Chef Kiss

Kayla Cumsalot 1844-33-CANDY ext 357

We’d been playing for a while. Years even, we’re well-matched and as spicy as calls can get for us; it wasn’t enough. He’d be at the Casino/hotel in Boston and casually invited me to join him. Even though I clarified that that kind of thing wasn’t allowed, he was hopeful I wouldn’t resist.

I wore a tight cocktail dress and tall heels the day I was supposed to join him. He’d often mentioned that he doesn’t play the slots and makes all his money at the poker tables. Carefully, I wandered through the casino floor, looking for my Chef. Finally, our eyes locked, and I knew it was him. A small smile played on my lips as I moved in alongside him. His arm opened for me, and I pressed my body against his. My right hand smoothed over his dress shirt and down to his hip. Tucked just under his blazer. The floor was loud as dealers and clients yelled, so I nudged my nose to his ear,  my voice thick with lust; I whispered, “I think you’ve won enough; let’s take this up to your room.”

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Phonesex with Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270

Most legends say that a unicorn’s horn is magical and can grant unfathomable wishes and heal the sick. It has untold powers, and its beauty alone could cure most ailments. However, ancient scrolls suggest that the Unicorn was so sought after and rarely appreciated for its gifts. Feeling overwhelmed and taken for granted, they all fled. Tucking away into the furthest corners of the earth. Keeping hidden from humans who sought to use and abuse its powers.

I’ve always been so intrigued by the creature’s purity and uncharted gifts. I gathered all of the intel I could on myths and legends, and one bit of information made me hesitate. It claimed the Unicorn’s purity was more than just a myth but indeed a lie. That the creatures used their white beauty as a mask to cover the vileness inside of them. That they weren’t givers of health and granters of wishes but monsters who caused fear and destruction, so the Gods exiled them. They didn’t seek sanctuary but instead were hunted out of existence for their horrendous crimes.

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Pay For My Pot of Gold

Kayla Cumsalot 1844-33-CANDY ext 357

I love when payday falls on St. Patricks Day. It’s just so fitting. See, legend has it that leprechauns are mischievous little creatures that like to make shoes and store their gold coins in a pot of gold that is hidden at the end of a rainbow. However, that little story isn’t all truth.

It’s not leprechauns who want to hoard your gold, no Sir. It’s greedy little cumsluts like me. I come to you when you’ve downed one too many green beers and lure you into my bedroom. With a promise to let you taste my honey pot, the sticky kind of gold you can’t put a price on. However, I’ll allow you to try. Pull out that wallet and trust me with your paycheck. Pay for my pot of gold, and I’ll take you over the rainbow.

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Who Knew?

Who knew we would be where we are at? You online reading my post. Me sitting here waiting for you to call me. With my pussy soaking wet with the anticipation. Growing up people have always told me I should be a sex phone operator. I guess my voice is just undeniable. Anyone who hears it gets addicted. Maybe it is how soft my voice is? Maybe it is because just one little sound from me will get your cock so hard. Instantly too won’t take me very long to get you to cum. Then, you will keep coming back for more. You won’t be able to get enough.

Who knew that I actually would do it and well I love it. Pleasing people creates joy in my life makes me feel like I fulfill something with a purpose. So what is your purpose? Are you lonely, horny, bored? Whatever the case may be I got you. Feeling naughty? I am a very naughty little slut. Well I am a tease actually. However, make me your slut. The only way you will get anywhere with me is to demand it. Most of the time I will do it. Although you still have to work for it. Those pleasurable feelings don’t come for free.

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Hey you, yes you. The one reading this. I know you have a lot to say so why don’t you tell me about it? I am a terrific at listening. Plus, I love hearing about all those things going on inside that head of yours. What excites you, terrifies you, saddens you? Tell me about the dream you had, and your worst nightmare. I want to know it all. Details, details. You share your secrets and maybe I will share mine. It will be a fun time.

What is your first memory of getting excited? First, did your heart start beating really fast, or did your whole body start to shake? Next, was it kissing that took your breath away and lead into more things. As well as feeling the touch of the other persons and their body heat generating into yours. Nervous? As you feel their lips tracing your body starting on your lips, moving to your neck. Then Slowly going farther down until your pants had to come off. Maybe got a little squirmy as their soft lips started to go around your cock that was throbbing and bigger than ever before? As your dick got wet and you felt like you were losing all control.

Continue reading “Tell Me About It”

Melting Pot

 Me? I like to put all the stuff together put it into a pot and boil it down to just the sweet stuff. You like sweet stuff in your mouth. Don’t you? I know your thinking of just how sweet I taste. Rest assure I eat a lot of pineapple to make sure I am extra sweet for you. Yes. Your mouth is beginning to salivate thinking of getting to eat my soaking wet pussy. After playing with myself I always taste my fingers or toys. Maybe one day you will be lucky enough to taste this deliciously, amazing, sweet sweet taste of mine. Even my voice is sweet making you melt like candy.

Yummy that is my favorite, when you start shaking in anticipation of talking to me. After that your heart starts racing, your mouth is almost drooling with all the salvation its created. Than, you almost freeze when I finally acknowledge you. Yeah I know you are about to burst already. It has been working up in you this whole time you have been reading this post. Haven’t you? However, you better hold off because there is more to come a lot more to cum. You just can not help but to love it. Continue reading “Melting Pot”

Eiffel Tower

One thing I love about sex is all the different positions there is. I’m eager to figure out what yours might be. Mine? The Eiffel Tower maybe doggy style. Being taken on by two hot guys is such a turn on for me. Especially with one hard cock shoved in my wet pussy and the other shoved in my tight little ass. Nothing feels better than that. However, I must say being bent over and feeling that cock in my guts while the other one is shoved to the back of my throat gets me awfully wet as well. Guys are always surprised when they find out I have no gag reflex. I just love dirty, hot, sweaty, rough sex. Watching my boobs bounce up and down well I get pounded. Now don’t lie I know you pictured that in your head after reading it. Who wouldn’t!

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xXx Francie xXx 844-332-2639 x 208

I don’t understand why people think it’s weird for girls to watch porn. If anything, we probably should be the ones watching it the most since most guys don’t know how to fuck with a damn. Anyhow, I watch porn a lot. Like a lot, a lot, and I follow one of my favorite actors on Twitter.

Jack Mehoff has the best dick I’ve ever seen, and unlike some other male porn stars, he is actually really handsome. One night after too much to drink, I slid into his DM’s and told him how wet his work makes me. I was gushing about how I was possibly his biggest fan. To my surprise, he texted back!

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Krysta 844-332-2639 Ext. 410

I don’t like to tell this story, but I think if I do, it may save just one little girl or boy from going through what I did. So, I’m going to be brave and tell you about how the grinch stole my virginity. Just like every Christmas eve before, my mom told me to go to bed early so that Santa could come. She would always say, “He knows when you are sleeping, and he won’t bring you any gifts if you are awake.” I didn’t understand why Santa had to be so sneaky or why he didn’t want to be seen, but I tried to go to sleep as she said.

Only I wasn’t tired. I never go to bed early, plus I was so excited about my possible presents that it was nearly painful to close my eyes and lie still, but I tried! I squeezed my pillow tight and closed my eyes, willing the night to pass quickly!

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xXx Francie xXx 844-332-2639 x 208

Poor Sleeping Beauty. The dreams you dream while under a spell are challenging to remember. All I know is that I was falling and falling. In a never-ending, spiraling pace that almost felt like floating. No matter how far or how fast I was falling, I was trapped in the dream. Unable to wake up until he came for me.

I heard his heavy footsteps as he broke into my bedchambers. I’m not sure how long I’d been falling for, but I knew instantly that he wasn’t here to save my kingdom. Instead, he had come to claim his prize, and even as I fell, I knew the claiming would be rough.

Continue reading “Sleeping Beauty’s Nightmare”