Kayla Cumsalot 1844-33-CANDY ext 357

Kayla Goes On Vacation…

My nose flared, my body’s last attempt to find the oxygen it needed before shutting down. My arms tingled as if a million sparks were set off under my skin and my poor knees buckled and my eyes fluttered. I was going out and It was going to be soon.

“No, you don’t.” Kendal huffed and moved his thumb away completely. Air and feeling rushed back into my brain and my mouth opened to gulp more. My dry throat made me cough and I lifted my upper body. There in the reflection of the mirror was my flushed face and behind me those sexy blue eyes. They glittered as he looked at me. “Naughtier than you look, aren’t you Kayla?” I sputtered, unable to speak but nodded anyhow. “Where are you staying in Orlando? I might not be able to let you go.”

I shook off his words with a shy smile and felt him dig himself deeper into my body. As deep as anyone had ever been before. His cock touched a spot that sent a blot of pleasure through my system and this time my knees did buckle. I let out a yelp of a moan and his hand cupped my mouth.

My brown eyes widened and became laser-focused on his pale blue ones. The hand cupping my mouth shifted up just enough so that his thumb could press on my nostril. He watched me watching him as again he took control of my air. My very breath. The single most important thing to my being alive.


Kayla Out Of Control

He took control of it and he owned it. This blue-eyed stranger who was fucking me in the airport bathroom. My subconscious whispered that I should rethink my life choices but my pussy responded to his ownership like the dirty slut I’ve always known myself to be.

I liked it. No, I loved it. I loved how out of control I was. I’d longed for this kind of fucking for a long time. Without guiding him, without directing or telling him, Kendal knew exactly what my soul ached for and he wasn’t afraid to give it.

He didn’t ask if he was hurting me, instead, he listened and watched my body’s reactions. He didn’t touch me with hesitant hands, he took from me the very air I needed to breathe. I came hard again just as I thought he would really let me pass out this time. It was fucking incredible.

While I used the sink to bare my weight, Kendal withdrew himself from my body and grabbed my sides. He dragged me backward as he sat on the toilet. The family toilet. He spun me around once more, this time to face him.

“Ride my cock, Kayla. Like a good girl.” And I did. I straddled his lap and lowered my drooling pussy down his hard cock. It was a beautiful cock, now that I had seen it fully. Hard and coated in my creamy juices. As I rode him, I reached down to stroke his base with my fingers. He let his head fall back and those fingers that had controlled my air now gripped tightly into my sides. I knew for sure, he would be leaving fingerprints there.


Riding a Blue Eyed Bull

I watched his jaw grow tight and his eyes popped open. He looked right into me and then I felt his cock throbbed very hard against my insides. “Are you on birth control?” He huffed as if he needed an answer quickly.

“Yes,” I uttered, barely getting the full word out before his tight fingers became even tighter and then he was filling me. Flooding me deeply. He pressed my body down, holding me down on his straining cock as he thrust up even deeper inside of me.

His tip was for sure inside my womb. I could feel it. If not my womb then he had definitely busted up inside of my cervix because I had never, ever felt anyone that deep inside of me before. He breathed out a heavy sigh and then laughed. I laughed too.

Two fucked up, foolish strangers laughing in the airport family bathroom.

“That was amazing.” He said as I carefully lifted me up and down off his lap. I reached for my discarded shorts and tugged them up my shaky legs.


Kayla Cumsalot 1844-33-CANDY ext 357


