You’re an ADDICT. Day in and day out, you scroll through porn sites. Fucking isn’t even exciting for you anymore. When you first started watching porn, a sweet, sensual blow job would get you off. Now you find yourself watching guys gang bang each other and you can’t even feel a twitch.
Your cock is so sick of you. Always tugging on it for no reason at all. Fucking your hand for hours a day like you have nothing better to do. Do you realize if you got off your dick and did something with your time, actual pussy might fall in your lap? But you can’t stop. You can’t. You crave it. And now you watch porn with me.
You need my voice in your ear while you watch disgusting acts of pervertedness that no sane woman would ever do with you. Only those dirty whores on the porn sites and me, entertain your disgusting kinks.
While we’re on the phone, you no longer see the woman but you see me. Spread out. Getting pounded full of cock. Your cock, his cock. It doesn’t even matter. You just love to see me get used. That is what turns you on now.
Addict For The Way I Cum
You are addicted to the way I sound when I cum. You don’t have to admit it. I know it already. You make it so easy. When you beg for me to work my pussy while we’re watching such degrading acts. It just makes my body pulse and my pussy contract until I’m screaming for you.
So pump your cock, my little addict. Stroke and jerk and call me when you are ready to cum.
Kayla Cumsalot 1844-33-CANDY ext 357