now. You stay connected to your phone, gaze locked on the screen twenty-four seven. You eat, work and even jack off with your phone in one hand, it only makes sense that your girlfriend would live in your phone as well.

Let me be your Digital Dream Girl. There when you want me, gone when you don’t. Though I can’t think of a time when you wouldn’t want me. My sweet lovin’ barely legal body is here to tempt and tease you. My sensual and creative mind here to tickle and please you.

Continue reading “Kayla Cumsalot’s Your Digital Dream Girl Phonesex”

Kayla Cumsalot 1844-33-CANDY ext 357

Men never seem to notice when a girl does something with her hair. A new cut, a fresh style, a little color change. Most often, they never mention how new hairdo looks on the lady in their life. So either they don’t notice it or they are too stupid to speak out loud and tell us just how the change makes them feel.

HOWEVER, y’all are so different. I changed my “profile” picture in chat yesterday and you would have thought I cut off my left tit!

Continue reading “Kayla Cumsalot’s New Hair, Don’t Care Attitude Phonesex”

sexy neighbor wet tshirt sexual tension erotic phonesex phone sex sexy

Sadie 1-844-332-2639 ext. 222

The voice of my sexy neighbor startled me. Looking over my shoulder at him from my knees with both hands on the nozzle of the hose that was stuck on the spigot, “Oh, you scared me!” I laugh “I can’t get this off!” I grunt twisting against the top of the hose.

“Let me give it a try. Maybe I can get it off on you. FOR you! Maybe I can get it off for you is what I meant. For you!” His face turning just the tiniest bit of red. While he bends down, I lean back so that he is essentially reaching over my lap, we both laugh at his slip. Continue reading “My Sexy Neighbor Makes Me Wet Phonesex”

Storytime with Sadie and Kayla 1844-332-2639 ext 222/ext 357

Do you remember when you are little, how much FUN story time was? You got to sit down on a circle rug and watch as the reader made funny voices and silly sounds while reading through the pages of a new and exciting story! Your friends would sometimes be distracting but overall just added to the giggles and joy of the moment!

That’s exactly how storytime with us is! Its a non-sexual, safe place for adult babies/littles and their caregivers! We read two to three stories every other Sunday night starting at nine pm EST. This week Sexy Mama Sadie is going to tickle us with her soothing voice before bedtime!

Continue reading “Phonesex Story Time With Mama Sadie and Sweet Lovin Kayla”


WILLOW 1-844-332-2639, ext. 230

It’s Saturday Game Day you naughty fuckers. Yours truly will be hosting so you know it will be a fun-filled and hard on inducing time. Today’s theme will be Celebrity Couples. The ones that worked out and the ones who were never meant to last. Let’s test your memory and knowledge.

Continue reading “Willow’s Celebrity Couples Game Day Phone Sex”

Kayla Cumsalot 1844-33-CANDY ext 357

Your wife loves to go antique shopping. She’s always spending pennies on worthless pieces of junk that now fills the corners of your home while telling you that ONE DAY, it’ll be worth so much money! She thinks her junk is going to make y’all rich one day. Of course, you know better but you put up with her and her junk anyway.

However, today was different. Today she actually brought home a real treasure! In someone’s old barn, she found a magical bottle covered in layers of dust and grime. Something about the odd shape of the bottle caught her eye and she brought it home to you. Handing it off to you, she asked you to clean it up while she took care of a few more errands.

Continue reading “Sweet Lovin’ Kayla Cumsalot Is Your Phonesex Genie”

Kayla Cumsalot 1844-33-CANDY ext 357

One of the bonuses to being a Vegas local is that you get to enjoy all the fancy touristy things whenever you want. There’s a place down by the Speedway that allows you to drive all kinds of EXOTIC cars…for a price obviously. Yesterday, I had a date with a wealthy older man who really knows how to get my adrenaline pumping!

I don’t know much about cars however, I do know the roar of the expensive engines made my pussy throb with desire. Not only that but watching a man take all of that power in his hands and keep control of it while driving over a hundred and forty miles an hour was HOT!

Continue reading “Kayla Cumsalots Exotic Car Racing in Las Vegas Phonesex”