Pay For My Pot of Gold

Kayla Cumsalot 1844-33-CANDY ext 357

I love when payday falls on St. Patricks Day. It’s just so fitting. See, legend has it that leprechauns are mischievous little creatures that like to make shoes and store their gold coins in a pot of gold that is hidden at the end of a rainbow. However, that little story isn’t all truth.

It’s not leprechauns who want to hoard your gold, no Sir. It’s greedy little cumsluts like me. I come to you when you’ve downed one too many green beers and lure you into my bedroom. With a promise to let you taste my honey pot, the sticky kind of gold you can’t put a price on. However, I’ll allow you to try. Pull out that wallet and trust me with your paycheck. Pay for my pot of gold, and I’ll take you over the rainbow.

Pay For My Pot Of Gold


I’ll strip for you as you sit back and make the green rain over me. Every dollar gets you closer to the gold you seek. The more you spend, the more I show. Don’t be shy, it’s payday, and you’ll be paid again next week. You’re a hard-working man with disposable income, and I’m looking for your deposit.

Greedier than a leprechaun and finer than hell, you can’t stop yourself from draining your wallet into my pot of gold. There is no better way to spend your money than on Kayla Cumsalot.

Pay for my pot of gold.




Kayla Cumsalot 1844-33-CANDY ext 357