
MORGAN 1-844-332-2639, extension 236

It’s still hot as fuck motherfuckers and so am I. This is the time of year when I can wear barely any clothes and wreak total havoc on unsuspecting men. I love fucking with older, married men. Not because they are necessarily hot, but because it’s way too much fun not to. Plus it’s so lucrative. Seeing that look of panic in a man’s eyes as he comes to the realization that he went too far, now that’s when the fun really begins.

Continue reading “Morgan – Making You Weak AF Phone Sex”


MORGAN 1-844-332-2639, extension 236

It’s hot as fuck, but not as hot as I am. But it’s so fucking hot! Just think of all of the fun and new ways for us to fuck. Whether it’s a quick blow job under your desk at work, a clandestine fuck in the bed you share with your dumb wife or a weekend of fucking at a no-tell motel, I’m up for anything. JK, you do know deep down that I would never do anything with a fat fuck like you. I mean it’s been years since you could see your dick, hasn’t it? That dad bod just isn’t helping you get any pussy is it?

Continue reading “Morgan’s Hotter Than Summer Phone Sex”


MORGAN 1-844-332-2639, extension 236

It’s July! Finally, we can get out and play. But it’s so fucking hot! Just think of all of the fun and new ways for us to fuck. Whether it’s a quick blow job under your desk at work, a clandestine fuck in the bed you share with your dumb wife or a weekend of fucking at a no-tell motel, I’m up for anything. JK, you do know deep down that I would never do anything with a fat fuck like you. I mean it’s been years since you could see your dick, hasn’t it? That dad bod just isn’t helping you get any pussy is it?

Continue reading “Morgan’s Hot Summer Rinsing Phone Sex”


MORGAN 1-844-332-2639, extension 236

Dude, why are you freaking out? Yes, we’ve been dating for a few weeks. Yes, we have had a lot of fun. I know I blow your mind with my cocksucking techniques. But, now you are blowing up my texts and freaking out. Why?

Continue reading “Morgan’s Watch Yourself Or I Might Just Fuck Your Dad Phone Sex”

I know

Kayla Cumsalot 184433CANDY Ext 357

I found some things on your laptop and I’m disgusted. I thought you were a nice guy. A guy I could trust. Everyone loves you! They think you are fun and kind and sweet but you aren’t are you? You’re a DIRTY, SICK, FUCK.

I’ve asked you to take a walk with me so we can TALK. I can tell you are nervous. Overthinking. Trying to guess what I might be upset about. When we get to the park, it’s dusk. Only a few are still playing on the structures.

Continue reading “I Know Who You Are Phonesex”


WILLOW 1-844-332-2639, extension 230

Welcome to the Willow Fund for prospective Sugar Daddies. This is an entirely different type of portfolio than you are used to. First of all, check all of your emotional and sexual baggage at the door. Second, be prepared to have more fun than you have had in years. This is not like the regular stock market. Think of it more like a “cock market“.

The Sugar Baby experience is not for the faint of heart so you might want to get a check up with your doctor before embarking on this kind of journey. Make sure the old ticker is working properly. While you are at it a prescription to battle erectile dysfunction might be in order as well. We both know you haven’t exactly been using that cock for anything.

Continue reading “Willow’s Spring Into The Sugar Baby Experience Phone Sex”

1-844-332-2639 Ext 204

There are lots of good things you want to see bounce. A quarter off a well-made bed. A nice mold of Jell-O. The guy you just fucked that wasn’t worth the cock space he took up. A nice perky pair of tits. A nice juicy ass. Like I said lots of things to bounce for me. That’s why I decided to knock another to do off my sex spot to-do list.

FYI if you DON’T have a sex place to-do list then there is something major wrong with you and you need to get on top of that. For those of you that don’t know. It’s a list that has all the places you want to do the do-in at or on! Anyway! The next place on my list is a bouncy house. Yes, I mean one of those giant blow-up castles that you get in without your shoes on and bounce around.

Continue reading “perky pair of tits PHONESEX”


MORGAN 1-844-332-2639, extension 236

I know you are wondering why I am fucking all of your friends, even your enemies but not you. It’s simple, stupid. You are not the kind of guy who gets the hot girl. You lack self-confidence but most importantly you lack a decent sized cock.

Continue reading “Morgan’s Broke Boys Get Zero Pussy Phone Sex”

1-844-332-2639 Ext 204

Down and dirty in the dirty south. Everyone has heard that sayin. Well, I am here to tell you that THAT is exactly how things get round here. The sayin ‘work hard play harder’ was invented here. And when we’ve worked hard all week there ain’t nothin like gettin a little crazy on the weekend.

There is always a bonfire goin down at someone’s house. If it ain’t mine it’s Mary or Lenny or Ben or Ash we all have our turn. And you always know when you end up at Clint’s then things are goin to be off the chain! Me workin on the farm all week and my good friend Cindy who works at the corner market. That’s who is in the ring.

Continue reading “Down and dirty PHONESEX”

Call Katie: 1-844-332-2639 ext 356

Princess Katie only meant to tease you a little. Get you back for making me beg to cum the night before, you know?

I put on a tiny black lace bra with matching panties, garters, and your favorite slutty thigh-high stockings. I did my hair perfectly, wavy and tousled in an I-just-masturbated-for-2-hours kind of way. My lips were glossy and my lashes long and curled. I heard you in the other room on an important call but I put on my sexiest high heels and walked toward you anyway.

Continue reading “Princess Katie Only Meant To Tease You Phonesex”