Phonesex with Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270

Most legends say that a unicorn’s horn is magical and can grant unfathomable wishes and heal the sick. It has untold powers, and its beauty alone could cure most ailments. However, ancient scrolls suggest that the Unicorn was so sought after and rarely appreciated for its gifts. Feeling overwhelmed and taken for granted, they all fled. Tucking away into the furthest corners of the earth. Keeping hidden from humans who sought to use and abuse its powers.

I’ve always been so intrigued by the creature’s purity and uncharted gifts. I gathered all of the intel I could on myths and legends, and one bit of information made me hesitate. It claimed the Unicorn’s purity was more than just a myth but indeed a lie. That the creatures used their white beauty as a mask to cover the vileness inside of them. That they weren’t givers of health and granters of wishes but monsters who caused fear and destruction, so the Gods exiled them. They didn’t seek sanctuary but instead were hunted out of existence for their horrendous crimes.

The Unicorn’s Slut


How strange that only one source claimed the former, and everything else on the subject sang their praises. I was desperate for the truth. As many of you may know, many strange things live in the dense forests here in the mountains of North Carolina. I knew If I searched in just the right places and if I wanted it badly enough, the remaining hidden unicorns would feel my desire and appear to grant me my wishes… or show their true face.

I packed a backpack, stuffed my feet into my hiking boots, and headed out into the woods alone. Thinking the whole time about how desperate I was to meet a unicorn. I trekked for hours and house until my limbs were exhausted and thirst clawed at my throat. Then, climbing through the sticks, I realized I was at the edge of a creek. The sun shone through the trees above me and cause the water to glitter as it babbled over rocks. And there he was! A unicorn, in all his glory! His body was rippled with muscles, and his luscious mane of white hair whipped around in the breeze. The tip of his thick horn almost seemed to shine like a beam of light.


Not So Pure


I stepped carefully from the brush, not wanting to scare the creature before I could explore its magic. But, oops, I guess this is precisely why they went into hiding. Humans will always be humans, after all. The Unicorn turned and looked through me with piercing blue eyes. I froze and felt something happening to me from inside. Like I was being captured and stripped of my will. Suddenly the sky turned black, and thunder boomed above us before lightning slashed across the sky.

I fell to my knees, and the Unicorn huffed; smoke billowed from its breath as it does in freezing temperatures, and It stood up on its hide legs. “Please!” I cringed as it stomped across the creek. With each step it took, its body shimmered as if transforming. With every step, it was less of a unicorn and more of a man. A massive man with long white hair and the same piercingly glacial eyes.

He was shirtless and bulging with muscles like the men on the covers of erotic novels, except his thick hor still stood tall from his forehead. One of his hands touched his belt, and the other lifted my cowering chin. “Such a pretty slut.” He cooed with a voice dripping in evil. I should have got up and ran, but every cell in my being belonged to him now. His thumb slipped into my mouth, and I sucked without thought. “You’re mine now.”

I knew I’d fucked up. I didn’t hunt down a creature with magical gifts. No, I let myself be lured into the den of a monster. I would forever be the Unicorn’s slut now.


Phonesex with Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270